New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors

Authors with significant names of  K

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More information on many of these authors, and on other books of theirs, is contained in their individual webpages, which can be found by searching on their names at the top-level of the Author and Book Info .com site.

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A M K (see: Amy Milton KOHLSAAT)

C K (see: (William) Charles (Mark) KENT)

C A K (see: Carl/Karl Arnold KORTUM)

C U O K (see: William Edmund COOKE)

E K (see: Edmond KOWALEWSKI)

E H K (see: Eizabeth Huidekoper KIDDER)

F K (see: Francis KILVERT)

F K (see: Félix KLEIN)

F G K (see: Frederic (George) KENYON)

G K (see: Gerald Festus KELLY)

G E K (see: George Edward KIRK)

G L K (see: Geoffrey Langdon KEYNES)

H K (see: Henry DOWNES)

Mrs Howard K (see: Mrs Howard, (Adeline Georgina Isabella) KINGSCOTE)

H C K (see: Helen (Caroline) Cross KNIGHT)

J K (see: John KAY)

J K (see: John KERSEY)

J K (ps) (?: ? - ?)
	The Church And The Wesleyans [n|1838]

J A C K (see: J MacCULLOCH)

J A K (see: John Alfred KENSIT)

J M K (see: John Maynard KEYNES)

J M M K (ps) {UK?} (?: ? - ?)
	William And James [f|1857]

J S K (see: James S KINGSTON)

J T K (see: J T KNOWLES)

J W K (see: John William KIRTON)

K K (see: Henry Courtney SELOUS)

M K (ps) (?: ? - ?)
	Eurythmy (w D S O) [n|1924]

M A K (see: Mary Ann KELTY)

M P K (see: Morgan Peter KAVANAGH)

M P K (see: Mary Perry KING)

M S K-B (see: Margaret Sibylla KENWORTHY-BROWNE)

N F P K (ps) {UK?} (?: ? - ?)
	Margaret [f|1910]

O K (see: Jonathan F KELLY)

R T K (ps) (?: ? - ?)
I	A Visit To The Spring On The Hillside; or, The Temperance.. [n|1887]

T W K (see: Thomas William KELLY)

U K (see: (Frans) Uuno KAILAS)

W A K (see: William Arthur KELK)

W H G K (see: William Henry Giles KINGSTON)

Ya Kr (ps) {SU?} (M: ? - ?)
	Night Fighting [n|Ru-?] (tr H M BENGOUGH) [1893]