New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors

Author names starting with  Qu

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More information on many of these authors, and on other books of theirs, is contained in their individual webpages, which can be found by searching on their names at the top-level of the Author and Book Info .com site.

If you have any corrections, additions or other suggestions, please send them to

Friedrun QUAAS {DE} (F: 1954 - ?)

Gerhard QUAAS {DE} (M: ? - ?)

Ingeborg QUAAS {DE} (F: 1945 - ?)

Dr, Lum QUA (M: ? - 1840 Nov 1)

Reinhold Georg QUAATZ {DE} (M: 1876 May 8 - 1953 Aug 15)

Georg QUABBE {DE} (M: 1887 - 1950)
	Das Letzte Reich [n|Ge-1933]
	Goethes Freunde [e|Ge-1949]

Tan QUACH (?: 1910 - ?)

Erhard QUACK {DE} (M: 1904 (wrongly 1908) Jan 4 - 1983 Dec 29)

Gertrud QUACK (F: 1906 - ?)

Hendrik Peter Godfried QUACK (M: 1834 Jul 2 - 1917 Jan 6)
	Martinus Des Amorie Van Der Hoeven [Du-1864]
	Traditie En Ideaal In Het Volksleven [Du-1872]
	De Socialisten [3v|Du-1875-88]
	Studiën En Schetsen [Du-1886]
	Uit De Kring Der Gemeenschap [Du-1899]
	Herinneringen [a|Du-1913]

Jacob QUACK (M: ? - 1668)

Johan Christiaan Willem QUACK {NL} (M: 1826 Jul 12 - ?)

Marinus Lambertus QUACK {NL} (M: 1827 Sep 2 - ?)

George Payn QUACKENBOS, the Elder (M: 1826 Sep 4 - 1881 Jul 24)
	First Lessons In Composition [n|1851]
	Advanced Course Of Rhetoric And Composition [n|1854]
	School History Of The United States [n|1857]
	Natural Philosophy [n|1859]
	Primary History Of The United States, Made Easy..Beginners [n|1861]
	Language Lessons [n|1876]

George Payn QUACKENBOS, the Younger {US} (M: 1879 - 1947)

John Duncan QUACKENBOS {US} (M: 1848 Apr 22 - 1926 Aug 1)
	Illustrated History Of The World [n|1876]
	Illustrated History Of Ancient Literature, Oriental And Classical [n|1878]
	History Of The English Language [n|1884]
	Standard Physical Geography (ed) [n|1887]
	Lessons In Geography For Little Learners (anon) [n|1915]

Nicholas J QUACKENBOS (M: 1781 - 1847)

Arthur David QUACKENBUSH (M: 1911 - ?)

Clarence Earl QUACKENBUSH {US} (M: 1881 Sep - 1941 Apr 18)

Daniel McLaren QUACKENBUSH (M: 1819 - 1900)

John Van Pelt QUACKENBUSH (M: 1819 - 1876)

Marian (nee)Lowe QUACKENBUSH {US} (F: 1901 Oct 12 - 1990 Jan 3)

Peter QUACKENBUSH (M: 1844 - 1918)

Robert Mead QUACKENBUSH {US} (M: 1929 Jul 23 - ?)

M QUAD (see: Charles Bertrand LEWIS)

Matthias QUAD (M: 1557 - 1613)

Edward Schaumberg QUADE {US} (M: 1908 Jun 28 - 1988 Jun 4)

Fritz QUADE (M: 1884 - ?)

Michael Friedrich QUADE (M: 1682 - 1757)

Helga QUADFLIEG (F: 1955 - ?)
	Die Short Story Der Nineties [n|Ge-?]

Josef QUADFLIEG {DE} (M: 1924 Jun 19 - 2020 Mar 1)
	Bilderbibel (w Willibrord HILLMANN) [n|Ge-1958]

C A QUADIR {PK} (M: 1909 Nov 4 - ?)

Bertie William James George QUADLING {UK} (M: 1900 Jun 11 - ?)
	Heroines All! [p|1946]

Joaquim QUADRADA (M: 1901 - 1957)

José María QUADRADO (M: 1819 - 1896)
	Aragon [Sp-1844]

Pileus QUADRATUS (see: Stephen REAY)

Luigi QUADRI (M: 1856 - 1925)

Francesco Saverio QUADRIO (M: 1695 - 1756)

Giuseppe Maria QUADRIO (M: 1707 - 1757)

Ernesto QUADRONE (M: 1887 - ?)

Janio da Silva QUADROS {BR} (M: 1917 Jan 25 - 1992 Jan 16)

Reinaldino Scharffenberg de QUADROS (M: 1878 - 1929)

Guglielmo QUADROTTA {IT} (M: 1888 Feb 28 - 1975)

Ernst QUADT {DE} (M: 1884 Nov 6 - 1958 Jan 14)
(ps: Ernst L ECKER)

Carlo QUAGLIA (M: 1903 - 1970)

Fernandino QUAGLIA (M: 1780 - c1823)

Gaetano QUAGLIARIELLO (M: 1883 - 1957)

Paolo QUAGLIATI (M: c1555 - c1628)

Domenico QUAGLIO (M: 1787 - 1837)

Prof, Barzillai QUAIFE (M: 1798 - 1873 Mar 3)
	A Condensed View Of The Proper Design And Uses Of The Lord's Supper [n|1845]
	The Rules Of The Final Judgment [n|1846]
	Lectures On Prophecy And The Kingdom Of Christ [e|1848]
	The Intellectual Sciences [2v|e|1872]

Elise West QUAIFE, Mrs NEHRING {US?} (F: ? - 1949 May 13)

Milo Milton QUAIFE {US} (M: 1880 Oct 6 - 1959 Sep 1)
	Sixty Years [n|1941]
	Lake Michigan [n|1944]
	Michigan (w ?) [n|1948]
	I Remember Detroit (w ?) [n|1949]
	This Is Detroit, 1701-1951 [n|1951]

Peter (Alexander Greenlaw) QUAIFE {UK} (M: 1943 Dec 31 - 2010 Jun 23)

Ethelwynne (M) QUAIL {ZA} (F: ? - ?)

Jesse QUAIL {UK} (M: 1848 May 5 - 1939 Nov 6)

John QUAIL (M: ? - ?)

Basil Gerald QUAILE {CA} (M: 1906 May 26 - 1984 Oct 26)

Broderick QUAIN (see: Edmund COOPER)

Buell Halvor QUAIN {US} (M: 1912 May 31 - 1939 Aug 2)
	The Iroquois [n|?]
	The Flight Of The Chiefs [n|1942]
	Fijian Village [n|1948]
	The Trumai Indians Of Central Brazil (w R F MURPHY) [n|1955]

Fr(SJ), Edwin Alphonsus QUAIN {US} (M: 1906 Apr 6 - 1975 Dec 23)
	A Monument To St Jerome (w others) [n|1952]

Eric P QUAIN (M: 1870 - ?)

Sir, John Richard QUAIN (M: 1816 - 1876 Sep 12)

Prof, Jones QUAIN (M: 1796 Nov - 1865 Jan 31)
	Elements Of Anatomy [n|1828]

Redmond QUAIN (M: 1895 - ?)

Prof, Richard QUAIN (M: 1800 Jul - 1887 Sep 15)
	Anatomy Of The Arteries [n|1844]
	Diseases Of The Rectum [n|1854]
	Clinical Lectures [n|1884]

Sir, Richard QUAIN, 1st Bt (M: 1816 Oct 30 - 1898 Mar (wrongly May) 13)
	Dictionary Of Medicine [n|1882/94/1902]

Altus Lacy QUAINTANCE {US} (M: 1870 Dec 19 - 1958 Aug 7)
	Spraying Peaches For The Control Of Brown-Rot.. (w W M SCOTT) [n|1911]
	Control Of Aphids Injurious To Orchard Fruits (w A C BAKER) [n|1920]

Hadly Winfield QUAINTANCE {US} (M: 1864 Aug 11 - 1957 Apr 22)
	The Influence Of Farm Machinery On Production And Labor [n|1904]

Adrien QUAISAIN (M: 1766 - 1828)

Karl QUAK (M: 1907 - ?)

Lars Pederson QUALBEN (M: 1891 - ?)

William Alfred QUALE (M: 1860 - ?)

Hans-Hellmuth QUALEN (M: 1907 - ?)

Prof, Carlton Chester QUALEY {US} (M: 1904 Dec 17 - 1988 Mar 25)

A Lady of QUALITY (see: Enid Algerine BAGNOLD)

Clara QUALLS (F: 1906 - ?)

LeRoy Lillard QUALLS (M: 1910 Nov 25 - 1999 Jan 19)

Vivian (nee)Buffington QUALLS {US} (F: 1908 Dec 17 - 1993 Jan)

Helmut QUALTINGER {AT} (M: 1928 Oct 8 - 1986 Sep 29)

Edward Francis QUALTROUGH (M: 1850 - ?)

George Norman QUAM (M: 1891 - ?)

Louis Otto QUAM (M: 1906 - ?)

Mary QUAM, nee BATTELL (F: 1901 - ?)
	Basic Requirements Of Physical Science Collection..Library [n|1940]

Ata QUAM-DESSU (?: 1922 - 1977)

David QUAMMEN {US} (M: 1948 Feb 24 - ?)

Lau-King QUAN (M: 1906 - ?)
	China's Relations With The League Of Nations, 1919-1936 [n|1939]
	Introduction To Asia [n|1955]

Frank Melville QUANCE (M: 1883 - ?)

Christlieb QUANDT (M: 1740 - ?)

Emil QUANDT (M: 1835 - 1911)

Georg Friedrich August QUANDT (M: 1862 - ?)

Johann Gottlob von QUANDT (M: 1787 Apr 9 - 1859 Jun 19)

Richard Emeric QUANDT (M: 1930 - ?)
	The New Inflation [n|1959]

Wilhelm QUANDT, aka Guilelmus QUANDT (M: 1888 - ?)
	Hymni (ed) [La-1955]

William B QUANDT {US} (M: ? - ?)

Joseph Francis QUANE {US} (M: 1905 Jul 11 - 2001 Jan 15)

King, QUANG TRUNG, of Vietnam, aka NGUYEN Hue (M: 1752 or 1753 - 1792 Sep 16)

Eileen (nee?)Steets QUANN {US} (F: c1949 - living 2002)
	By His Side [n|?]

Fritz QUANT (M: 1888 - 1933)

Rudolf QUANTER (M: 1861 - ?)

Leon QUANTIN (M: 1851 - ?)

Maximilien QUANTIN (M: 1814 - 1891)

Prof, Malcolm (William Francis) QUANTRILL {UK} (M: 1931 May 25 - 2009 Sep 22)

Albert QUANTZ (M: 1837 - 1891)

Johann Joachim QUANTZ (M: 1697 Jan 30 - 1773 Jul 12)
	Versuch Einer Anweisung Die Flöte Traversiere Zu Spielen [n|Ge-1752]

Otto QUANTZ (M: 1843 - 1885)

Bernardo QUARANTA, Baron of SAN SEVERINO (M: 1796 Feb 24 - 1867 Sep 21)
	Le Antiche Ruine Di Capri.. (w Francesco ALVINO) [n|It-1835]
	La Mitologia Di Sileno [n|Sp-1828]
	Saggio Di Osservazioni Sopra Le Tragedie Di Eschilo [n|Sp-1856]
	Cinque Frammenti Greci [n|Sp-1867]

Felice QUARANTA (?: 1910 - ?)

Giovanni QUARANTA (M: 1878 - ?)

Barone, Bernardo QUARANTA Di SAN SEVERINO {IT} (M: 1870 - 1934 Feb 12)

Barone, Ferdinando QUARANTA Di SAN SEVERINO {IT} (M: 1904 - ?)

Pier Antonio QUARANTOTTI GAMBINI {IT} (M: 1910 Feb 10 - 1965 Apr 22)
	I Nostri Simili [s|It-1932]
	La Rosa Rossa [f|It-1937]
	L'Onda Dell'Incrociatore [It-1947]
	Primavera A Trieste [n|It-1951]
	Amor Militare [It-1955]
	Il Cavallo Tripoli [It-1956]
	La Calda Vita [f|It-1958]
	Sotto Il Cielo Di Russia [n|It-1963]

Pascual QUARANTINO (M: 1904 - ?)

Max Ernst QUARCK (M: 1860 - 1930)

Robert QUARDT (M: 1893 - ?)

Giacomo QUARENGHI (M: 1744 - 1817)

Francesco QUARESIMI (M: 1583 Par 4 - 1650 Oct 25)

Lea QUARETTI (F: 1912 - ?)

Freiherr, Joseph von QUARIN (M: 1733 Nov 19 - 1814 Mar 19)
	Josephi Quarin Tentamina De Cicuta [n|La-1761]
	Methodus Medendarum Febrium [n|La-1772]
	Betrachtungen Über Die Hospitäler Wiens [n|Ge-1784]
	Animadversiones Practicae In Diversos Morbos [n|La-1786]
	Neues Quarinisches Dispensatorium [n|Ge-1790]

Bernard (Alexander Christian) QUARITCH (M: 1819 Apr 23 - 1899 Dec 17)
	Bibliotheca Xylographica, Typographica Et Palaeographica [n|1873]
	A General Catalogue Of Old Books And MSS [?v|n|1887-92]
	Palaeography [n|1894]

Prof, Benjamin (Arthur) QUARLES {US} (M: 1904 Jan 23 - 1996 Nov 16)
	Frederick Douglass [b|1948]
	The Negro In The Civil War [n|1953]

Edwin QUARLES (M: 1880 - 1932)

Francis QUARLES (M: baptised 1592 May 8 - 1644 Sep 8)
	Feast For Wormes [1620]
	Emblems [p|1635]
	Complete Works (ed A B GROSART) [1874]

Garland Redd QUARLES {US} (M: 1901 Jan 27 - 1986 Aug 20)

Gilford Godfrey/Gerald QUARLES {US} (M: 1909 (wrongly 1908) Dec 24 - 1994 Apr 27)

James Addison QUARLES (M: 1837 - 1907)

James Cowardin QUARLES {US} (M: 1883 Apr 8 - 1970 Aug)

John QUARLES (M: 1624 - 1665)

Joseph Very QUARLES (M: 1843 - ?)

Julian Minor QUARLES (M: 1848 - ?)

Lawrence Reginald QUARLES {US} (M: 1908 Jan 26 - 1987 (or 1989) Aug)

Mary Delia QUARLES, nee BLAKEMORE {US} (F: 1900 Nov 12 - 1989 Dec 11)

William A QUARLES (M: 1825 - 1893)

H QUARLES Van UFFORD (?: 1901 - ?)

Jakob Karel Willem QUARLES Van UFFORD (M: 1818 - 1902)

Johanna QUARLES Van UFFORD (F: ? - ?)
	Gedachten-Stereoscoop [Du-1862]
	Een Boek Met Ongelukken [Du-1871]

Willem Carel QUARLES Van UFFORD (M: 1862 - ?)

Andrew Anderson QUARNBERG (M: 1849 - ?)

Pietro QUARONI {IT} (M: 1898 Oct 3 - 1971 Jun 12)
	Memoirs Of An Ambassador [a|1954]
	[Diplomatic Bag] [It-1956]
	The World Of An Ambassador [?]
	Problems Of Foreign Policy [n|?]
	Europe At The Crossway [n|?]
	Russia And China [n|?]

Jean Hughes QUARRE (M: 1580 - 1656)

Prof, Arthur George QUARRELL {UK} (M: 1910 Oct 30 - 1983 Sep 10)

Charles Probert QUARRELL {UK} (M: 1906 Apr 25 - 1988 Feb 14)

John QUARRELL {UK} (M: 1935 - ?)

William Henry QUARRELL (M: 1864 - ?)

Ernest John Henry QUARRIER {UK} (M: 1875 Apr 11 - 1950 Jan 28)
	Pianist's Companion [n|1900]

Archdeacon, John QUARRY (M: 1809 - 1899 Apr 9)

Nick QUARRY (see: Marvin Hubert ALBERT)

Marchese, Giorgio QUARTARA {IT} (M: 1883 - 1951 Dec 2)

Alfredo QUARTAROLI (M: 1877 - 1960)

Gaspar de QUARTEMONT (M: 1557 - 1624)

Adolph Battease QUARTERMAN (M: 1877 - ?)

Rev, John Kipling QUARTERMAN (M: c1837 - 1913 Mar 13)
(ps: A CLERGYMAN of the Church of England)
	Mystical Babylon [n|c1900]

Ernesto QUARTI MARCHIO (M: 1907 - 1982)

Antoine QUARTIER (M: ? - ?)
(&ps: F A Q)
26432	L'Esclave Religieux, Et Ses Avantures [Fr-1690]

Auguste QUARTIER-LA-TENTE (M: 1848 - 1936)

Nino QUARTIERI (M: 1897 - ?)

Frederick William QUARTLEY (M: 1808 Jul 5 - 1874 Apr 5)

Harold Barlow QUARTON {US} (M: 1888 Feb 8 - 1981 Feb or Sep)

Luis de QUAS (M: fl 16th cent)

Prof, Volker QUASCHNING {DE} (M: 1969 - living 2022)
	Erneuerbare Energien Und Klimaschutz [n|Ge-?/?/2013]
	Regenerative Energiesysteme [n|Ge-?/?/?/?/?/?/?/2013]
	Understanding Renewable Energy Systems [n|2005/16]

Prof, Salvatore QUASIMODO {IT} (M: 1901 Aug 20 - 1968 Jun 14)
	Acque E Terre [p|It-1930]
	Oboe Sommerso [p|It-1932]
	Odore Di Eucalyptus Ed Altri Versi [p|It-1933]
	Erato E Apollion [p|It-1936]
	Poesie [p|It-1938]
	Ed È Subito Sera [p|It-1942]
	Giorno Dopo Giorno [p|It-1946]
	La Vita Non E' Un Sogno [p|It-1949]
	Il Falso E Vero Verde [p|It-1949]
	La Terra Impareggiabile [p|It-1958]

Alexander Ferdinand von QUAST (M: 1807 - 1877)

Mathijs Hendrickszoon QUAST (M: c1601 - 1641)

Thomas QUAST {US} (M: 1906 May 21 - 1997 Feb 7)

Wolfgang QUAST (M: ? - 1674)

Prof, Judah Hirsch QUASTEL {UK} (M: 1899 Oct 2 - 1987 Oct 15)
	Chemistry Of Brain Metabolism [n|1962]
	Metabolic Inhibitors [4v|n|1963-73]

Prof, Johannes QUASTEN {DE} (M: 1900 May 3 - 1987 Mar 10)
	Musik Und Gesang In Den Kulten Der Heidnischen.. [n|Ge-1930/73]
	Expositio Antiquae Liturgiae Gallicanae [n|La-1934]

Giovanni QUATRARIO (M: 1336 - 1402)

(Jean Louis) Armand de QUATREFAGES De BRÉAU (M: 1810 - 1892 Jan 12)
	Nouvelles Recherches Faites En 1859.. [n|Fr-1860]
	Charles Darwin Et Ses Précurseurs Français [n|Fr-1872]
	Histoire Générale Des Races Humaines [n|Fr-1887]
	Les Émules de Darwin [2v|n|Fr-1894]

QUATRELLES (?: 1826 - 1893)

Etienne Marc QUATREMERE (M: 1782 - 1857)

Antoine Chrysostome QUATREMERE De QUINCY (M: 1755 - 1849)

Antoine QUATRESOUX De PARCTELAINE (M: 1786 - 1835)

Charles Albert QUATTLEBAUM (M: 1902 - ?)

Manning Marcus QUATTLEBAUM {US} (M: 1888 May 4 - 1959)
	Quattlebaum Family History [b|1950]

Paul QUATTLEBAUM {US} (M: 1886 Feb 25 - 1964 Aug 9)

Sertorio QUATTROMANI (M: 1541 - 1611)

Jan Eduard de QUAY {NL} (M: 1901 Aug 26 - 1985 Jul 4)

Prof, Herbert Callister QUAY {US} (M: 1927 Aug 27 - 2019 Mar 7)
	Research In Psychopathology (ed) [n|1963]

Mark Howard QUAY {US} (M: 1899 Mar 2 - 1992 Sep 23)

Sen, Matthew Stanley QUAY (M: 1833 Sep 30 - 1904 May 24)

Ada QUAYLE {UK} (F: 1927 - ?)
	The Mistress [f|1957]

Sir, (John) Anthony QUAYLE {UK} (M: 1913 Sep 7 - 1989 Oct 20)

Basil QUAYLE (M: ? - ?)
&	General View Of The Agriculture Of The Isle Of Man [n|1798]

Henry Joseph QUAYLE (M: 1876 - ?)

Margaret Sidney QUAYLE {US?} (F: 1889 - ?)
	As Told By Business Girls [n|1932]
	A Study Of Some Aspects Of Satisfaction In..Stenography [n|1935]

Osborne Robinson QUAYLE (M: 1898 - ?)

Philip Pollock QUAYLE {US} (M: 1894 Dec 15 - 1931 Feb 21)

Robert QUAYLE {US} (M: 1853 Nov 23 - 1922 Sep 13)
	Business Problems Of The Motive Power Department [n|1898]

T QUAYLE (M: ? - ?)
&	General View Of The Agriculture Of The Isle Of Man [n|1812]

Thomas QUAYLE {UK} (M: 1884 Sep 13 - 1963 Mar 7)
	Poetic Diction [n|1924]

Bp, William Alfred QUAYLE {US} (M: 1860 Jun 25 - 1925 Mar 9)
	The Poet's Poet.. [e|1897]
	Study In Current Social Theories [n|1898]
19647	A Hero And Some Other Folks [s|1899]
	Blessed Life [n|1900]
	Books And Life [n|1901]
	Pastor-Preacher [n|1901]
	In God's Out-Of-Doors [n|1902]
	Laymen In Action [n|1902]
	King Cromwell [1902]
	Eternity In The Heart [n|1904]
	Prairie And The Sea [n|1905]
	Lowell And The Christian Faith [n|1906]
	God's Calendar [n|1907]
	Book Of Ruth [n|1908]
	Song Of Songs [n|1910]
	Climb To God [n|1912]
	Beside Lake Beautiful [1914]
	Poems [p|1914]

Fahim Issa QUBAIN {JO/US:1956on} (M: 1924 Apr 5 - 2012 Apr 16)
	The Reconstruction Of Iraq, 1950-57 [n|1958]
	Inside The Arab Mind [n|1960]

Charles Lorin QUEAR {US} (M: 1890 Jun 4 - 1976 Sep)

Adela QUEBEC (see: Gerald Hugh TYRWHITT-WILSON)

Un QUÉBÉCOIS (ps) (M: ? - ?)
I	Rapport D'Un Québécois Sur Quelques Écoles Élémentaires.. [n|Fr-c1834]

Johannes QUECK (M: 1890 - ?)

Erwin QUEDENFELDT (M: 1869 - 1948)

Gustav QUEDENFELDT {DE} (M: ? - 1959 Oct)

Max QUEDENFELDT (M: 1851 - 1891)

Eunice QUEDENS, 1:Mrs BERGEN, 2:Mrs WEST {US} (F: 1908 Apr 30 - 1990 Nov 12)
(ps: Eve ARDEN)

Charles A QUEEN (M: 1800 - 1870)

Ellery QUEEN (see: (Oval) Talmage POWELL)

Ellery QUEEN (see: Jack(=John) (Holbrook) VANCE)

Ellery QUEEN {US} (house pseudonym)
	The Roman Hat Mystery [f|1929]
	The French Powder Mystery [f|1930]
	The Dutch Shoe Mystery [f|1931]
	The Egyptian Cross Mystery [f|1932]
	The Greek Coffin Mystery [f|1932]
	The American Gun Mystery [f|1933]
	The Siamese Twin Mystery [f|1933]
	The Chinese Orange Mystery [f|1934]
	The Adventures Of Ellery Queen [s|1934]
	The Spanish Cape Mystery [f|1935]
	Halfway House [f|1936]
	The Door Between [f|1937]
	The Devil To Pay [f|1938]
	The Four Of Hearts [f|1938]
	Ellery Queen's Challenge To The Reader [s|1938]
	The Dragon's Teeth [f|1939]
	The New Adventures Of Ellery Queen [s|1940]
	Radio Adventures Of Ellery Queen [s|1940]
	The Tragedy Of X [f|1940]
	The Tragedy Of Y [f|1941]
	101 Years' Entertainment [s|1941]
	Calamity Town [f|1942]
	The Detective Short Story [n|1942]
	There Was An Old Woman [1943]
	The Murderer Is A Fox [f|1945]
	Rogues' Gallery [n|1945]
	Sporting Detective Stories (ed) [s|1946]
	The Queen's Awards, 1946 (ed) [s|1946]
	Ladies In Crime (ed) [s|1947]
	The Queen's Awards Of 1947 (ed) [s|1947]
	Ten Days' Wonder [f|1948]
	The Queen's Awards, 1948 (ed) [s|1948]
	The Casebook Of Ellery Queen [f|1949]
	Cat Of Many Tails [f|1949]
	Double, Double (aka: The Case Of The Seven Murders) [f|1950]
	The Literature Of Crime (ed) [1950]
	Queen's Quorum [1951]
	The Origin Of Evil [f|1951]
	The King Is Dead [f|1952]
	Calendar Of Crime (ed) [s|1952]
	The Scarlet Letters [f|1953]
	The Glass Village [f|1954]
	QBI [s|1954]
	The Hollywood Murders [f|1956]
	Inspector Queen's Own Case [f|1956]
	In The Queens' Parlor.. [1957]
	The Finishing Stroke [f|1958]
	Dead Man's Tale [f|1961]
	A Man Named Thin.. [s|1962]
	Death Spins The Platter [f|1962]
	The Player On The Other Side [f|1963]
	Murder With A Past [f|1963]
	Ellery Queen's Anthology, vol 5 (ed) [s|1963]
	Ellery Queen's 1964 Anthology (ed) [s|1963]
	Kill As Directed (ed) [1963]
	Wife Or Death [f|1963]

Ellery QUEEN, Jr {US} (house pseudonym)
	The Black Dog Mystery [f|1941]
	The Golden Eagle Mystery [f|1942]
	The Green Turtle Mystery [f|1945]
	The Red Chipmunk Mystery [f|1946]
	The Brown Fox Mystery [f|1948]
	The White Elephant Mystery [f|1950]
	The Yellow Cat Mystery [f|1952]
	The Blue Herring Mystery [f|1954]
	The Mystery Of The Merry Magician [f|1961]
	The Mystery Of The Vanished Victim [f|1962]

Frank QUEEN (M: 1822 - 1882)

George Sherman QUEEN (M: 1905 - ?)

Henry Jerningham QUEEN (M: 1910 - ?)

Stephen Post QUEEN (M: 1848 - ?)

Stewart Little QUEEN (M: 1841 - ?)

Prof, Stuart Alfred QUEEN {US} (M: 1890 Feb 26 - 1987 Sep 28)
	The Passing Of The County Jail [n|1920]
	Social Work In The Light Of History [n|1922]
	Social Pathology (w Delbert M MANN) [n|1925]
	American Charities And Social Work (w A G WARNER & E B HARPER) [n|1930]
	Social Organization And Disorganization (w W B BODENHAFER & E B HARPER) [n|1935]
	Research Memorandum On Social Work In The Depression (w F S CHAPIN) [n|1937]
	The City (w Lewis F THOMAS) [n|1939]
	Social Pathology - Obstacles To Social Participation (w J R GRUENER) [n|1940]
	The Family In Various Cultures (w John B ADAMS) [n|1952]
	The American City (w David B CARPENTER) [n|1953]
	The American Social System (w Wm N CHAMBERS & Ch M WINSTON) [n|1956]
	The Family In Various Cultures (2e w R W HABENSTEIN & J B ADAMS) [n|1961]
	The Family In Various Cultures (3/4e w R W HABENSTEIN) [n|1967/74]

William M QUEEN (M: 1893 - ?)

Edgar Monsanto QUEENY {US} (M: 1897 Sep 29 - 1968 Jul 7)

Henri QUEFFELEC (M: 1910 - ?)

Jean QUÉGUINER {FR} (M: 1921 Jun 2 - 2004 Aug 6)

Friedrich QUEHL {DE} (M: 1874 Oct 27 - 1942)

Hieronymus Florentinus QUEHL (M: fl c1720)

Ryno QUEHL (M: 1821 - 1864)
	Aus Dänemark [n|Ge-1856]
	Preussische Und Deutsche Consularwesen..Äussern Politik [n|Ge-1863]

Gonzalo QUEIPO De LLANO (M: 1875 - 1951)

Agostino QUEIROLO (M: 1891 - ?)

Cesare QUEIROLO (M: 1826 - 1878)

Antonio de Freitas Barreto QUEIROS (M: 1800 - 1876)

Dina Silveira de QUEIROZ / QUEIROS (F: 1911 - 1983)

(José Maria) Eça de QUEIRÓZ / de QUEIRÓS (M: 1845 (or 1843) Nov 25 - 1900 Aug 16)
20574	O Mistério Da Estrada De Sintra (w Ramalho ORTIGÃO) [f|Pt-1870]
16384	O Mandarim [f|Pt-1880]
17515	A Relíquia [f|Pt-1887]
31971	O Crime Do Padre Amaro: Scenas Da Vida Devota [Pt-1889]
23145	A Illustre Casa De Ramires [Pt-1900]
27637	A Correspondência De Fradique Mendes: Memórias E Notas [Pt-1900]
18220	A Cidade E As Serras [Pt-1901]
25641	Cartas De Inglaterra [n|Pt-1905]
31347	Contos [s|Pt-1913]
40409	Os Maias: episodios da vida romantica [f|Pt-1888]
	A Capital [f|Pt-?]
	O Primo Bazilio [pt-?]

José QUEIROS (M: 1856 - 1920)

Pedro Fernandes de QUEIROS (M: ? - 1615)

Maria Luíza de QUEIROZ {BR} (F: 1926 - ?)

Paulo Edmur de Souza QUEIROZ (M: 1909 - ?)

Rachel de QUEIROZ {BR} (F: 1910 Nov 17 - 2003 Nov 4)
(&ps: [Rita de QUEIROZ])
	O Quinze [f|Pt-1930]
	João Miguel [f|Pt-1932]
	O Caminho Das Pedras [f|Pt-1937]
	As Três Marias [f|Pt-1939]
	O Galo De Ouro [f|Pt-1950]
	Lampião [d|Pt-1953]
	A Beata Maria Do Egito [d|Pt-1958]

Wenceslau de QUEIROZ (M: 1863 - 1921)

Antonio de QUEIROZ FILHO (M: 1910 - 1963)

José Maria de QUEIROZ VELLOSO {PT} (M: 1860 Aug 26 - 1952 Oct 31)
	Gil Vicente E A Sua Obra [n|Pt-1914]
	O Arquivo Geral De Simancas [Pt-1923]
	A Dominação Filipina [Pt-1930]
	Como Perdemos Olivença [Pt-1932]
	D. Sebastião (1554-1578) [Pt-1935]
	A Naturalidade De Fernão De Magalhães - Certezas E Conjecturas [Pt-1936]
	Gil Vicente, Poeta E Ourives [b|Pt-1936]
	Fernão De Magalhães - A Vida E A Viagem [b|Pt-1941]
	No Centenário De Oliveira Martins - O Historiador [b|Pt-1945]
	O Reinado Do Cardeal D Henrique [Pt-1946]
	A Universidade De Évora - Elementos Para A Sua História [n|Pt-1949]
	A Expansão Portuguesa [n|Pt-1949]
	Estudos Históricos Do Século XVI [n|Pt-1950]
	O Interregno Dos Governadores E O Breve Reinado De D António [Pt-1953]
	Fernão De Magalhães [b|Pt-1941]
	D Francisca De Aragão, Condessa De Mayalde E De Ficalho [b|Pt-1931]
	D Sebastião, 1554-1578 [b|Pt-1945]

Erhard QUEISER (M: 1906 - ?)

Sir, Arthur Scott QUEKETT {UK} (M: 1881 Aug 27 - 1945 Oct 2)
	The Constitution Of Northern Ireland [2v|n|1928-1933]

Prof, John Thomas QUEKETT (M: 1815 Aug 11 - 1861 Aug 20)

John QUELCH (M: c1666 - 1704)

John Joseph QUELCH (M: 1854 - ?)

Comte, Hyacinthe Louis de QUÉLEN (M: 1778 Oct 8 - 1839 Dec 31)
	Discours De Réception À L'Académie Française [n|Fr-1824]
	Manuels Pour L'Administration Des Sacrements.. [3v|n|Fr-1837-38]

Lucien QUELET (M: 1832 - 1899)

Gottfried QUELL (M: 1896 - ?)

Otto QUELLE (M: 1879 - ?)

Edouard Marie QUELLENNEC (M: 1856 - ?)

Narcisse QUELLIEN (M: 1848 Jun 27 - 1902 Mar 16)
	Un Exemple D'Argot Breton (w ?) [n|Fr-1885]

Artus QUELLINUS, aka Artus (Arnoldus) QUELLIJN (M: 1609 Aug 30 - 1668 Aug 23)
	Prima Pars [n|La-1665]
	Secunda Pars [n|La-1668]

Erasmus QUELLINUS (M: 1607 - 1678)

Hubertus QUELLINUS (M: 1619 Aug 15 - 1687 or 1688)
	De Voornaemste Statuen Ende Ciraten Vant Konstrijck Stadthuys.. [n|Du-1665]

Oskar QUELLINUS (see: Karl Felix von SCHLICHTEGROLL)

	Histoire Naturelle Du Cacao Et Du Sucre (ed Nicolas MAHUDEL) [n|Fr-1719]
24588	  The Natural History Of Chocolate [n|Fr-1719] (tr Richard BROOKES) [1730]

François QUELVEE (M: 1884 - ?)

J S QUEMENEUR (?: 1910 - ?)

Thomas Adolphe QUEMNER (M: 1893 - ?)
	Dictionnaire Juridique [n|Fr-?]

Fr?, Jean de QUEN (M: 1603 - 1659)
I	Relation De Ce Qui S'Est Passé..1655 & 1656 [n|Fr-1657]

Fr, Gervais QUENARD (M: 1875 - ?)

Philippe QUENARD (M: fl c1790)

Leopold QUENAULT (M: 1808 - 1886)

David C QUENBY {UK} (M: 1949 - living 2016)

Albert QUENCEZ (M: 1909 - ?)

Augustin Leon Jean QUENEAU {FR/US} (M: 1874 Apr 6 - 1972 Mar 11)
	Industrial Furnaces And Methods Of Control (w BOLLES & DAMOUR) [n|1906]

Raymond QUENEAU {FR} (M: 1903 Feb 21 - 1976 Oct 25)
	Le Chiendent [f|Fr-1933]
	Gueule De Pierre [f|Fr-1934]
	Les Derniers Jours [f|Fr-1936]
	Odile [f|Fr-1937]
	Les Enfants Du Limon [f|Fr-1938]
	Un Rude Hiver [f|Fr-1939]
	Les Temps Mêlés [f|Fr-1941]
	Pierrot Mon Ami [f|Fr-1942]
	Loin De Rueil [f|Fr-1944]
	On Est Toujours Trop Bon Avec Les Femmes [f|Fr-1947]
	Saint-Glinglin [f|Fr-1948]
	Le Journal Intime De Sally Mara [f|Fr-1950]
	Le Dimanche De La Vie [f|Fr-1952]
	Zazie Dans Le Métro [f|Fr-1959]

Raymond Alexandre QUENEDEY (M: 1868 - ?)

Maximilian QUENEL (M: 1896 - ?)

Aymard de QUENGO De TONQUEDEC (M: 1867 - ?)

Charles Henry (Bourne) QUENNELL {UK} (M: 1872 Jun 5 - 1935 Dec 5)
19715	The Cathedral Church Of Norwich [Bell's Cathedrals] [n|1898]
	Modern Suburban Houses [n|1906]
	A Guide To Norwich Cathedral [Bell's Cathedrals] [n|1906]
	A History Of Everyday Things In England (w Marjorie QUENNELL) [n|1918]

Marjorie QUENNELL, nee COURTNEY {UK} (F: 1883 (wrongly 1884) Sep 14 - 1972 Aug 2)
	A History Of Everyday Things In England (w C H QUENNELL) [n|1918]
	Everyday Life In The New Stone, Bronze And Early Iron Ages [n|1923]

Sir, Peter (Courtney) QUENNELL {UK} (M: 1905 Mar 9 - 1993 Oct (wrongly Aug) 27)
(&ps: P Q)
	'To Lord Byron' (w George PASTON) [n|1939]
	Time Exposure (w Cecil BEATON) [1941]
	Sign Of The Fish [1960]

August Wilhelm QUENNERSTEDT (M: 1837 - 1926)

Sieur de, QUENNES (M: fl c1651)

Eugene QUENNEVILLE (M: 1907 - ?)

Eugene Evan QUENON {US} (M: 1903 Jun 12 - 1982 Mar 11)

Alice QUENSEL (F: 1892 - ?)

Carl Erik QUENSEL (M: 1907 - ?)

Conrad QUENSEL (M: 1767 - 1806)

Annie Teresia QUENSEL, nee WEISS (F: 1886 - ?)

Nils Jacob Eberhard QUENSEL (M: 1894 - 1971)

Prof, (Johan) Oscar QUENSEL (M: 1845 Jul 29 - 1915)
	Homiletik [n|Sw-1894]
	Strödda Drag Af Svenskt Kyrkolif Under Gångna Tider [n|Sw-1912]

Paul QUENSEL {DDR} (M: 1865 May 9 - 1951 Dec 8)
(ps: Alexander WIEDEN)

Paul QUENSEL (M: 1916 - ?)

Prof, Percy (Dudgeon) QUENSEL {SE} (M: 1881 Sep 8 - 1966 Mar 3)

Ulrik QUENSEL (M: 1863 - 1934)

Carl Wilhelm Adolph QUENSELL (M: 1829 - 1890)

Walter George QUENSELL (M: 1877 or 1880 - 1956)
	The Letters Of Walter George Quensell [a|?]

Karl QUENSEN (M: 1857 - ?)

Friedrich August von QUENSTEDT (M: 1809 - 1889)

Johann Andreas QUENSTEDT (M: 1617 - 1688)

Werner QUENSTEDT (M: 1893 - 1960)

Anthero/Antero (Tarquínio) de QUENTAL (M: 1842 Apr 18 - 1891 Sep 11)
26326	Sonetos De Anthero [p|Pt-1861]
30070	Bom-Senso E Bom-Gosto [Pt-1865]
32873	Portugal Perante A Revolução De Hespanha [n|Pt-1868]
19046	Sonetos [p|Pt-1880]
20142	Os Sonetos Completos De Anthero De Quental [p|Pt-1886]
20874	Raios De Extincta Luz: Poesias Ineditas (1859-1863) [p|Pt-1892]
26776	A Philosophia Da Natureza Dos Naturalistas [n|Pt-1894]
31654	Oliveira Martins [Pt-1894]
32868	A Biblia Da Humanidade [n|Pt-1895]
32871	Leituras Populares [Pt-1896]
32872	Liga Patriotica Do Norte [Pt-1896]
32791	Considerações Sobre..Historia Litteraria Portugueza [n|Pt-1904]

Bartolomeu do QUENTAL (M: 1626 - 1698)

Heinrich QUENTELL (M: ? - 1501)

Bertin QUENTIN (M: ? - 1767)

Charles QUENTIN (see: Clarinda/Clara QUIN)

Dorothy QUENTIN (F: ? - ?)
(&ps: Linda BEVERLY)

Emil QUENTIN (M: 1894 - ?)

Henri QUENTIN (M: 1838 - 1922)

Henri QUENTIN (M: 1872 - 1935)

Jean Baptiste QUENTIN (M: fl c1720)

Patrick QUENTIN (see: Richard Wilson WEBB & Hugh Callingham WHEELER)
	A Puzzle For Fools [f|1936]
	A Puzzle For Players [f|1939]
	Puzzle For Puppets [f|1944]
	Puzzle For Wantons (aka: Slay The Loose Ladies) [f|1945]
	Puzzle For Fiends (aka: Love Is A Deadly Weapon) [f|1946]
	Puzzle For Pilgrims (aka: The Fate Of The Immodest Blonde) [f|1947]
	Run To Death [f|1948]
	The Follower [f|1950]
	Black Widow (UK: Fatal Woman) [f|1952]
	My Son, The Murderer (UK: The Wife Of Ronald Sheldon) [f|1954]
	The Man With Two Wives [f|1955]
	The Man In The Net [f|1956]
	Suspicious Circumstances [f|1957]
	Shadow Of Guilt [f|1959]
	The Green-Eyed Monster [f|1960]
	The Ordeal Of Mrs Snow [s|1961]

Walter QUENTIN (M: 1857 - ?)

Alexandre QUENTIN-BAUCHART (M: 1809 Feb 1 - 1887 Nov 5)

Ernest QUENTIN-BAUCHART (M: 1830 - 1910)

Maurice QUENTIN-BAUCHART (M: 1857 - 1910)

Pierre QUENTIN-BAUCHART (M: 1881 - 1916)

Jean QUENU (M: 1889 Jul 13 - 1975 Jan 22)

Carrol Hunter QUENZER (?: 1906 - 1968)

Karl QUENZEL {DE} (M: 1875 Sep 6 - 1945 Aug 6)
(ps: Hans E SCHLÜTER)

Luis QUER y BOULE (M: 1884 - ?)

José QUER y MARTINEZ (M: 1695 - 1764)

Pascual QUERAL y FORMIGALES (M: 1848 - 1898)

(Alberto) Ramón QUERALES (MONTES) {VE} (M: 1937 May 4 - ?)

Joseph-Marie QUÉRARD (M: 1797 Dec 25 - 1865 Dec 3)
	La France Littéraire [14v|n|Fr-1826-42]
	Les Supercheries Littéraires Dévoilées [5v|n|Fr-1845-56]
	Dictionnaire Des Ouvrages-Polyonymes Et Anonymes.. [n|Fr-1846-47]
	Bibliographie La Menaisienne (n) [2v|Fr-1849]
	Écrivains Pseudonymes [Fr-1854-56]

Yves Mathurin Marie Treaudet de QUERBEUF (M: 1726 - ?)

Gian della QUERCIA (see: Edward Capel CURE)

Jacopo della QUERCIA (M: c1372 - 1438)

Emanuele QUERCIGH (M: 1885 - ?)

Argia QUERCIOLI (F: 1906 - ?)

Simon de QUERCU (M: fl 15th cent)

Jean QUERCY (see: Jean CALVET)

Pierre QUERCY (M: 1886 - ?)

Henri QUERE (M: 1904 - ?)

Jean QUÉRÉ (M: ? - ?)
23485	Sarmoniou An Aotrou Quere [Bt-?]

Prof, Edmund Chase QUEREAU {US} (M: 1866 or 1868 Mar 18 - ?)

Angel Miguel QUEREMEL {VE} (M: 1899 Mar 27 - 1939 May 21)

Pedro Miguel QUEREMEL {VE} (M: 1868 - ?)

F A QUERENGAESSER (?: 1898 - ?)

Dale Wade/Weld QUERFELD {US} (M: 1905 Sep 6 - 2004 Jun 23)

Ernest Konradovich QUERFELDT {SU?} (M: 1877 - ?)
	[Keramika Blizhnego Vostoka] [n|Ru-1947]

Georg QUERFURTH (M: 1838 - 1902)

Georg QUERI (M: 1879 - 1919)

Arie QUERIDO (M: 1901 - ?)

Emanuel QUERIDO {NL} (M: 1871 Aug 6 - 1943 Jul 23)
(ps: Joost MENDES)
	De Verweerde Jaren [f|Du-1918]
	De Dorrende Akker Kiemt [f|Du-1919]
	De Revolte-dagen [f|Du-1919]
	Het Licht Dat Gloorde [f|Du-1919]
	'S Wasdoms Volle Tooi [f|Du-1920]
	Het Wonderschone Rijpen [f|Du-1920]
	'S Werelds Daverende Wedloop [f|Du-1921-1925]
	De Hooge Lichte Kim Der Stilte [f|Du-1929]

Israël QUERIDO {NL} (M: 1872 (or 1874) Oct 1 - 1932 Aug 5)

Pietro QUERINI (M: fl c1432)

Querino QUERINI (M: 1837 - ?)

Vincenzo QUERINI (M: ? - 1514)

Manuel Raymundo QUERINO (M: 1851 - 1923)

Heinz QUERMANN {DE} (M: 1921 Feb 10 - 2003 Oct 14)

Curt QUERNER (M: 1904 - 1976)

Emil QUERNER (M: 1817 - 1884)

Ursula QUERNER (F: 1921 - 1969)

Camillo QUERNO (see: Jonathan ODELL)

Luis QUERO CHIESA {PR} (M: 1919 Jan 23 - ?)

Vicente Wenceslao QUEROL (M: 1836 - 1889)

Leopoldo QUEROL ROSO (M: 1899 - ?)

Jean QUERRET (M: 1703 - 1788)

John W QUERRY (M: 1904 - ?)

Hermann Albert QUERRU (M: 1889 or 1899 - ?)

Alfred de QUERVAIN (M: 1879 - 1927)

Alfred de QUERVAIN (M: 1896 - ?)

Alfred de QUERVAIN (M: 1913 - ?)

Fritz de QUERVAIN (M: 1808 - ?)

Fritz de QUERVAIN (M: 1868 - 1940)

Fritz de QUERVAIN (M: 1906 - ?)

Theophil de QUERVAIN (M: 1869 - ?)

Leon Camille QUERY (M: 1868 - ?)

Peter QUERY, FSA (see: Martin Farquhar TUPPER)

Alonso QUESADA (M: 1886 - 1925)

Ernesto QUESADA (M: 1858 - 1934)

Gonzalo de QUESADA (M: 1868 - 1915)

Hector Cipriano QUESADA (M: 1875 - ?)

Julio Argentino QUESADA (M: 1884 - ?)

Louise Charlotte Garstin QUESADA (F: c1864 - ?)

Prof, Napoleón QUESADA (SALAZAR) {CR} (M: 1873 Mar 27 - 1937 (or 1938) Nov 21)
	Silabario Costarricense [Sp-1901]
	Lecciones De Gramática Castellana [n|Sp-1929]
	Recitemos [Sp-1931]
	Silabario (w Rogelio SOTELA) [Sp-1933]
	Del Firmamento [Sp-1936]
	Menudencias [Sp-1937]

Vicente Gregorio QUESADA (M: 1830 - 1913)

Rafael Maria de QUESADA y ARANGO (M: 1785 - 1860 Dec 5)

Gonzalo de QUESADA y AROSTEGUI (M: ? - ?)
	The Title Of The Rep Of Cuba To The Isle Of Pines (anon) [n|1924]

Manuel de QUESADA y LOYNAZ (M: 1833 - 1884)

Gonzalo de QUESADA y MIRANDA (M: 1900 - ?)

Pedro QUESADA y PILO (M: 1629 - 1675)

James Richard QUESENBERRY {US} (M: 1892 Mar 21 - 1971 Feb 14 (or 15))

François QUESNAY (M: 1694 Jun 4 - 1774 Dec 16)

Frederick J Le Mercier du QUESNAY {JM} (M: 1923 - ?)

Jules QUESNAY De BEAUREPAIRE (M: 1838 - ?)

Jacques Salbigoton QUESNÉ (M: 1778 Jan 1 - 1859 Jun 13)
	Naufrage [Fr-1795]
	Eugène Et Sophie [Fr-1797]
	Les Folies D'Un Conscrit [2v|Fr-1799]
	Lettres De Verteuil, De Paris, À Mondorff, De Nuremberg.. [2v|n|Fr-1799]
	Les Cinq Voleurs De La Forêt Noire [Fr-1799]
	Busiris [2v|Fr-1801]
	Lettre À M Louis-Sébastien Mercier Sur Les Loteries..France [n|Fr-1801]
	Le Jeune Matelot [Fr-1804]
	Les Journées D'Un Vieillard [Fr-1804]
	Éloge De Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux [Fr-1805]
	Poinsinet [d|Fr-pro:1806]
	Mon Aventure Dans La Diligence [Fr-1808]
	Lettre À Mme De Fronville Sur Le Psychisme [n|Fr-1812]
	Éloge De Blaise Pascal [Fr-1813]
	Mémoires De Céran De Valmeuil [b|Fr-1813]
	Marcelin [2v|Fr-1815]
	Lettres De La Vallée De Montmorency [n|Fr-1816]
	Mémoires De M Girouette [b|Fr-1818]
	Confessions Politiques Et Littéraires, Dans Les Séances.. [n|Fr-1818]
	Le Solitaire Français Au XIXe Siècle [n|Fr-1819]
	Histoire De L'Esclavage En Afrique, Pendant Trente-quatre.. [n|Fr-1820]
	Les Intrigues Du Jour [Fr-1820]
	Histoire D'Adolphe Et De Silverie [2v|Fr-1822]
	Histoire De Solarcie [2v|Fr-1822]
	Les Portraits [Fr-1823]
	Mémoires Du Capitaine Landolphe, Contenant..Ses Voyages.. [2v|Fr-1823]
	Le Moissonneur [3v|Fr-1824-25]
	Confessions De J S Quesné, Depuis 1778 Jusqu'en 1835 [3v|a|Fr-1828-35]
	Mémoires Du Cte De Montblas [b|Fr-1830]
	La Goélette Sous-marine Et Le Grand Boa D'Afrique [Fr-1839]
	Supplément Indispensable Aux Éditions Des O=Euvres..Rousseau.. [Fr-1843]
	Projet D'Un Chemin De Fer Sous-marin Entre Calais Et Douvres [n|Fr-1850]
	Jean-Jacques Rousseau À Montmorency [d|Fr-pro:1851]

Edouard QUESNEL (M: 1842 - 1891)

François QUESNEL (M: 1543 - 1619)

G QUESNEL (?: 1848 - ?)

Joseph QUESNEL (M: fl c1679)

(Louis) Joseph QUESNEL (M: 1749 Nov 15 - 1809 Jul 3)
I	Colas Et Colinette; ou, Le Bailli Dupé [f|Fr-1808]

Joseph QUESNEL (M: c1895 - 1931)

Pasquier QUESNEL (M: 1634 Jul 14 - 1719 Dec 2)

Gustave Augustin QUESNEVILLE (M: 1810 Jan 2 - 1889)
	Secrets Des Arts, Recettes Et Formules Anciennes.. [n|Fr-1849]

Prof, Gustave Georges QUESNEVILLE {FR} (M: 1846 Aug 8 - 1926 Jan 1)
	Nouvelles Méthodes Pour..Éléments Du Lait.. [n|Fr-1884]

Erica QUEST (see: Nancy (J) BUCKINGHAM & John Lester SAWYER)

Rodney QUEST (see: John SCOTT-TAGGART)

David DeWitt QUESTEL {US} (M: 1899 Dec 6 - 1965 Aug 21)

Victor D QUESTEL {TT} (M: 1948 - ?)
	Hard Stares [?]

Heinrich QUESTER (M: 1891 - ?)

Paul QUESVERS (M: fl 19th cent)

Edouard QUET (M: 1876 - ?)

(Jean) Antoine QUET (M: 1810 - 1884)

Antoine François QUETANT (M: 1733 - 1823)

(Lambert) Adolphe (Jacques) QUETELET (M: 1796 Feb 22 - 1874 Feb 17)

Ernest QUETELET (M: 1825 - 1878)

Jacques QUETIF (M: 1618 - 1698)

Franz H QUETSCH (M: 1847 - 1924)

Solomon QUETSCH (M: 1798 - 1856)

Antonio QUETTA (M: fl 16th cent)

Franciscus QUETTA (M: fl c1600)

Henri QUEUILLE (M: 1884 - 1970)

E M QUEVASTRE (?: ? - ?)
	Brevior Synopsis Theologiae.. (w Adolphe TANQUEREY) (8e) [Fr-1924]

Belisario QUEVEDO (M: 1883 - 1921)

Numa QUEVEDO {VE} (?: 1908 - 1981 Feb 6)

Nuria QUEVEDO {ES} (F: 1938 Mar 18 - ?)

Raymond QUEVEDO, aka Atilla the Hun (M: 1892 - 1962)
	Kaiso: A Review (aka: Atilla's Kaiso) (w John LA ROSE) [n|c1955]

Violeta QUEVEDO (F: 1882 - 1962)

Francisco (Gómez) de QUEVEDO (SANTIBÁÑEZ y VILLEGAS) (M: 1580 Sep 17 - 1645 Sep 8)
32315	Historia De La Vida Del Buscón, Llamado Don Pablos.. [f|Sp-1626]
	Visions [Sp-?] (tr Sir Roger L'ESTRANGE) [?]
	Pablo De Segovia [Sp-?]

Salvador QUEVEDO y ZUBIETA (M: 1859 - 1935)

Theodore Auguste QUEVENNE (M: 1805 - 1885)

François Marie Isidore QUEVERDO (M: c1740 - c1798)

QUEX of 'The Evening News' (see: George Herbert Fosdike NICHOLS)

Frederic QUEYRAT (M: 1858 - ?)

Henri (Alexis Antoine Siméon) QUEYROUL {FR} (M: 1857 Feb 8 - 1921 Apr 14)
(ps: Henri KÉROUL)
	Les Boulinard (w Maurice ORDONNEAU & Albin VALABREGUE) [Fr-1915]

Mathurin Louis Armand QUEYROY (M: 1830 - ?)

Fernao de QUEYROZ (M: 1617 - 1688)

Abel QUEZADA {MX} (M: 1920 Dec 13 - 1991 Feb 28)
	Carones De Abel Quezada [Sp-1958]
	The Best Of Impossible Worlds [1963]

Raquel QUEZADA VEA (F: 1905 - ?)

PH Pres, Manuel (Luis) QUEZON (y MOLINA) {PH} (M: 1878 Aug 19 - 1944 Aug 1)
	The Good Fight [1946]

Annie Abernethie QUIBELL, nee PIRIE {UK} (F: c1862 - 1927 Dec 26)

Charles Hicks QUIBELL {US} (M: 1902 Mar 14 - 1995 Dec 9)

James Edward QUIBELL {UK} (M: 1867 - 1935 Jun 25)
27466	El Kab [1898]

Jules Etienne Joseph QUICHERAT (M: 1814 - 1882)

Louis Marie QUICHERAT (M: 1799 - 1884)


Alfred Merritt QUICK (M: 1867 - ?)

Amanda QUICK (see: Jayne (Ann) CASTLE)

Anthony (Oliver Hebert) QUICK {UK} (M: 1924 May 26 - 2006 Sep 27)

Prof, Armand James QUICK {US} (M: 1894 Jul 18 - 1978 Jan 26)
	Haemorrhagic Diseases [n|1957]

Arthur Craig QUICK (M: 1864 - ?)

Bert Edwin QUICK (M: 1886 - ?)

Charles C QUICK (M: 1904 - ?)

Charles William QUICK (M: 1822 - 1894)

Clarence R QUICK (M: 1902 - ?)

Cornelius QUICK (M: 1831 - ?)

Diana (Marilyn) QUICK {UK} (F: 1946 Nov 23 - living 2022)

Dorothy QUICK {US} (F: 1900 - 1962)

Dorothy Alita Kewley QUICK (F: 1907 - ?)

Douglas QUICK {US} (M: 1891 - ?)
	Compendium For The House Staff, Memorial Hospital, New York City [n|1927]

Edward QUICK {US} (M: ? - ?)
	Mississippi Steamboatin' (w Herbert QUICK) [1926]

George Willard QUICK (M: 1892 - ?)

Henry QUICK (M: 1792 Dec 4 - 1857 Oct 9)

(John) Herbert QUICK {US} (M: 1861 Oct 23 - 1925 May 11)
23745	Aladdin & Co: A Romance Of Yankee Magic [f|1904/07]
19451	Double Trouble; or, Every Hero His Own Villain [f|1906]
	The Broken Lance [f|c1907]
	Virginia Of The Air Lanes [f|1909]
	On Board The Good Ship Earth [n|1913]
26987	The Brown Mouse [1915]
	The Fairview Idea [f|1919]
12179	Vandemark's Folly [f|1922]
	The Hawkeye [1923]
	The Real Trouble With The Farmers [1924]
	The Invisible Woman [1924]
	There Came Two Women [d|1924]
	One Man's Life [a|1925]
	Mississippi Steamboatin' (w Edward QUICK) [1926]

Hilda M QUICK {UK} (F: ? - ?)
	Marsh And Shore [n|1948]

Jeremy QUICK (see: John OLDMIXON)

Jerrold QUICK (ps?) {UK?} (M: ? - ?)
	The Ring Of Pearls [f|1876]

John QUICK (M: 1636 - 1706)

Sir, John QUICK {AU} (M: 1852 Apr 22 (or 14) - 1932 Jun 17)
	The History Of Land Tenure In The Colony Of Victoria [n|1883]
	The Inauguration Of Parliamentary Government In Victoria [n|1886]
	A Digest Of Federal Constitutions [n|1896]
	Annotated Constitution..Australian Commonwealth (w R GARRAN) [n|1901]
	The Judicial Power Of The Commonwealth (w Littleton GROOM) [n|1904]
	Annotated Workers' Compensation Act [n|1915]
	Legislative Powers Of The Commonwealth..States Of Australia [n|1919]
	Victorian Liquor Licence And Local Option Laws.. (w L MURPHY) [n|1920]
	Victorian State-wide Option Laws (w ?) [n|1923]
	Victorian Magistrates' Code (w ?) [n|1924]
	My Note Book [a|1926]
	Book Of Australian Authors [n|1928]
	Australian Literature From Its Beginnings (w E M MILLER) [2v|n|1940]

John (Barton) QUICK {US} (M: 1931 Oct 19 - 2001 Jul 19)

Louis Bowring QUICK (M: 1871 - ?)

Prof, Oliver Chase QUICK {UK} (M: 1885 - 1944 Jan 21)
	Modern Philosophy And The Incarnation [n|1915]
	Essays In Orthodoxy [e|1916]
	The Testing Of Church Principles [n|1919]
	Liberalism, Modernism And Tradition [n|1922]
	Christian Beliefs And Modern Questions [n|1923]
	Catholic And Protestant Elements In Christianity [n|1924]
	The Christian Sacraments [n|1927]
	Hibbert Sacraments [n|1927]
	The Realism Of Christ's Parables [n|1931]
	Philosophy And The Cross [n|1931]
	The Ground Of Faith And The Chaos Of Thought [n|1931]
	The Gospel Of Divine Action [n|1933]
	Doctrines Of The Creed [n|1938]
	Christianity And Justice [n|1940]

Rev, Robert Herbert QUICK (M: 1831 Sep 30 - 1891 Mar 9 (wrongly 11))

Rev, William Abraham QUICK (M: 1820 Mar 3 - 1915 Nov 12)
	Methodism [n|1889]

William Harvey QUICK (M: 1856 - ?)

William Michael (later)Roberts QUICK {UK} (M: 1838 - buried 1927 Feb 3)

George William QUICK-SMITH {UK} (M: 1905 Aug 23 - 1986 Jul 15)

QUID (see: Robert Allan/Alan FITZGERALD)

Tertium QUID (ps) (?: ? - ?)
R	One Of The Family [f|1868]

Un QUIDAM (see: Leopoldo TURLA)

Alfred QUIDANT (M: 1815 - 1893)

Ludwig QUIDDE {DE} (M: 1858 Mar 23 - 1941 Mar 4 (or 5))
	Die Entstehung Des Kurfürstencollegiums [n|Ge-1884]
	Studien Zur Geschichte Des Rheinischen Landfriedensbundes.. [n|Ge-1885]
	Der Militarismus Im Heutigen Deutschen Reich [n|Ge-1893]
	Caligula [b|Ge-1894]
	Die Bayerische Steuerreform [n|Ge-1909]
	Entwurf Zu Einem Internationalen Vertrage Über Rüstungsstillstand [n|Ge-1913]
	Völkerbund Und Demokratie [n|Ge-1922]
	Der Erste Schritt Zur Weltabrüstung [n|Ge-1927]
	Histoire De La Paix Publique En Allemagne Au Moyen Age [n|Fr-1929]

Charlotte (Bremer) QUIDING (F: 1800 - 1876)

Nils Herman QUIDING (M: 1808 - 1886)

John QUIDOR (M: 1801 - 1881)

Karl QUIEHL (M: 1857 - ?)

Kenneth Elwell QUIER (M: 1901 - ?)
	Engineering Drafting Problems [n|1944]

Glenn Chesney QUIETT (M: 1895 - ?)

Jane (Hulda) QUIGG {US} (F: 1893 Dec 28 - 1986 Apr 9)

Lemuel Ely QUIGG (M: 1863 - 1919)
22731	Tin-Types Taken In The Streets Of New York [s|1890]

Murray Townsend QUIGG {US} (M: 1891 Jul 10 - 1956)

Philip Wisner QUIGG {US} (M: 1920 Oct 30 (wrongly 20) - 2011 May 23)

John QUIGGAN {US} (M: 1865 - ?)
(&ps: A CITIZEN of No Importance)
	The Kingdom Of Bling-Blang-Blung [1900]
	The Adventures Of John McCue - Socialist [1901]
	Decimalism, Or, Progressive Selection (ps: A CITIZEN Of No Importance) [n|1928]

(Mary) Alison QUIGGIN, nee HINGSTON {UK} (F: 1874 Mar 7 - 1971 Aug 21)

Edmund Crosby QUIGGIN {UK} (M: 1875 Aug 23 - 1920 Jan 4)
	A Dialect Of Donegal, Being The Speech Of Meenawannia.. [n|1906]

J QUIGGIN (?: ? - ?)
&	Illustrated Guide [to Isle of Man] [n|1839]

Ada (nee)Eltzroth QUIGLEY {US} (F: 1871 May 4 - 1955 May 9)

Aileen QUIGLEY (see: Aileen ARMITAGE)

(William) Carroll QUIGLEY {US} (M: 1910 Nov 9 - 1977 Jan 3)

Daniel Thomas QUIGLEY (M: 1876 - ?)

Dorothy QUIGLEY (F: ? - ?)
11078	What Dress Makes Of Us [n|1897]

Rev, Edward J QUIGLEY {IE?} (M: ? - ?)
10058	The Divine Office [n|1920/1930]

Ed QUIGLEY (M: 1895 - ?)

Edward QUIGLEY (M: 1898 - ?)

Eileen Elliott QUIGLEY {US} (F: 1905 - ?)

Ellen Maria QUIGLEY (F: 1856 - ?)

Prof, Harold Scott QUIGLEY {US} (M: 1889 Feb 13 - 1968 Jul 21)
	The Immunity Of Private Property From Capture At Sea In..War [n|1918]
	From Versailles To Locarne [n|1927]
	Japanese Government And Politics [n|1932]
	The Far East [n|1938]
	Far Eastern War, 1937-1941 [n|1942]
	The New Japan [n|1956]
	China's Politics In Perspective [n|1962]

Fr, Hugh QUIGLEY (M: 1818 or 1819 Dec - 1883 Apr (wrongly May) 30)
(&ps: A Missionary PRIEST)
16958,R	The Cross And The Shamrock; or, How To Defend The Faith [f|1853]
R	The Prophet Of The Ruined Abbey; or,..Future Of Ireland [f|1855]
R	Profit And Loss [f|1873]
	The Irish Race In California And On The Pacific Coast [n|1878]

Hugh QUIGLEY {UK} (M: 1895 Aug 6 - 1979 Jan 30)
	Lombardy, Tyrol, And The Trentino [n|1925]
	The Land Of The Rhone [n|1927]
	Passchendaele And The Somme [n|1928/65]
	Lanarkshire In Prose And Verse [n|1929]
	Electrical Power And National Progress [n|1925]
	Towards Industrial Recovery [n|1927]
	Combines And Trusts In The Electrical Industry [n|1927]
	Republican Germany (w Robert T CLARK) [n|1928]
	The Electrical Industry Of Great Britain [n|1929]
	Housing And Slum Clearance In London (w I GOLDIE) [n|1934]
	Italian Criticism In The 18th Century [n|?]
	The Influence Of English Philosophy And..Aesthetics.. [n|?]
	The Highlands Of Scotland [n|1936]
	A Plan For The Highlands [n|1936]
	End Monopoly Exploitation [n|1941]
	New Forest Orchard [n|1947]

James M QUIGLEY (M: ? - 1988)

Joan (Ceciel) QUIGLEY {US} (F: 1927 Apr 10 - 2014 Oct 21 or 23)
(&ps: [Angel STAR])
	Astrology For Teens [n|?]
	Astrology For Adults [n|?]

John Paul QUIGLEY (M: 1896 - ?)

Joseph Anthony Michael QUIGLEY (M: 1900 - ?)

Margery Closey QUIGLEY {US} (F: 1886 Sep 16 - 1968 Apr 17)
(ps: Margery CLARK (2))

Martin (Joseph) QUIGLEY {US} (M: 1890 May 6 - 1964 May 4)

Martin (Schofield) QUIGLEY (Jr) {US} (M: 1917 Nov 24 - 2011 Feb 5)
	Great Gaels [1943]
	Roman Notes [1945]

Martin (Peter) QUIGLEY {US} (M: 1913 Jun 9 - 2000 Jan 7)

Patrick Joseph QUIGLEY (M: 1837 - ?)

Richard Francis QUIGLEY (M: c1852 - 1918)
	Ipse, Ipsa; Ipse, Ipsa, Ipsum; Which? [n|1890]

Samuel QUIGLEY {US} (M: 1873 Jan 26 - 1946 Nov 14)
	The Integration Of Teaching And Learning [n|1933]

Thomas Bartlett QUIGLEY (M: 1908 - ?)

Thomas Harold QUIGLEY (M: 1896 - ?)

Thomas Henry QUIGLEY (M: 1896 - ?)

Thomas Joseph QUIGLEY (M: 1905 - ?)

Sir, William George Henry QUIGLEY {UK} (M: 1929 Nov 26 - 2013 Mar 3)

Isabel (Madeleine) QUIGLY {ES?/UK} (F: 1926 Sep 17 - 2018 Sep 14)
	The Eye Of Heaven [f|1953]
	The Heirs Of Tom Brown [n|?]
	Charlie Chaplin [n|?]

Osvaldo A QUIJADA (M: 1907 - ?)

Aureliano QUIJADA BURR (M: 1876 - ?)

Diego Felix de QUIJADA y RIQUELME (M: c1598 - c1630)

Alejandro QUIJANO (M: 1885 - ?)

Arturo QUIJANO (M: 1878 - 1935)

Carlos QUIJANO {UY} (M: 1900 (or 1910) Jan 21 - 1984 Jun 10)
	Nicaragua [n|Sp-?]

Manuel Maria QUIJANO (M: 1782 - 1853)

José Maria QUIJANO OTERO (M: 1836 - 1883)

QUIJOTÍN (see: Antonio CORTÓN (y Del TORO))

Arthur QUILFORD (M: 1909 - ?)


Domenico QUILICI (M: 1757 - 1831)

Gaetano QUILICI (M: c1740 - c1795)

Massimilliano QUILICI (M: 1799 - 1889)

Nello QUILICI (M: 1890 - ?)

Rafael QUILIS MOLINA {ES?} (M: 1889 - 1973)

Werner QUILISCH (M: 1896 - ?)

QUILL (see: (Joseph George) Cyril GRANGE)

Albert William QUILL (M: c1845 - 1908 Feb 1)

Jeffery QUILL {UK} (M: 1913 - ?)

Laurence Larkin QUILL {US} (M: 1901 Feb 24 - 1989 Feb 13)

Monica QUILL (see: Ralph Matthew McINERNY)

Non Con QUILL (see: John Cynddylan JONES)

Col, Raymond Humphrey QUILL {UK} (M: 1897 May 4 - 1987 Dec 7)

Pierre QUILLARD (M: 1864 - 1912)

Prof, Daniel Gray QUILLEN {US} (M: 1940 Jun 22 (or 27) - 2011 Apr 30)

Isaac James QUILLEN {US} (M: 1909 Feb 9 - 1967 Aug 4)

Robert QUILLEN {US} (M: 1887 Mar 25 - 1948 Dec 19)
	One Man's Religion [n|1923]
	The Path Wharton Found [1924]

Andrew QUILLER (see: (Henry) Kenneth BULMER)

Helen QUILLER {UK} (F: 1973 Sep 3 - ?)

Sir, Arthur Thomas QUILLER-COUCH {UK} (M: 1863 Nov 21 - 1944 May 12)
(&ps: Prosper Paleologus CONSTANTINE; Q)
17842	Dead Man's Rock [f|1887]
17263	The Astonishing History Of Troy Town (ps: Q) [f|1888]
6437	The Splendid Spur [f|1889]
	The World Of Adventure.. [3v|1889-91]
15865	Noughts And Crosses: Stories, Studies And Sketches [s|1891]
11496	Poetry [p|1891]
14206	I Saw Three Ships.. [s|1892]
19977	The Blue Pavilions [f|1893]
12277	The Delectable Duchy [s|1894]
	Fairy Tales, Far And Near [1895]
18750	Wandering Heath: Stories, Studies And Sketches [s|1895]
17452	Adventures In Criticism [e|1896]
	Ia [f|1896]
23217	The Roll-Call Of The Reef [1896]
	A Spanish Maid [f|1898]
16000	The Ship Of Stars [f|1899]
13799	Old Fires And Profitable Ghosts: A Book Of Stories [s|1900]
12923	The Laird's Luck.. [s|1901]
14817	The White Wolf.. [s|1902]
10548	The Westcotes [1902]
16890	Hetty Wesley [f|1903]
22198	Two Sides Of The Face [s|1903]
20261	The Adventures Of Harry Revel [f|1903]
20612	Fort Amity [f|1904]
23647	Shining Ferry [f|1905]
24946	From A Cornish Window [f|1906]
19751	The Mayor Of Troy (ps: Q) [f|1906]
15565	Sir John Constantine (ps: Prosper Paleologus CONSTANTINE) [f|1906]
27813	Merry-Garden.. [s|1907]
20863	Major Vigoureux [f|1907]
16604	Poison Island [f|1907]
12316	True Tilda [f|1909]
44593	The Oxford Book Of Ballads (ed) [p|1910]
16194	Corporal Sam.. [s|1910]
15228	Lady Good-For Nothing [f|1910]
B	The Sleeping Beauty.. [s|1910]
20979	Brother Copas [f|1911]
10133	The Vigil Of Venus.. (ps: Q) [p|1912]
14533	Hocken And Hunken: A Tale Of Troy [f|1912]
	The Oxford Book Of Victorian Verse (ed) [p|1912]
18577	News From The Duchy [f|1913]
15710	Nicky-Nan, Reservist [f|1915]
17470,B	On The Art Of Writing: Lectures..Uni Of Cambridge 1913-1914 [e|1916]
	Memoir Of Arthur John Butler [b|1917]
	Mortallone And Aunt Trinidad [1917]
	Studies In Literature (1st series) [1918]
19114	Foe-Farrell [f|1918]
1304,B	The Oxford Book Of English Verse (ed) [p|1919]
16579,B	On The Art Of Reading [e|1920]
	Studies In Literature (2nd series) [1922]
	The Oxford Book Of English Prose (ed) [1925]
	Charles Dickens.. [n|1925]
	Studies In Literature (3rd series) [1929]
	Collected Poems [p|1929]
16898	Green Bays: Verses And Parodies (ps: Q) [p|?/1930]
	The Poet As Citizen [1934]
	Q's Mystery Stories [1937]
	Cambridge Lectures [e|1943]
	Memories And Opinions [1944]

Bevil Brian QUILLER-COUCH (M: c1890 - 1919 Feb 6)

Lilian Mary(wrongly Maude) QUILLER-COUCH, Mrs LOBBAN {UK} (F: c1866 (wrongly 1873) - 1941 Jan 5)
	Ancient And Holy Wells Of Cornwall (w Mabel QUILLER-COUCH) [n|1894]
	Man [f|1896]
	A Spanish Maid [f|1898]
	The Marble King [f|1899]
	A Book Of Children's Verse (jt ed) [p|1911]

(Florence) Mabel QUILLER-COUCH {UK} (F: 1865 (wrongly 1866) - 1924 Nov 17)
	Ancient And Holy Wells Of Cornwall (w Lilian M QUILLER-COUCH) [n|1894]
	Martha's Trial [f|1895]
	One Good Seed Sown [f|1896]
	The Recovery Of Jane Vercoe.. [s|1896]
	Some Western Folk [s|1897]
26087	Paul The Courageous [f|1901]
	A Waif And A Welcome [1905]
	Zach And Derby [f|1906]
29171	The Carroll Girls; or, How The Sisters Helped [f|1906]
	A Pair Of Red Dolls [1907]
	Troublesome Ursula [f|1907]
13992	Kitty Trenire [f|1909]
	Some Great Little People [1910]
16268	The Story Of Jessie [1910]
	Children Of Olden Days [1910]
	On Windycross Moor [1910]
	The Mean-Wells [1910]
	True Tales From History [e|1910]
	The Little Princess.. [e|1910]
31836	Better Than Play [1911]
	A Book Of Children's Verse (jt ed) [p|1911]
16969	Dick And Brownie [1912]
26755	Cornwall's Wonderland [s|1914]
31173	Anxious Audrey [1915]
30402	The Making Of Mona [1919]
	A Cottage Rose [1920]

Thomas QUILLER-COUCH (M: 1826 May 28 - 1884 Oct 23)

Aristide QUILLET (M: 1880 - 1955)

Claude QUILLET (M: 1602 - 1661)
	Callipaedia [La-1656] (tr George SEWELL) [p|?]

Helen (Bishop) (nee)Rose QUILLIAM {US} (F: 1905 Feb 9 - 1997)
	History Of The Birds Of Kingston, Ontario [n|1965/73]

Prof, Juan Pete QUILLIAM {UK} (M: 1915 Nov 20 - 2003 Sep 11)

Margaret Jacot QUILLIARD (F: 1875 - ?)

Patrick Joseph QUILLIGAN (M: 1862 - ?)

Ellen (Dorothea) QUILLIN, nee SCHULZ {US} (F: 1892 Jun 16 - 1970 May 6)

Frank Uriah QUILLIN (M: 1880 - ?)

Horace Stewart QUILLIN (M: 1863 - ?)
(ps: Harry ESKEW)
	The House Of The Honeymoon [f|1903]

Dorothy QUILLINAN, nee WORDSWORTH, aka Dora QUILLINAN (F: 1804 Aug 16 (wrongly 14) - 1847 Jul 9)

Edward QUILLINAN (M: 1791 Aug 12 - 1851 Jul 8)
	Dunluce Castle [p|1914]
	Stanzas [p|1814]
	Monthermer [p|1815]
	Carmina Brugesiana [p|1822]
	The Conspirators [f|1840]
	Love And War [f|1846]

Luiz de QUILLINAN (M: 1825 - 1904)

Henri QUILLOT (M: 1901 - ?)

Michel QUILLOT (M: 1903 - ?)

Alexandra QUILMONT (FELIX) (F: 1837 - 1911)

Jocelyn QUILP (see: (Henry James) Halliwell SUTCLIFFE)

David (Cuthbert) Tudway QUILTER {UK} (M: 1921 Mar 26 - 2007 Jan 6)

Harry QUILTER (M: 1851 Jan 24 - 1907 Jul 10)
	Sententiae Artis [1886]

Hugh Henry QUILTER {UK} (M: 1871 - 1948 Mar 4)

Roger (Cuthbert) QUILTER {UK} (M: 1877 Nov 1 - 1953 Sep 21)

Edna (nee?)Eckford QUILTY {AU} (F: ? - ?)

Thomas John QUILTY {AU} (M: 1887 Apr 4 - 1979 Nov 24)
	The Drover's Cook [p|1958]

Adoniram Judson QUIMBY {US} (M: 1875 - 1958)

Rev, Alden Walker QUIMBY {US} (M: 1854 May 6 - 1922 Sep 23)

Alfred QUIMBY (M: 1834 Aug 21 - 1918 Dec 9)
	Selections From The Writings Of Alfred Quimby [e|1918]

Chester Warren QUIMBY {US} (M: 1891 Jun 17 - 1972 Apr 28)
	John, The Universal Gospel [n|?]

Edith (Smaw) (nee)Hinkley QUIMBY {US} (F: 1891 Jul 10 - 1982 Oct 11)

Elihu Thayer QUIMBY (M: 1826 Jul 17 - 1890 Oct 20)

Myrtle (Theresa) QUIMBY, nee CHAMBERS {US} (F: 1891 Jan 21 - 1980 Oct 29)

Phineas Parkhurst QUIMBY (M: 1802 Feb 16 - 1866 Jan 16)
	The Quimby Manuscripts [1921]

Prof, Shirley Leon QUIMBY {US} (M: 1893 Aug 21 - 1986 May 15)
	On The Experimental Determination Of The Viscosity..Solids [n|1925]
	Lectures On Electromagnetic Theory & The Electrical..Matter [e|1933]

Rev, Silas Everard QUIMBY (M: 1837 Oct 19 - 1913 Feb 23)

William Henry QUIMBY (M: 1831 Apr 19 - 1857 Aug 14)
(&ps: W H Q)
L	The Ball-Room Manual Of Contra Dances & Social Cotillons (anon) [n|1863]

José María QUIMPER (M: 1828 Sep 9 - 1902 Jul 4)

QUIN (see: Alfred Henry LEWIS)

Ann (Marie) QUIN {UK} (F: 1936 Mar 17 - 1973 Aug 27)

Clarinda/Clara QUIN (F: 1846 - 1903)
(ps: Charles QUENTIN)
	So Young, My Lord And True [f|1878]
	Through The Storm [f|1879]
	A Fearless Life [f|1882]

Dan QUIN (see: Alfred Henry LEWIS)

Edward QUIN (M: 1794 - 1828)

Prof, Frederic Hervey Foster QUIN (M: 1799 Feb 12 - 1878 Nov 14 (or 24))

Rev, James Baty/Beatty QUIN {US} (M: 1874 Jul 8 - 1943 Aug 26)
	The More Wonderful Life [1941]

Prof, James M QUIN (M: 1806 - 1868 Mar 26)

John James QUIN (M: c1844 Mar 15 - 1897 Feb 2)
	Report On The Trade And Shipping At..Niigata And Sado.. [n|1886]

Michael Joseph QUIN (M: 1796 - 1843 Feb 19)
	Nourmahal [f|1838]
	A Steam Voyage Down The Danube [n|?]
	A Visit To Spain [n|?]

Mike QUIN (see: Paul William RYAN)

Roger QUIN {UK} (M: ? - ?)
	Midnight In Yarrow.. [p|1918]

Shirland QUIN (see: Enid GUEST)

Tarella QUIN, Mrs DASKEIN {AU} (F: 1877 - 1934)
(&ps: Mrs Tarella? DASKEIN)
	Gum Tree Brownie [1907]
	Freckles [1910]
	Before The Lamps Are Lit [1911]
	A Desert Rose [1912]
	Kerno [1914]
	Paying Guests [1917]
	The Other Side Of Nowhere [1934]
	Chimney Town [1934]

Janet QUIN-HARKIN, nee ? {UK} (F: 1941 Sep 24 - living 2024)
(&ps: Rhys BOWEN)

John Russel QUINAN (M: 1822 - 1890)

Jeanne Françoise QUINAULT (F: 1699 - 1783)

Philippe QUINAULT (M: 1635 - 1688)

Edwin Jay/Jennyss QUINBY (M: 1894 - ?)

George Washington QUINBY (M: 1810 - 1884)

Henry Cole QUINBY (M: 1872 - 1922)

Henry Dean QUINBY {US} (M: 1866 Mar 23 - 1949)

Hosea QUINBY (M: 1804 - 1878)
29797	The Prison Chaplaincy, And Its Experience [a|1873]

Jane QUINBY {US} (F: 1901 May 13 - 1979 Oct)

John Roy QUINBY {US} (M: 1902 Jan 1 - 1988 Dec 23)

Josiah QUINBY (M: 1693 - ?)
	A Short History Of A Long Journey.. [a|1740]

Moses QUINBY (M: 1810 Apr 16 - 1875 May 27)
25185	Mysteries Of Bee-Keeping Explained [n|1853]

James QUINCE (see: James Reginald SPITTAL)

Peter QUINCE (see: George Harold DAY)

Peter QUINCE (see: John William McWean THOMPSON)

Peter QUINCE (ps) (M: fl c1838)

Peter QUINCE, the Younger (ps) (M: ? - ?)
	The Cheltenham Mail Bag (ed) [1820]

Peter Lum QUINCE (see: (Harry) Ward RITCHIE)

Timothy QUINCE (see: Ernest MARRIOTT)

Emma QUINCEY (see: Linda SOLE)

Eugene QUINCHE (M: 1893 - ?)

Georg Hermann QUINCKE {DE} (M: 1834 Nov 19 - 1924 Jan 13)
	Geschichte Des Physikalischen Instituts Der Universität Heidelberg [n|Ge-1885]

Prof, Heinrich Irenaeus QUINCKE {DE} (M: 1842 Aug 26 - 1922 May 19)

Edmund QUINCY (M: 1703 - 1788)

Edmund QUINCY (M: 1808 Feb 1 - 1877 May 17)
R	Wensley: A Story Without A Moral [f|1854]
	Josiah Quincy [b|1867]
	The Haunted Adjutant [s|1885]

Edmund QUINCY {US} (M: 1903 May 15 - 1997 Jan 31)

Eliza Susan (nee)Morton QUINCY (F: 1773 - 1850)
	Memoir Of The Life Of Eliza S M Quincy (ed E S QUINCY) [a|1861]

Eliza Susan QUINCY (F: 1798 Mar 15 - 1884 Jan 17)

John QUINCY (M: ? - c1722)
40106	Loimologia; Or, ..The Plague In London In 1665 (w N HODGES) [n|1720]

John QUINCY (M: fl c1775)

Comte, Joseph Sevin de QUINCY (M: 1677 - 1749)

Col, Josiah QUINCY (M: 1709 - 1784)

Josiah QUINCY, 'Jr', the Elder (M: 1744 Feb 23 - 1775 Apr 25 or 26)
	Observations On..The Boston Port-Bill [n|1774]

Sen, Josiah QUINCY, the Younger (M: 1772 Feb 4 - 1864 Jul 1)
	Memoir Of The Life Of Josiah Quincy, Junior.. [b|1825/?/75]
	The History Of Harvard University [2v|n|1840]
	[history of the] Boston Athenaeum [n|1851]
	[history of] Boston [n|1852]
20256	Memoir Of The Life Of John Quincy Adams [b|1858]
A	..The Slave States, And The Duties Of The Free States [n|?]

Mayor, Josiah QUINCY, Jr (M: 1802 Jan 17 - 1882 Nov 2)

Mayor, Josiah QUINCY (M: 1859 Oct 15 - 1919 Sep 8)

Josiah Phillips QUINCY (M: 1829 Nov 28 - 1910 Oct 31)

Maria Sophia QUINCY (F: 1805 Apr 9 - 1886 Dec 31)

Gen, Samuel Miller QUINCY (M: 1832 (or 1833) Jun 13 - 1887 Mar 24)
34895	History Of The Second Massachusetts Regiment Of Infantry [n|1877]

Silvester/Sylvester Eugene QUINDRY {US} (M: 1880 Jan 12 - 1950 Mar 3)
	Practicing Law [n|1928]
	Illinois Appelate Practice [n|1929]

William QUINDT {DE} (M: 1898 Oct 22 - 1969 Dec 29)

Hector (William) QUINE {UK} (M: 1926 Dec 30 - 2015 Jan 1)

Canon, John QUINE {UK} (M: 1857 May 5 - 1940 Feb 28)
	The Captain Of The Parish [f|1897]
	The Isle Of Man [n|1911]

Prof, Willard van Orman QUINE {US} (M: 1908 Jun 25 - 2000 Dec 25)
	A System Of Logistic [n|1934]
	Mathematical Logic [n|1940/1951]

Charles QUINEL {FR?} (M: 1868 - 1942)

Edwin B QUINER (M: 1816 Apr - 1868 Feb 28)
	A Military History Of Wisconsin [n|1866]

Doris (Elizabeth) QUINET, nee WILLCOX {UK} (F: 1897 Aug 23 - 1990)

Edgar QUINET (M: 1803 Feb 17 - 1875 Mar 27)

Fernand QUINET {BE} (M: 1898 Jan 29 - 1971 Oct 24)
(&ps: Fernand QUINTET)
	Leçons De Solfège À Changements De Clés Sur 5 Clés [n|Fr-1948]
	12 Leçons De Solfège À Changements De Clés Sur 7 Clés [n|Fr-1950]

Irma QUINET {BE} (F: 1906 Jun 3 - 2001 May 9)
(ps: Mig QUINET)

Mig QUINET (see: Irma QUINET)

Paul Gustave Désiré QUINET {BE/UK?} (M: 1899 or 1900 Apr 7 - 1978 Feb 21)

Baron, Emile Theodore QUINETTE De ROCHEMONT (M: 1838 - ?)

Richard James QUINIAN (M: 1892 - ?)

Aloysius Stanislaus QUINLAN (M: 1876 - ?)

Col, David Anthony QUINLAN {US} (M: 1938 May 27 - 2003 Nov 7)

John QUINLAN (M: c1861 - ?)

Mary Eva QUINLAN (F: 1887 - ?)

Maurice James QUINLAN (M: 1904 - ?)

Fr, Michael Aloysius QUINLAN {US} (M: 1874 Jan 14 - 1944 Aug 29)
	Poetic Justice In The Drama [n|1912]

Sir, Michael (Edward) QUINLAN {UK} (M: 1930 Aug 1 - 2009 Feb 26)

Patrick Thomas QUINLAN (M: 1894 - ?)

Sara-Alice Katharyne QUINLAN {US?} (F: 1872 - ?)
	In Harvest Fields By Sunset Shores [1926]

Sterling (Carroll) QUINLAN, aka 'Red' QUINLAN {US} (M: 1916 Oct 23 - 2007 Mar 11)
	Merger [f|1958]
	Jugger [f|1960]
	The Hundred Million Dollar Lunch [f|?]
	Something In Between [f|?]

Alonzo Wallace QUINN {US} (M: 1899 May 28 - 1977 Apr 8)

Anthony (Rudolph Oaxaca) QUINN {US?} (M: 1915 Apr 21 - 2001 Jun 3)

Arthur Hobson QUINN {US} (M: 1875 Feb 9 - 1960 Oct 12)
	Contemporary American Plays (ed) [d|1923]
	A History Of The American Drama..The Civil War [n|1923]
	A History Of The American Drama.., v2 [n|c1925]
	A History Of The American Drama.., v3 [n|1927]
	American Fiction [n|1936]
	Edgar Allan Poe [b|1941]

Prof, Arthur Joseph QUINN {US} (M: 1942 Sep 18 - 1997 May 15)

Sister, Bernetta Roselyn Viola QUINN {US} (F: 1915 Sep 19 - 2003 Feb 24)
(ps: Mary Bernetta QUINN)
	The Metamorphic Tradition In Modern Poetry [n|1955]
	Give Me Souls [Raphael Merry De Val] [b|1958]

Bessie W QUINN (F: 1893 - ?)

Daniel QUINN (M: 1861 - ?)

David QUINN (M: c1825 - c1870)

Prof, David (Beers) QUINN {UK} (M: 1909 Apr 24 - 2002 Mar 19 (wrongly 12))
	The Voyages & Colonising Enterprises Of Sir Humphrey Gilbert [2v|n|1940]
	Ralegh And The British Empire [n|1947]
	The Roanoke Voyages, 1584-90 [n|1955]

Doris Margarett QUINN {US} (F: 1908 Feb 19 - 1981 Feb 20)
	Theory Work Book [n|1948]

Edmond John QUINN (M: 1886 - ?)

Edward QUINN (M: 1908 - ?)

Elizabeth QUINN (F: 1948 - ?)

Elmer Francis QUINN (M: 1895 - ?)

Elton Leroy QUINN {US} (M: 1887 Jul 24 - 1967 Jul 25)

Esther (Margaret) (nee)Casier QUINN {US} (F: 1922 May 3 - 2017 Jan 22)
	The Quest Of Seth For The Oil Of Life [1962]

Ethel Hardingham QUINN (see: (Patricia) Ethel (Nhill Victoria) STONEHOUSE)

Frances Elizabeth (nee? Reis) QUINN (F: 1908 - ?)

Fr(SJ), Francis Xavier QUINN {US} (M: 1932 Jun 9 - 2012 Oct 10)
	The Ethical Aftermath Of Automation (ed) [n|1962]
	Ethics, Advertising, And Responsibility (ed) [n|1963]

Frank QUINN (M: ? - 1935 Mar 17)

Frank Oliver QUINN {US} (M: 1873 - ?)
	How To Be A Good Salesman, [n|1909]

Germain (B) QUINN {US} (M: 1866 May 28 - 1956 Apr 12)
	Fifty Years Backstage.. [a|1926]

H QUINN (see: Mildred ALDRICH)

Harley QUINN (see: Wilfrid(=Wilfred) (Charles) THORLEY)

Henry QUINN (see: Rainer Friedhelm ZUBEIL)

Prof, Herbert Furlong QUINN {CA} (M: 1910 Feb 11 - 1985)
	The Union Nationale [n|1963]

Horace Westlyn QUINN {US} (M: 1911 Jul 3 - 2000 Oct 30)

Hubert QUINN (M: 1902 - ?)

Hugh QUINN (M: 1884 - ?)

J F QUINN {IE} (M: 1875 - 1953)
	History Of Mayo [5v|n|?]

Fr(SJ), James QUINN {UK} (M: 1919 Apr 21 - 2010 Apr 8)
	Our Lady In Scripture And Tradition [n|1960]

James Alfred QUINN (M: 1895 - ?)

James Brian QUINN {US} (M: 1928 Mar 18 - 2012 Aug 28)
	Yardsticks For Industrial Research Management [n|1959]

James Edward QUINN (M: 1889 - 1922)

James Charles Edward QUINN {UK} (M: 1919 Aug 23 - 2008 Feb 11)

James Leland QUINN (M: 1875 - ?)

Jay QUINN {US} (M: c1959 - ?)
	Metes And Bounds [?]

John QUINN {US} (M: 1870 Apr 24 (or 14) - 1924 Jul 28)
	A Plea For Untaxed Contemporary Art [n|1915]
	The Irish Home-Rule Convention (w Sir G PLUNKETT & Wm RUSSELL) [n|1917]
	The Library Of John Quinn (w Vincent O'SULLIVAN) [5v|n|1923-1924]
	Complete Catalogue Of The Library.. (w V O'SULLIVAN) [2v|n|1924]

John QUINN {CA/AU?} (M: 1915 - ?)
	Battle Stations [p|1944]

John F QUINN {US?} (M: 1888 - ?)

John Francis QUINN (M: 1904 - ?)

John Henry QUINN {UK} (M: 1860 - 1941 Feb 4)
	A Manual Of Library Cataloguing [n|1899]
	Library Cataloguing [n|1913]
	A Manual Of Cataloguing And Indexing (w H W ACOMB) [n|1933/1937]

John Philip QUINN (M: 1846 (or 1851) Mar 18 - 1916 Apr 17 or 18)
	Fools Of Fortune [n|1892]
	Highway To Hell (ed) [n|1895]
	Gambling And Gambling Devices [n|1912]

John R QUINN {US} (M: 1938 Jul 17 - 2012 May 25)

Joseph Patrick QUINN (M: 1889 - ?)

Joseph Richard QUINN {US} (M: 1920 May 12 - 2009 Jan 15)

Julia QUINN (see: Julie COTLER)

Julia QUINN (see: Darlene GARDNER)

Maria (Annette) QUINN, nee FOGARTY {AU} (F: 1942 Apr 21 - 2010)

Marjorie QUINN {AU} (F: 1889 (wrongly 1890) Nov 28 - 1972 Feb c15)
	Candlelight [p|1954]

Martin QUINN (M: ? - ?)

Mary Bernetta QUINN (see: Bernetta Roselyn Viola QUINN)

Mary Geo QUINN {AG} (F: ? - ?)
	Winthorpean Echoes [p|?]

Mary Josephine QUINN (F: 1877 - ?)

Mick QUINN (M: 1962 - ?)

Michael A QUINN (M: 1895 - ?)

Mildred D QUINN (F: 1908 - ?)

Muriel Sinton QUINN {UK} (F: 1887 - 1955 Sep 23)
	Historical And Armorial Bookbindings (w R A RYE) [n|1937]

Pat QUINN {NZ} (F: 1947 - ?)

Patrick (Edward) QUINN {AU} (M: 1862 Mar 16 or 17 - 1926 Apr 2)
	Captain Cook (w J A DELANY) [d|1891]
	The Jewelled Belt [f|1896]
	The Australian Storyteller For A Idle Afternoon [s|?]

Peter Wiley QUINN (M: 1889 - 1971)

Roderic (Joseph) QUINN {AU} (M: 1867 (or 1869) Nov 26 - 1949 Aug 15)
	Mostyn Stayne [f|1897]
	The Hidden Tide [p|1899]
	The Circling Hearths [p|1901]
	A Southern Garland [p|1904]
	Poems [p|1920]

Seabury (Grandin) QUINN, aka Jerome BURKE {US} (M: 1889 Jan 1 - 1969 Dec 24)
(&ps: Jules de GRANDIN)
	A Syllabus Of Mortuary Jurisprudence [n|1933]
	An Encyclopedic Law Glossary For Funeral Directors And Embalmers [n|1940]
	Roads [1948]
	This I Remember [?]

Capt, Silvanus Jackson QUINN (M: 1837 Mar 8 - 1908 Sep 10)
	The History Of The City Of Fredericksburg, Virginia [n|1908]

Tara Taylor QUINN {US} (F: ? - ?)

Theodore Kinget QUINN {US} (M: 1893 Jun 11 - 1961 Aug 29)
	Liberty, Employment, And No More Wars [n|1943]
	The Original Manual For Labor And Management Committees [n|1945]
	Giant Business [n|1953]
	Giant Corporations [n|1956]
	The Individual In A Business Society [n|1958]
	Unconscious Public Enemies [n|1962]

Thomas Charles QUINN (M: 1864 - ?)

(Elizabeth) (nee?)Vernon QUINN {US?} (F: 1881 Jan 5 - 1962 Mar 21)
(&ps: Dale ADAMS; Capini VEQUIN)
	Beautiful America [n|1923/1938]
	Beautiful Mexico [n|1924/1938]
	Stories For The Six-Year-Old (ed) [s|1924]
	Beautiful Canada [n|1925/1938]
	The Exciting Adventures Of Captain John Smith [n|1928]
	Hands Up!: Palmistry For Pastime (ps: Capini VEQUIN) [n|1928]
	War-Paint And Powder-Horn [n|1929]
	The March Of Iron Men [n|1930]
	Picture Map Geography Of The United States [n|1931/1953]
	Picture Map Geography Of The World [n|1932]
	Card Games For Children [n|1933]
	Picture Story Of Franklin D Roosevelt [b|1934]
	Seeds [n|1936]
	How To Analyze Hands.. (ps: Capini VEQUIN) (w J S MEYER) [n|1936]
	Leaves [n|1937]
	The Ghosts Of My Friends (ps: Capini VEQUIN) [1938]
	Roots [n|1938]
	Stories And Legends Of Garden Flowers [n|1939]
	Shrubs In The Garden And Their Legends [n|1940]
	Picture Map Geography Of South America [n|1941]
	Vegetables In The Garden And Their Legends (w Louise MANSFIELD) [n|1942]
	Picture Map Geography Of Mexico, Central America..West Indies [n|1943]
	Picture Map Geography Of Canada And Alaska [n|1944/1954]
	Picture Map Geography Of The Pacific Islands [n|1945]
	50 Card Games For Children [n|1946]
	Picture Map Geography Of Asia [n|1946/1955]
	Pageant Of The Seven Seas [n|1948]
	Picture Map Geography Of Africa [n|1952]

Warren QUINN (M: ? - 1991)

William Arthur QUINN {US} (M: 1920 Aug 15 - 1992 Sep 14)
	Foundation For Living (w Clarence H YOUNG) [n|1963]

Lt-Gen, William Wilson QUINN, aka 'Buffalo Bill' {US} (M: 1907 Nov 1 - 2000 Sep 11)


John W QUINNEY, aka WAUNNACON (M: 1797 - 1855 Jul 21)

Gualterio QUINONAS {US?} (M: 1896 - ?)
	From Hawaii To Heaven [1946]
	The Armless Marvel, Mary Belle [1949]

Estevan de QUINONES (M: ? - 1815)

Cardinal, Francisco de QUIÑONES (M: c1482 - 1540 Nov 5)

Francisco Mariano QUIÑONES (M: 1830 Feb 4 or 15 - 1908 (or 1903) Sep 13)
(ps: A KADOSH)
	Articulos [Sp-1887]
	Apuntes Para La Historia De Puerto Rico [n|Sp-1888]

José Marcial QUIÑONES (M: 1827 - 1893)

Luis QUIÑONES De BENAVENTE (M: c1589 - 1651)
	Los Muertos Vivos [d|Sp-?]

Samuel René QUIÑONES VIZCARRONDO {PR} (M: 1904 Aug 9 - 1978)

Sister, Lora Ann QUIÑONEZ {US} (F: 1934 Aug 4 - 2002 Apr 29)

Benito QUINQUELA MARTIN (M: 1890 - ?)

Mme, Bertrand QUINQUET (see: Barbe-Suzanne-Aimable Giroux de MORENCY)

John QUINPOOL (see: John William REGAN)

Donald Leroy QUINSEY {US} (M: 1902 Feb 9 - 1974 Nov 9)

Gustave QUINSON {FR} (M: 1863 Jan 23 - 1943 Aug 1)
	Le Chasseur De Chez Maxim's (w Yves MIRANDE) [d|Fr-pro:1920]
	La Merveilleuse Journée (w Yves MIRANDE) [d|Fr-pro:1922]
	Pourquoi M'As-Tu Fait Ça? (w Yves MIRANDE) [d|Fr-pro:1922]
	La-Haut (w others) [d|Fr-1923]
	Embrassez-moi (w Tristan BERNARD & Yves MIRANDE) [d|Fr-pro:1923]
	Miche Et Son Père (w Yves MIRANDE) [d|Fr-pro:1924]
	La Vérité Toute Nue (w Pierre VEBER) [d|Fr-pro:1925]
	La Grue Du Cinquième (w Yves MIRANDE) [d|Fr-pro:1927]
	Une Petite Femme Dans Un Lit (w Yves MIRANDE) [d|Fr-pro:1927]
	La Demoiselle De Mamers (w Yves MIRANDE) [d|Fr-pro:1933]
	C'Est Vous Que Je Veux (w Yves MIRANDE) [d|Fr-pro:1934]

Alonzo Hall QUINT (M: 1828 - 1896)

Arent Willem QUINT (M: 1903 or 1908 - ?)

Eli QUINT (M: 1902 - ?)

Herbert A QUINT (see: Richard(-Alexander Ruthard Edi Wolf Eberhard) von FRANKENBERG (Und LUDWIGSDORFF))

Prof, Howard Henri QUINT {US} (M: 1917 Jan 3 - 1981 Jun 23)
	The Forging Of American Socialism [n|1953]
	The Main Problems Of American History (jt ed) [2v|1964/?/?/78]

I George QUINT (M: 1900 - ?)

Josef QUINT (M: 1898 - ?)

Michel QUINT {FR} (M: 1948 or 1949 Nov 17 - living 2022)
	L'Éternité Livie L'Éternité [Fr-2020]

Oskar QUINT {AT} (M: 1874 Jun 20 - 1942 Jun 20)

Paulus Gouda QUINT (M: 1835 - 1915)

Thomas QUINT (see: Joseph M VELTER)

Wilder Dwight QUINT {US} (M: 1863 Nov 15 - 1936 Jan 4)
(ps: Dwight TILTON; Charles Eustace MERRIMAN (1))
&	Miss Petticoats [f|1902]
&	On Satan's Mount [f|1903]
&	My Lady Laughter: A Romance Of Boston Town In..The Great Siege [f|c1904]
&	Meyer And Son [f|1909]
&	The Golden Greyhound [f|?]

Claire (Helene) QUINTAL {US} (F: 1930 Apr 28 - 2020 Apr 30)
	Critique Française De L'O=Evre De Theodore Dreiser [n|Fr-1961]

Francisco QUINTAL (M: 1898 - 1987)

Bp, Charles Todd QUINTARD (M: 1824 Dec 22 - 1898 Feb 15)
	Doctor Quintard, Chaplain CSA.. (ed Arthur Howard NOLL) [a|1905]

Edward QUINTARD {US?} (M: ? - ?)
	Sonnets (anon) [p|1900]
	Sea Babies.. (anon) [p|1903]

Agustin (de) QUINTANA (M: c1660 - 1734)

Elvira QUINTANA (MOLINA) {ES} (F: 1935 Nov 6 - 1968 Aug 8)

Federico M QUINTANA (M: 1875 - ?)

Francisco de QUINTANA (M: fl c1626)

Hilarion de la QUINTANA (M: 1774 - 1843)

Ignacio QUINTANA {VE} (M: ? - ?)

Jeronimo de QUINTANA (M: fl c1629)

Jorge QUINTANA (M: 1910 - ?)

José María de QUINTANA {CU} (M: c1857 - ?)
	Andres De Urdaneta (w Jose Antonio MEDRANO) [d|Sp-?]

José Miguel QUINTANA (M: 1908 - ?)

Manuel José QUINTANA (M: 1772 Apr 11 - 1857 Mar 11)

Ricardo (Beckwith) QUINTANA {US} (M: 1898 Oct 6 - 1987 Dec 14)

Manuel E QUINTANA M (M: 1901 - ?)

Andres QUINTANA ROO (M: 1787 - 1851)

Francisco QUINTANAR ARELLANO (M: 1907 - ?)

Aurelio Pereira da Silva QUINTANILHA (M: 1892 - ?)

Lino QUINTANILLA (M: 1941 - 1979)

(Leon Gerardo) Luis QUINTANILLA (ISASI CAGIGAL ZERRAGERIA) {ES} (M: 1893 (wrongly 1895) Jun 12 - 1978 Oct 16)
	La Cárcel Por Dentro [Sp-1936]
	Intoxication Made Easy (w Elliot PAUL) [1941]
	With A Hays Nonny Nonny (w Elliot PAUL) [1942]

Luis QUINTANILLA (M: 1900 - 1980)
(ps: Kyn TANIYA)
	The Other Side Of The Mexican Church Question [n|1935]
	A Latin American Speaks [n|1943]
	Pan Americanism And Democracy [n|1952]

Guillermo QUINTANILLA y FABREGAS (M: 1867 - 1929)

Anton QUINTANO {MT} (M: 1956 Oct 28 - ?)

Abp, Manuel QUINTANO BONIFAZ (M: 1699 - 1774 (or 1775) Dec 18)

Edward QUINTARD (M: 1867 - 1936)

Agustin QUINTAS (M: ? - 1934)

Amaro QUINTAS (M: 1911 - ?)

Christine QUINTASKET (F: 1888 - 1936)
(ps: Mourning DOVE; HUM-ISHU-MA)

Armando Ottaviano QUINTAVALLE (M: 1894 - ?)

Ferruccio QUINTAVALLE {IT} (M: 1863 - ?)
	Un Mese Di Rivoluzione In Ferrara (7 Febbraio..1831) [n|It-1900]
	La Conciliazione Fra L'Italia Ed Il Papato Nelle Lettere.. [n|It-1870]
	Cronistoria Della Guerra Mondiale [n|It-1921-1923]
	Usi E Costumi Tradizionali Delle Giudicarie Esteriori [n|It-1925]
	Storia Dell'unità Italiana (1814-1924) [n|It-1926]
	La Politica Internazionale Nel..Di Giuseppe Mazzini [n|It-1938]

Andres QUINTELA (M: ? - 1866)

Paolo QUINTELA (M: 1905 - ?)

Ary QUINTELLA (M: 1906 - 1969)

Ignacio da Costa QUINTELLA (M: 1763 - 1838)

Esmond QUINTERLEY (see: Richard Vere CRIPPS)

Dante QUINTERNO {AR} (M: 1909 Oct 26 - 2003 May 14)

Ednodio QUINTERO {VE} (M: 1947 - ?)

Joaquín QUINTERO (M: 1833 Oct 22 - 1887 Aug 25)

Mercedes QUINTERO (F: 1898 - 1924)

Ramón Gilberto QUINTERO MONSALVE {VE} (M: 1912 Feb 20 - ?)

Cardinal, José (Humberto) QUINTERO PARRA {VE} (M: 1902 Sep 22 - 1984 Jul 8)

Joaquin QUINTERO QUINTERO (M: 1903 - ?)

José Augustín QUINTERO y WOODVILLE (M: 1829 May 6 - 1885 Sep (or Dec) 7)

José S QUINTEROS (M: 1869 - ?)

Fernand QUINTET (see: Fernand QUINET)

Joannes Franciscus QUINTIANUS STOA (M: c1484 - 1557)

Agnese (Simoni) QUINTIERI MIGLIO (F: 1889 - ?)

QUINTILIAN (see: Marcus FABIUS Quintilianus)

Jean QUINTIN (M: 1500 - 1561)

Louis Charles QUINTIN (M: 1790 Jul 24 - 1856 Mar 20)

Marguerite QUINTIN (F: 1895 - ?)


Agustin de QUINTO (M: 1774 - 1827)

(Freda) Carol QUINTO, nee ? (F: 1946 Feb 27 - 1998 Mar 26)

Felice QUINTO {IT/US?} (M: 1929 Apr 11 - 2010 Jan 17)

Javier de QUINTO (y CORTÉS), Conde de QUINTO (M: 1810 May 22 - 1860 May 1)

QUINTON {UK} (?: ? - ?)
(ps: T I S)
	Violin and Vendetta [f|1891]

Abel QUINTON (M: 1813 - ?)
	Nobleman Of '89 [f|Fr?-?] (tr Ernest LAGARDE) [?]

Alfred Robert QUINTON {UK} (M: 1853 - 1934 Dec 10)

Anthony (Meredith) QUINTON, (life) Baron QUINTON of Holywell {UK} (M: 1925 Mar 25 - 2010 Jun 19)

Cornelia Bentley (nee? Sage) QUINTON (F: 1876 - 1936)

John H QUINTON (M: 1850 - ?)

John Purcell QUINTON (M: 1879 - ?)

José Ignacio QUINTON (M: 1881 - 1925)

Marie QUINTON {FR} (F: ? - ?)
22889	Le Journal De La Belle Meunière [Fr-1895]

Mark QUINTON (see: Mark KEOGH)

Rene QUINTON (M: 1866 - 1925)

Richard Frith QUINTON {UK} (M: 1849 - 1934 Jan 26)

Robert QUINTON {US} (M: 1854 (or 1853) Jan 17 - 1937 Feb 2)
	The Strange Adventures Of Captain Quinton.. [a|1912]

Friedrich Wilhelm QUINTSCHER {DE} (M: 1883 Oct 3 - 1945 May 8)
(ps: Rah OMIR; Ram OPHIAS; Fredo von der WELT)
	Jünger Des Meisters (ps: Fredo von der WELT) [Ge-1922]
	Die Afrikanische Bauherren-Loge (ps: Fredo von der WELT) [Ge-1922]
	Denu Val Gumas.. (ps: Rah OMIR) [Ge-1928]
	Das Buch Der Magischen Praktik (ps: Ram OPHIAS) [Ge-1932]
	Denurische Schriften (ps: Rah OMIR) [Ge-?]

QUINTUS, 'Smyrnaeus' / of Smyrna, aka QUINTUS CALABER ? (M: fl 4th cent)
658,S	The Fall Of Troy [AG-c350] (tr A S WAY) [1913]

Paul Elmer QUINTUS {US} (M: 1905 Dec 10 - 1977 Nov)

(E W) Gustav von QUINTUS ICILIUS (M: 1824 - 1885)

Baldassare QUINZI (M: ? - 1581)

Mme, Lous QUIOC (F: 1861 - ?)

August QUIQUEREZ (M: 1801 - 1882)

Martín QUIRARTE (M: ? - ?)

Ezio QUIRESI (M: 1925 - ?)

Belinda QUIREY (F: 1912 Apr 14 - 1996 Oct 27)

Roger de QUIRIELLE (M: 1848 - ?)

Eberhard QUIRIN (M: 1864 - 1951)

Josef QUIRIN (M: 1886 - 1978)

Daniel Paul QUIRING (M: 1894 - 1958)

Heinrich (Ludwig) QUIRING {DE} (M: 1885 Jan 31 - 1964 Jun 19)
	Vorgeschichtliche Studien In Berkwerken Südspaniens [n|Ge-1935]
	Kurzeinführung In Die Geologie [n|Ge-1949]
	Kurzeinführung In Die Gesteinskunde [n|Ge-1949]
	Vorträge Und Schriften 1911-1955 [e|Ge-1955]
	Platinmetalle [n|Ge-1962]
	Die Jungtertiären Eisenmanganerzvorkommen In Devon.. [n|Ge-1963]

Cardinal, Angelo Maria QUIRINI / QUERINI (M: 1680 Mar 30 - 1755 Jan 6)

Eugeniusz QUIRINI (M: 1891 - ?)

Lauro QUIRINI (M: c1420 - c1475)

Luiz QUIRINO CHAVES (M: 1846 - 1886)

Henrique QUIRINO Da FONSECA (M: 1868 - ?)

PH Pres, Elpidio (Rivera) QUIRINO {PH} (M: 1890 Nov 16 - 1956 Feb 28)

Francesco QUIRINO (M: fl c1550)

QUIRINUS (see: John (Emerich Edward) DALBERG-ACTON)

QUIRINUS (see: Johann Joseph Ignaz von LLINGER)

Arthur Lincoln QUIRK {US} (M: 1908 Jan 24 - 1979 Jan 3)

Fr(SJ), Charles Joaquin QUIRK, aka Carolus J QUIRK {US} (M: 1889 Feb 1 - 1962 Feb 18)
	Sails On The Horizon [1926]
	Candles In The Wind [1931]
	Full Circle [1934]
	Gesture Before Farewell [1934]
	Sculptured In Miniature.. [1956]

George QUIRK (M: ? - ?)
&	The Isle Of Man Charities (w J McHUTCHIN) [n|1831]

John Edward QUIRK {US} (M: 1920 Aug 15 - 2014 Apr 12)
	No Red Ribbons [1962]

Leslie W QUIRK {US} (M: 1882 May 12 - 1960 Nov 28)
	How To Write A Short Story [n|1903]
	Baby Elton, Quarterback [f|1904]
	Midget Blake [f|1906]
	Freshman Dorn, Pitcher [f|1911]
	Tackle And Quarterback [f|1911]
	The Fourth Down [f|1912]
	Freshmen Friends [f|1913]
	The Freshman Eight [f|1913]
	Playing The Game [f|1914]
	The Third Strike [f|1914]
	The Boy Scouts Of Black Patrol [f|1916]
	Ice-Boat Number One [f|1916]
	The Boy Scouts On Crusade [f|1917]
	The Boy Scouts Of Lakeville High [f|1920]
	Into Thin Air (w Horatio WINSLOW) [f|1929]
	Jimmy Goes To War [f|1930]

(Charles) Randolph QUIRK, (life) Baron QUIRK {UK} (M: 1920 Jul 12 - 2017 Dec 20)
	An Old English Grammar (w C L WRENN) [n|1957]

Prof, Robert Emmett QUIRK (Jr) {US} (M: 1918 Sep 22 - 2009 May 23)
	History Of The 13th Armored Division [n|1945]
	The Mexican Revolution, 1914-15 [n|1960]
	An Affair Of Honor [n|?]
	The Mexican Revolution And The Catholic Church, 1910-1929 [n|?]
	Fidel Castro [b|?]
	When You Come Home [n|?]

Violet QUIRK (F: ? - ?)
	Different Gods [f|1923]
	The Skirts Of The Forest [f|1931]

Terence Thomas QUIRKE {UK/US?} (M: 1886 Jul 23 - 1947 Aug 17)
	Española District, Ontario [n|1917]
	Elements Of Geology [n|1925]
	Michipicoten Iron Ranges (w others) [n|1926]
	Disappearance Of The Huronian (w W H COLLINS) [n|1930]

Terence Thomas QUIRKE (M: 1929 - ?)

Prof, William J QUIRK {US} (M: 1933 - 2014)

(José Joaquín) Adán QUIROGA (M: 1863 Mar 6 - 1904 Nov 10)
	Flores Del Aire [p|Sp-1893]
	Proyecto De Código De Policía Y Procedimientos Judiciales [n|Sp-1895]
	Antigüedades Calchaquies [n|Sp-1896]
	Ley Orgánica De Los Tribunales [n|Sp-1897]
	Folklore Calchaqui [n|Sp-1897]
	Procedimientos De La Justicia De Paz [n|Sp-1897]
54064	La Cruz En América [n|Sp-1901]

Facundo QUIROGA (M: 1863 - ?)

Cardinal, Gaspar QUIROGA (y VELA) (M: 1512 Jan 13 - 1595 (or 1594) Nov 20)

Horacio (Silvestre/Sylvestre) QUIROGA (FORTEZA) {UY} (M: 1878 Dec 31 - 1937 Feb 19)
(&ps: Guillermo EYNHARDT)
	Los Arrecifes De Coral [p|Sp-1901]
	El Crimen Del Otro [s|Sp-1904]
	Los Perseguidos [Sp-1905]
	Historia De Un Amor Turbio [f|Sp-1908]
13507	Cuentos De Amor, De Locura Y De Muerte [p|Sp-1917]
	Cuentos De La Selva [Sp-1918]
	El Salvaje [Sp-1920]
	Los Sacrificadas [d|Sp-1920]
	El Trípode Llamado Chengue [s|Sp-1921]
	Anaconda [Sp-1921]
	El Desierto [Sp-1924]
	Los Desterrados [Sp-1926]
	Pasado Amor [f|Sp-1929]
	Suelo Natal [n|Sp-1931]
	Más Allá [Sp-1935]

Jeronimo de QUIROGA (M: fl 17th cent)

José (P) QUIROGA (M: 1707 - 1784)
20852	Descripcion Del Rio Paraguay, Desde La Boca Del Xauru.. [n|Sp-1836]

Juan Facundo QUIROGA (M: 1790 - 1835)

Malvina Rosa QUIROGA (F: 1900 - ?)

Manuel Lopez QUIROGA (M: 1899 - ?)

Prof, Modesto QUIROGA {AR} (M: 1874 Feb 28 - 1960 Oct 24)
	Una Jornada [p|Sp-1938]

Pedro de QUIROGA (M: c1520 - c1592)

Bp, Vasco de QUIROGA (M: c1470 - 1565 Mar 14)
	Información En Derecho [n|Sp-1535]

Manuel QUIROGA ROSA (M: fl c1839)

Marcelo QUIROGA SANTA CRUZ (M: 1931 - 1980)

Alfonso QUIROS ARTAVIA (M: 1953 - 1980)

Carlos Bernaldo de QUIROS (M: 1895 - ?)

José QUIRÓS {CU} (M: 1872 - ?)
	Versos Festivos [p|Sp-1924]

Manuel QUIROS (M: 1939 - 1975)

Pedro Fernandes de QUIROS (M: ? - 1615)
41200	The Voyages Of Pedro Fernandez De Quiros.. [n|?-?] (tr C MARKHAM) [1904]

Roberto QUIROS MARTINEZ (M: 1887 - ?)

Juan QUIRÓS De Los RIOS (M: 1840 Jul 25 - 1894 Sep 14)

Pierre QUIROULE (see: Alexandre FALCONNET)

Pierre QUIROULE (see: W W SAYER)

John Edward QUIS, originally Edward John QUIS {US} (M: 1899 Mar 17 - 1975 May 22)

Anderson Chenault QUISENBERRY (M: 1850 - 1921)

Guy Estil QUISENBERRY {US} (M: 1910 - ?)
	Racing Drivers Handbook [n|1950]

John Henry QUISENBERRY {US} (M: 1907 Jun 25 - 1980 Jan (wrongly Jun) 19)

Karl Spangler QUISENBERRY {US} (M: 1897 Aug 2 - 1978 Oct)

Thomas E QUISENBERRY (M: 1875 - ?)

Lars Ibsen QUISLIN (M: c1634 - 1700)

Maria QUISLING (F: 1900 - 1980)

NO Pres, Vidkun (Abraham Lauritz Jonssøn) QUISLING {NO} (M: 1887 Jul 18 (or 16) - 1945 Oct 24)
	Russland Og Vi [n|No-1942]

Fernando QUISPEZ ASIN ROCA (M: 1927 - 1962)


Axel QUIST {SE?} (M: 1862 - 1938)
	Dalarö [Sw-1930]
	Ösmo [Sw-1930]
	En Bok Om Värmdö Skeppslag [Sw-1949]

Helmer Lorance QUIST {US} (M: 1909 Mar 18 - 1981 Dec 20)

Herman QUIST (M: c1856 - ?)

Johannis Anthonie QUIST {NL} (M: 1899 - 1933)

Mary Lancaster QUIST {US} (F: 1911 - ?)
	Ancestors And Decedents Of Walter Covey [b|?]

Sverre QUIST-HANSSEN {NO} (M: 1909 Jan 11 - 2001 Jul 30)

Iver QUISTGAARD (M: 1767 - 1829)

Hermann QUISTORF {DE} (M: 1884 May 6 - 1969 Oct 7)
	Richard Ohnsorg Und..Bühne Hamburg (w G H J SCHOLZ) [n|Ge-1948]

Johann Christian von QUISTORP (M: 1737 - 1795)

Eduardo A QUISUMBING (M: 1895 - ?)

Francisco Arguelles QUISUMBING (M: 1893 - ?)

Domingos dos Reis QUITA (M: 1728 - 1770)

Pierre Marie QUITARD (M: 1792 - 1882)
51631	Dictionnaire Étymologique, Historique..Des Proverbes.. [n|Fr-1842]
	Dictionnaire Des Rimes [n|Fr-1858]
63380	Proverbes Sur Les Femmes, L'Amitié, L'Amour.. [n|Fr-?/1889]

Edwin Leopold QUITMAN (M: 1870 - ?)

Rev, Frederick Henry QUITMAN (M: 1760 Aug 7 - 1832 Jun 26)

Gov, John Anthony QUITMAN {US} (M: 1798 (or 1799) Sep 1 - 1858 Jul 17)
	Code Duello (ed Virginia A McNEALUS) [n|1931]

Ford Alrik QUITSLUND {US} (M: 1909 Jul 7 - 2003 Jul 23)

Henri QUITTARD (M: 1864 - 1919)

Caligula QUITTE (see: Hermann Anders KRÜGER)

Genia QUITTNER (F: 1906 - ?)

Anton QUITZMANN (M: 1809 - 1879)

Wilhelm QUITZOW (M: 1881 - ?)

Wilhelm Adolf QUITZOW (M: 1812 Apr 30 - ?)

Marie Amelie (Chartroule de Montifaud) QUIVOGNE De MONTIFAUD (F: 1850 - ?)
	Histoire D'Heloise Et D'Abailard [Fr-1873]
	Les Romantiques [Fr-1878]
	Les Nouvelles Drolatiques [Fr-1880]
	Les Vestales De L'Eglise [Fr-1881]
	Les Joyeuse Nouvelles [Fr-1882]
	Entre Messe Et Vepres [Fr-c1882]

Prof, Franciscus Hubertus QUIX {NL} (M: 1874 Jul 9 - 1946 May 28)

J QUIXLEY (?: fl c1402)

Jim QUIXLEY {CA} (M: 1931 - 1991)

QUIZ (ps) (?: ? - ?)
	The Rubaiyat Of A Ranker [p|1918]

Walley Chamberlin QULTON (M: c1770 - c1820)

Abai QUNANBAEV (?: 1845 - 1904)
(ps: ABAI / ABAY)

Christine N QUNTA {ZA} (F: 1952 Jul 6 - ?)

QUO-USQUE (see: Frederick Anthony ATKINS)

John QUOD (see: John Treat IRVING (Jr))

St, QUODVULTDEUS (M: ? - c454)

Theophile QUOIDBACH (M: 1838 - ?)

Rudolf QUOIKA {DE} (M: 1897 May 6 - 1972 Apr 8)
	Die Orgel Der Teinkirche Zu Prag [n|Ge-1949]
	Die Orgel Von St Mauritius In Olmütz [n|Ge-1949]
	Die Große Orgel Des Abbate Franz Xaver Chrismann.. [n|Ge-1949]
	Die Altösterreichische Orgel Der Späten Gotik.. [n|Ge-1953]
	Altbayern Als Orgel-Landschaft [n|Ge-1953]
	Das Positiv In Geschichte Und Gegenwart [n|Ge-1957]
	Musik Und Musikpflege In Der Benediktinerabtei Scheyern [n|Ge-1958]
	Altösterreichische Hornwerke [n|Ge-1959]
	Die König-Orgel In Diessen Am Ammersee [n|Ge-1960]

Maurice QUOILIN (M: 1903 - ?)

Françoise QUOIREZ, 1:Mrs SCHOELLER, 2:Mrs WESTHOFF {FR} (F: 1935 Jun 21 - 2004 Sep 24)
(ps: Françoise SAGAN)
	Bonjour Tristesse [f|Fr-1954]
	Un Certain Sourire [f|Fr-?]
	  A Certain Smile [f|Fr-?] (tr ?) [1956]
	Aimez Vous Brahms? [f|Fr-1960]
	Château En Suède [d|Fr-1960]

QUONDAM (see: Charles McClellan STEVENS)

Rose Maud QUONG, aka Rose Lanu QUONG {US} (F: 1879 Aug 15 - 1972 Dec 14)
	Chinese Wit, Wisdom And Written Characters [1944]
	Chinese Ghost And Love Stories (tr) [s|1946]

Théodore QUONIAM {FR} (M: 1900 - 1962)
	De La Sainteté De Péguy [Fr-1929]

Francis QUOTIDOMINE {US} (M: 1895 Nov 20 - 1993 Mar 23)

QUOW (see: Michael McTURK)

Prof, Ishtiaq Husain QURESHI {IN} (M: 1903 Nov 20 - 1981 Jan 22)
	The Administration Of The Sultanate Of Delhi [n|1942/?/?/1958]

Sayyid QUTB {EG} (M: 1906 Oct 9 - 1966 Aug 29)
	[Al-'Adala Al-Ijtima'iyya Fi'l-Islam] [n|Ar-1949]

Dorothy (Louise) (nee?)Mackay QUYNN {US} (F: 1899 - ?)