New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors

Authors with significant names of  S

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S (see: SIBYL)

A S (ps) (?: ? - ?)
	A Summer Trip To Canada [n|1885]

A B C S (see: Albert Robinson BULMAN)

Professor, A C S (see: Alexander Charles STEWART)

A H S (see: Archibald Henry SAYCE)

A H S (see: Alice Hallings SMITH)

A H S (see: Alfred Hugh STRADLING)

A L S (ps) {UK} (?: ? - ?)
	A Romance Of Week St Mary (w M V H) [n|1930]

A L S {FR?} (M: ? - ?)
(ps: A French GUNNER)
	General Joffre [b|1915]

A L O S (see: Mary Jane Davidson UNDERWOOD)

A M S (see: Ramsay McLellan OLIPHANT)

Aatto S (see: Aatto SUPPANEN)

Alexander S (see: Alexander SMITH)

Annie F S (ps) {CA} (F: ? - ?)
	Brighter Spheres [n|1890]

B S (see: Francia A LA DUE)

B S (ps) (?: ? - ?)
	Labours Of Love [1859]

B H S (see: Basil Harrington SOULSBY)

C S (see: Caroline SMITH)

C E S (see: Charles Edward SAYLE)

C E S (see: Charles Eric STADDON)

C J S (see: Charles J SAWYER)

C L S (see: Charles Lewis SLATTERY)

C M S (ps) {UK?} (M: ? - ?)
	The Evening Meetings [f|1864]

C P S (see: Charles Percy SANGER)

C R S (see: Christopher (Reynolds) STONE)

C V S (see: Richard Davies HANSON)

D C S (ps) {UK} (?: ? - ?)
	Verses, Lyrical, Satirical And Occasional (w P C S) [p|1934]

D M S (see: Dorothy Margaret STUART)

Elizabeth STRUTT (see: Mrs, (Elizabeth) BYRON)

E S (see: Eleanor SLEATH)

E A S S (see: Ethel Audrey SILCOX)

E C S (ps) {UK?} (?: ? - ?)
	Agnes Ingold's Money [f|1874]

E F S (see: Edward Fordham SPENCE)

E G S (see: Edmund Gill SWAIN)

E M S (see: Elizabeth Mary STAINER)

E M S (see: Emma Maitland STIRLING)

E R S (see: Ernest Richard SEYMOUR)


F S (see: Frank SIDGWICK)

F A S (see: Flora Annie STEEL)

F D S (see: Francis Darwin SWIFT)

F M S (ps) {UK?} (?: ? - ?)
	Hope On [f|1863]
	King Jack Of Haylands [f|1868]
25478	The Boy-Artist: A Tale For The Young [f|1872]
	Martha's Home [f|1904]

F R G S (see: Richard Francis BURTON)

F R S (see: Silvanus Phillips THOMPSON)

F R H S (see: Ernest Tetley ELLIS)

F S (see: F M de SILVA ?)

F J S (see: Francis Joseph SHEED)

G A S (see: G A STEVENS)

G A S (ps) {CA} (?: ? - ?)
	'Prepare!' [p|c1911]

G G S (see: G G SPENCE)

G L S (see: George Lloyd SEESE)

G R S (see: George Rochford STETSON)

G W S (see: George William MONTAGU-DOUGLAS-SCOTT)

H C S (see: Harry C SCHNUR)

H D S (see: Henry Davis SLEEPER)

H E S (see: Henry Edwin SAVAGE)

H F B S (see: Hugh Frederick Bower SHARP)

H F S (see: Harold Fehrsen SAMPSON)

H W S (see: Henry Walrond SIMPKINSON)

H W S (see: H W SMITH)

H W S (see: Harold W STALLEY)

H W S, Churchwarden (see: Harry Walter SHARP)


H S S (see: H S SMITH)

H S S (see: Hugh Stewart SMITH)

I E S (see: James CARNEGIE)

J S (see: John SAMPSON)

J S (see: James SILVESTER)

J S (see: Jonathan SMITH)

J S of Dale (see: Frederic Jesup STIMSON)

J C S (ps) (?: ? - ?)
I	An Indian Legend [1889]

J E S (see: John Edward SAUL)

J E S (see: Joseph Edwin SAUNDERS)

J E S (see: James E SIMPSON)

J H S (see: John Huntley SKRINE)

J K S (see: James Kenneth STEPHEN)

J M S (see: Joseph Morewood STANIFORTH)

J S S (see: Jonathan Sargeant STACY)

J T S (see: Jessy T SMITH)

J W S (see: J W SILVA)

K M S (see: Kurt M STEIN)


L S (see: Leonard SMITH)

L S (see: Laura Agnes STEVENSON)

L M S (see: Louisa Matilda SPOONER)

M S (see: Mary SOMERSET)

M S (see: Moreton STILLÉ)


M C S (see: Mary Craig SINCLAIR)

M E S (see: Maud Ellen SIMKINS)

M M S (ps) {UK?} (?: ? - ?)
	All's Well That Ends Well [f|1870]

M R C S {UK?} (?: ? - ?)
	Confessions Of A Hypochondriac [f|1849]
	Alice Offley (anon) [f|1852]
	Lochlin Ddu.. (anon) [p|1852]

M R C S {UK} (?: ? - ?)
	In The New World And The Old [p|1918]

O S (see: (Francis) Osbert (Sacheverell) SITWELL)


O W S (see: Oswald William SCOTT)

P S (see: Paul Joseph SILVESTRE)

P C S (ps) {UK} (?: ? - ?)
	Verses, Lyrical, Satirical And Occasional (w D C S) [p|1934]

R S (see: Ronald Henry Amherst STORRS)

R E S (see: Robert Elliott SEABROOKE)

R H S (see: Richard Hugh STONNILL)

R O S (see: R O SANDERS)

R W S (see: Robert Wilson SMILES)

R W S (see: Rebecca Wentworth SPALDING)

S S (see: Mary Ann KILNER)

S S (see: Siegfried (Lorraine/Loraine) SASSOON)

S S (see: Étienne SOUCIET)

S C K S (see: Solomon Charles Kaines SMITH)

S E S (ps) {UK?} (?: ? - ?)
	Poems [p|1955]

S H S (see: Stephen Harold SPENDER)

S M S (see: Sybil Marjorie LUBBOCK)

Svend Otto S (see: Svend Otto RENSEN / SOERENSEN)

T S (see: Thomas STRATTON)

T S, Professor of Horsemanship (M: ? - ?)
31957	Lectures On Horsemanship [n|1793]

T I S (see: QUINTON)

V L S (see: Victor L SHORT)

V M F S (ps) {CA} (?: ? - ?)
	Peggy Sinclaire's Trip Across The Continent.. [f|1892]

W F S (see: William Webb Follett SYNGE)

W H S (ps) (?: ? - ?)
	Old Truths In A New Light [e|1873]

W M S (see: William Marshall SMART)

W S S (see: Walter Stanley SENIOR)

W S S (see: William Samuel SYMONDS)

Y E S (see: H Neville ROBERTS)

Z A S (see: Z Archibald SMITH)

A C L S-C (see: Arthur Christopher Lancelot STANLEY CLARKE)

S**-M** (see: (Pierre) Sylvain MARÉCHALE)

E H C St G (ps) (?: ? - ?)
	Glenraven [f|1918]