The Anorak Zone ! |
Where's That Vehicle Come From?
(or, Trainspotting for Road Users) |
The Anorak Zone ! |
If you have any additions or corrections, please send them to
Foreign vehicles should display an official ‘triptyque’ country code, either on a sticker
or in a small area on the registration plate / number plate / license plate, usually at lower left.
Codes shown in bold are current.
Sometimes there are unofficial ones, too.
{‘Left’ or ‘Right’ in braces indicates the side of the road driven on.}
Images of some registration plates from these countries can be found at
Olav's License Plate Pictures site and
Jeroen's License Plate Mania site.
Thanks to the many people who have supplied updates to this section of my website over the years,
especially Carl Beringhs.
- A - Austria, 1910-date {Right}
- ADN - South Yemen (Aden), 1938-c1990; replaced by YEM for united Yemen
- AEF - French Equatorial Africa (Afrique Equatoriale Française)
- AFG - Afghanistan, 1971-date {Right}
- AL - Albania, 1934-date {Right}
- AM - Armenia {Right}
- AN - Angola, ?-date {Right, since c1928}
- AND - Andorra, 1957-date {Right}
- AOF - French West Africa (Afrique Occidentale Française)
- AUS - Australia and territories, 1954-date {Left}
- AZ - Azerbaijan, 1993-date {Right}
- B - Belgium, 1910-date {Right}
- BA - Burma, 1937-1956; replaced by BUR, then MYA
- BD - Bangladesh, 1978-date {Left}
- BDA - Bermuda {Left}
- BDS - Barbados, 1956-date {Left}
- BF - Burkina Faso, c1990-date {Right}
- BG - Bulgaria, 1910-date {Right}
- BH - British Honduras (now Belize) 1938-1980s; unofficially replaced by BZ
- Bhutan {Left}
- BI - British India, 1912-1947; replaced by IND, PAK then PK, BA then BUR then MYA, etc {Left}
- BIH - Bosnia & Herzegovina (Bosnia i Herzegovina), 1993-date {Right}
- BIOT ? - British Indian Ocean Territory
- BL - Basutoland (now Lesotho), 1935-1967; replaced by LS
- BOL - Bolivia, 1967-date {Right}
- BP - Bechuanaland Protectorate (now Botswana), 1935-1967; replaced by RB
- BR - Brazil, 1930-date {Right}
- BRG - British Guiana (now Guyana), 1954-1972; replaced by GUY
- BRN - Bahrain, 1954-date {Right, since 1967}
- BRU - Brunei, 1956-date {Left}
- BS - Bahamas, 1950-date {Left}
- BS - British Somaliland (now Somalia), 1935-1960; replaced by SO
- BUR - Myanmar (formerly Burma), 1956-c1995; replaced by MYA
- BVI - British Virgin Islands {Left}
- BY - Belarus, c1995-date {Right}
- BZ - Belize, c1990-date (officially still BH) {Right, since 1961}
- C - Cuba, 1930-date {Right}
- CA - Canada, 1955-1958; replaced by CDN
- CAM - Cameroon, c1953-1972 & 1984-date; replaced by RUC in between {Right}
- Cape Verde Islands {Right}
- CB - Belgian Congo (Congo Belge) & Ruanda-Urundi, 1931-1961; replaced by RU then RU & RWA, and CGO then ZR then ZRE then CGO
- [CC - Consular Corps]
- [CD - Diplomatic Corps (Corps Diplomatique)]
- CDN - Canada (Canadian Dominion), 1956-date {Right}
- CFS - French Somaliland (now Djibouti) (Côte Française des Somalis)
- CGO - Democratic Republic of Congo (Kinshasa/Leopoldville), 1961-1972 & c1998-date; replaced by ZR then ZRE then back to CGO {Right}
- CH - Switzerland (Confoederatio Helvetica), 1911-date {Right}
- China (PRC or VRC ?), People's Republic of {Right}
- CI - Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire), 1961-date {Right}
- CL - Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon), 1932-date {Left}
- [CMD - Head of Diplomatic Corps (Chef de Mission Diplomatique)]
- CNB - Colony of North Borneo (now Sabah, Malaysia), 1955-1963; replaced by PTM then MAL {Left}
- CO - Colombia, 1952-date {Right}
- Comoros {Right}
- CR - Costa Rica, 1956-date {Right}
- CS - Czechoslovakia, 1922-1992; replaced by CZ & SK
- CU - Curaçao (former name of Netherlands Antilles), 1936-1957; replaced by NA {Right}
- CV - Cape Verde Islands
- CY - Cyprus, 1932-date {Left}
- CZ - Czech Republic, 1993-date {Right}
- D - Germany (Deutschland), 1910-date {Right}
- DA - Danzig/Gdansk (now part of Poland), 1922-1939; replaced by D then PL {Right}
- DDR - East Germany (Deutsche Demokratische Republik) (now part of Germany), 1974-1990; replaced by D {Right}
- DK - Denmark & Greenland, 1924-date {Right}
- DOM - Dominican Republic, 1952-date {Right}
- DPR ? - North Korea {Right, since c1946}
- DY - Benin (formerly Dahomey), 1961-date {Right}
- DZ - Algeria (Al-Djezair), 1963-date {Right}
- E - Spain and territories (España), 1910-date {Right}
- EA - British East Africa, 1932-1938; replaced by EAK, EAN, EAT, EAU & EAZ {Left}
- EAK - Kenya (East Africa: Kenya), 1938-date {Left}
- EAN - Nyasaland (East Africa: Nyasaland) (now Malawi), 1938-1965; replaced by MW
- EAT - Tanzania (East Africa: Tanzania/Tanganyika), 1938-date {Left}
- EAU - Uganda (East Africa: Uganda), 1938-date {Left}
- EAZ - Zanzibar/Tanzania (East Africa: Zanzibar), 1938-?; replaced by EAT {Left}
- EC - Ecuador, 1962-date {Right}
- EIR - (Republic of) Ireland (Éire), 1938-1962; replaced by IRL
- EQ - Equador, 1952-1962; replaced by EC
- ER ? - Eritrea, c1993-date {Right, since 1964}
- ES - El Salvador, 1970s-date {Right}
- EST - Estonia, 1993-date {Right}
- ET - Egypt, 1927-date {Right}
- ETH - Ethiopia, 1964-date {Right, since 1964}
- EUR - European Union official vehicles
- EW - Estonia, 1930-1940 & 1991-1993; replaced by SU in between, then EST
- F - France and territories, 1910-date {Right}
- FIF - French India, 1925-1930; replaced by IND
- FIN - Finland, 1993-date {Right, since 1858}
- FJI - Fiji, 1971-date {Left}
- FL - Liechtenstein (Fürstentum Liechtenstein), 1923-date {Right}
- FM - Federated Malay States, 1932-1958; replaced by PTM then MAL
- FØ - Faeroe Islands (Føroyar), c1995-date {Right}
- FR - Faeroe Islands, 1976-c1995; replaced by FØ
- FSM - Federated States of Micronesia, c1985-date {?}
- [FV - (unknown meaning, seen on left-hand drive UK-registered vehicles in Spain; not a country code]
- G - Gabon, 1974-date {Right}
- G - Guatemala, 1952-1956; replaced by GCA
- GB - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 1910-2021, replaced by UK
- GBA - Alderney, Channel Islands (Great Britain: Alderney), 1924-date {Left}
- GBG - Guernsey, Channel Islands (Great Britain: Guernsey), 1924-date {Left}
- GBJ - Jersey, Channel Islands (Great Britain: Jersey), 1924-date {Left}
- GBM - Isle of Man (Great Britain: Isle of Man), 1932-date {Left}
- GBY - Malta, 1924-1966; replaced by M
- GBZ - Gibraltar, 1924-date {Right}
- GCA - Guatemala, 1956-date {Right}
- GE - Georgia, 1993-date {Right}
- GEO - Georgia, c1993; replaced by GE
- GH - Ghana, 1959-date {Right, since 1970s?}
- GR - Greece, 1913-date {Right}
- Guinea-Bissau {Right, since 1928}
- GUY - Guyana, 1972-date {Left}
- H - Hungary, 1910-date {Right, since 1941}
- HK - Hong Kong, 1932-date? {Left}
- HKJ - Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan), 1966-date {Right}
- HN - Honduras, ?-date {Right}
- HR - Croatia (Hrvatska), 1991-date {Right}
- HV - Upper Volta (Haute Volta) (now Burkina Faso), 1961-1970s; replaced by RHV then BF
- I - Italy, 1910-date {Right}
- IAR - International Adminstration Rhineland (now part of Germany), 1938(?)-1964(?); replaced by D {Right}
- IL - Israel, 1952-date {Right}
- IN - Netherlands Indies, 1930-1949, then Indonesia, 1949-1955; replaced by RI
- IN - may be new code for India?
- IND - India, 1947-date {Left} (may be changing to IN)
- IR - Iran, 1936-date {Right}
- IRL - (Republic of) Ireland, 1962-date {Left}
- IRQ - Iraq, 1930-date {Right}
- IS - Iceland, 1936-date {Right, since 1968}
- J - Japan, 1964-date {Left}
- JA - Jamaica, 1932-date {Left}
- JO - Johore (now part of Malaysia), 1932-1948; replaced by FM then PTM then MAL {Left}
- JOR - Jordan, 1955-1966; replaced by HKJ
- K - Cambodia (formerly Kampuchea), 1956-date {Right}
- KAS - Kazakhstan, c1993; replaced by KZ
- KAT - Katanga, 1960-1962; replaced by ZR then ZRE then CGO
- KD - Kedah (now part of Malaysia), 1932-1948; replaced by FM then PTM then MAL {Left}
- KG - Kyrgyzstan, c2000-date {Right}
- KL - Kelantan (now part of Malaysia), 1932-1948; replaced by FM then PTM then MAL {Left}
- KS - Kyrgyzstan, 1990s; replaced by KG
- KT - Kuwait, 1950s; replaced by KWT
- KWT - Kuwait, 1954-date {Right}
- KZ - Kazakhstan, c1995-date {Right}
- L - Luxembourg, 1911-date {Right}
- LAO - Laos, 1959-date {Right}
- LAR - Libyan Arab Republic, 1972-date {Right}
- LB - Liberia, 1967-date {Right}
- LR - Latvia, 1927-1940 & 1991-1992; replaced by SU then LR then LV
- LS - Lesotho, 1967-date {Left}
- LSA - Lebanon, Syria & Alaouitas, 1929-1931; replaced by SL then SYR & RL
- LT - Lithuania, 1925-1940 & 1991-date; replaced by SU in between {Right}
- LT - Libya/Tripolitania, 1960-1971; replaced by LAR
- LV - Latvia, 1991-date {Right}
- M - Malta, 1966-date {Left}
- M - Palestine Mandate, 1930-1948; replaced by IL
- MA - Morocco (Maroc), 1924-date {Right}
- MAL - Malaysia, 1967-date {Left}
- MC - Monaco, 1910-date {Right}
- MD - Moldova, 1993-date {Right}
- ME - Spanish Morocco, 1932-1952 {Right} (probably origin code on plate, rather than separate country identifier)
- MEX - Mexico, 1952-date {Right}
- MK - (Former Yugoslav Republic of) Macedonia (Makedonija), 1993-date {Right}
- MLD - Moldova, c1992; replaced by MD
- MN - Montenegro (later part of Yugoslavia), 1913-1918; replaced by SHS then Y then YU; also used unofficially c2000
- MNE - Montenegro, c2005-
- MO - Macao (?)
- MOC - Mozambique (Mocambique), 1932-56 & 1975-date {Left}
- MGL - Mongolia, 1997-date {Right}
- MS - Mauritius, 1938-date {Left}
- MT - Tangier (Morocco: Tangier), 1932-1956; replaced by MA
- MW - Malawi, 1965-date {Left}
- MYA - Myanmar (formerly Burma), c1995-date {Right, since 1970}
- N - Norway, 1922-date {Right}
- NA - Netherlands Antilles, 1957-date {Right}
- NAM - Namibia, 1993-date {Left, since 1915}
- NAU - Nauru, c1968-date {Left, since 1914}
- NDH - Croatia (Nesavisna Drzava Hrvatska), 1941-1945; replaced by Y then YU then HR
- NEP - Nepal, c1970-date {Left}
- NF - Newfoundland, 1938-1949; replaced by CA, now CDN
- NGN - Netherlands New Guinea (Nouvelle Guinée Nederlandaise), 1955-1963; replaced by RI
- NGR - Nigeria, 1992-date (officially still WAN) {Right, since 1972}
- NIC - Nicaragua, 1952-date {Right}
- NIG - Niger, 1961-c1980
- NL - Netherlands, 1910-date {Right}
- NP - Nyasaland Protectorate, 1938-1960; replaced by RNY then MW
- NR - Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia), 1960-1966; replaced by RNR then unoffically by Z
- NZ - New Zealand and territories, 1958-date {Left}
- P - Portugal, 1912-date {Right, since 1928}
- PA - Panama, 1952-date {Right, since 1943}
- PAK - Pakistan, 1947-1990s; replaced by PK
- PAN - Angola (Portuguese Angola?), 1932-1956; replaced by AN
- PI - Philippines 1952-c1975; replaced by RP
- PK - Pakistan, 1986-date {Left}
- PE - Peru, 1937-date {Right}
- PL - Poland, 1921-1939 & 1945-date {Right}
- PNG - Papua New Guinea, 1981-date {Left}
- PR - Persia (now Iran), 1933-1936; replaced by IR
- PS - Perlis (now part of Malaysia), 1933-1948; replaced by FM then PTM then MAL {Left}
- PTM - Malaysia (Perseketuan Tanah Melayu), 1958-1967; replaced by MAL
- PY - Paraguay, 1952-date {Right}
- Q - Qatar, 1972-date {Right}
- R - Romania, 1930-1981; replaced by RO
- R - Russia, 1910-1926; replaced by SU then RUS
- RA - Argentina (Republic of Argentina), 1927-date {Right, since 1945}
- RB - Botswana (Republic of Botswana), 1967-date {Left}
- RB - Bolivia, 1963-1967; replaced by BOL
- RC - Taiwan (Republic of China), 1932-date
- RCA - Central African Republic (République Centrafricaine?) (unofficially relaced by ECA (Empire Centrafricaine) 1976-1979), 1962-date {Right}
- RCB - Congo (République Congo - Brazzaville?), 1962-date {Right}
- RCH - Chile (Republic of Chile), 1930-date {Right}
- RCL - Congo (République Congo - Leopoldville (Kinshasa)?), 1961-1970s; replaced by ZR then ZRE then CGO
- RG - Guinea (Republic of Guinea), 1970s-date {Right}
- RH - Haiti (Republic of Haiti), 1952-date {Right}
- RHV - Upper Volta (République Haute Volta) (now Burkina Faso), 1970s-c1990; replaced by BF
- RI - Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia), 1955-date {Left}
- RIM - Mauretania, 1964-date {Right}
- RL - Lebanon (Republic of Lebanon?), 1952-date {Right}
- RM - Madagascar (Republic of Madagascar), 1962-date {Right}
- RM - Romania, 1912-1930; replaced by R then RO
- RMM - Mali, 1962-date {Right}
- RN - Niger (Republic of Niger), c1980-date {Right}
- RNR - Rhodesia: Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia), 1960-1966; unofficially replaced by Z
- RNY - Rhodesia: Nyasaland (now Malawi), 1960-1965; replaced by MW
- RO - Romania, 1981-date {Right}
- ROK - South Korea (Republic of Korea), 1971-date {Right}
- ROU - Uruguay (Republica Oriental del Uruguay), 1970s-date; may be being replaced by U again {Right, since 1945}
- RP - Philippines (Republic of the Philippines), 1975-date {Right, since 1945}
- RSA - Republic of South Africa
- RSM - San Marino (Republic of San Marino), 1932-date {Right}
- RSR - Rhodesia: Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), 1960-1979; replaced by ZW
- RU - Burundi, c1960-date {Right}
- RU - Ruanda-Urundi, 1959-c1964; replaced by RU & RWA
- RUC - Cameroon (République Unie du Caméroun), 1972-1983; replaced by CAM
- RUS - Russia, 1993-date {Right}
- RWA - Rwanda, c1964-date {Right}
- S - Sweden, 1911-date {Right, since 1967}
- SA - Saudi Arabia, 1970s-date {Right}
- SA - Saarland, 1925-1935 & 1945-1956; replaced by D
- SAU - South African Union, 1933-1936; replaced by ZA
- SB - Serbia (later part of Yugoslavia), 1911-1918; replaced by SHS then Y then YU then SCG then SRB
- SCG - Serbia & Montenegros (Srbija i Crna Gora), c2003-c2006 {Right}
- SCN - St Kitts & Nevis, c1987-date {Left}
- SD - Swaziland, 1935-date {Left}
- SE - Irish Free State (Saorstat Éireann), 1924-1938; replaced by EIR
- SE - possibly now being officially used for Serbia (and Montenegro?)
- SF - Finland (Suomi Finland), 1921-1992; replaced by FIN
- SGP - Singapore, 1952-date {Left}
- SHS - Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats & Slovenes, 1926-1936; replaced by Y then YU then SCG, HR & SLO
- SK - Slovakia, 1993-date {Right, since 1939}
- SK - Sarawak (now part of Malaysia), 1955-1963; replaced by PTM then MAL {Left}
- SL - Syria & Lebanon, 1931-1952; replaced by SYR & RL
- SLO - Slovenia, 1991-date {Right}
- SM - Siam (now Thailand), 1930-1955; replaced by T
- SME - Surinam, 1936-date {Left}
- SN - Senegal, 1962-date {Right}
- SNB - State of North Borneo (now part of Malaysia), 1938-1955; replaced by CNB then PTM then MAL {Left}
- SO - Somalia, 1970s-date {Right}
- SO - Slovakia, 1939-1945; replaced by CS then SK
- [SP - (Servicio Publico) indicates a Spanish commercial vehicle; not a country code]
- SP - Somaliland Protectorate (now Somalia), 1938-1960
- SQ - Slovakia, 1993; replaced by SK
- SR - Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), 1932-1960; replaced by RSR then ZW
- SRB - Serbia, c2006-date {Right}
- SS - Straits Settlements (now Singapore & part of Malaysia), 1932-1952; replaced by SGP, and by FM then PTM then MAL {Left}
- STP - São Tome & Principe {Right}
- SU - Soviet Union, 1926-1991; replaced by RUS, UA, etc {Right}
- SUD - Sudan, 1963-date {Right, since 1973}
- SWA - South-West Africa (now Namibia), 1935-c1966; replaced by NAM
- SY - Seychelles, 1938-date {Left}
- SYR - Syria, 1952-date {Right}
- T - Thailand, 1955-date {Left}
- TC - French Trust of Cameroon, 1932-1952; replaced by CAM then RUC then CAM
- TCH - Chad (Tchad), 1970s-date {Right}
- TD - Trinidad and Tobago, 1938-1964; replaced by TT
- TD - Tajikistan, c1991-c1995; replaced by TJ
- TG - Togo, 1962-date {Right}
- [TIR - indicates a Customs-sealed international shipment (Trans International Routier); not a country code]
- TJ - Tajikistan, c1995-date {Right}
- TL - East Timor(Timor Leste), c1995-date {Left}
- TM - Turkmenistan, 1994-date {Right}
- TMN - Turkmenistan, 1993-1994; replaced by TM
- TN - Tunisia, 1957-date {Right}
- TO - Trucial Oman (now United Arab Emirates), 1960s; replaced by UAE {Right}
- [TP - (Transporte Publico) indicates a Portuguese commercial vehicle; not a country code]
- TR - Turkey, 1935-date {Right}
- TS - Trieste (now part of Italy), 1945-1954; replaced by I {Right}
- TT - Trinidad and Tobago, 1964-date {Left}
- TT - French Togoland, 1932-1952; replaced by TG
- TTPI ? - Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
- TU - Trengganu (now part of Malaysia), 1935-1948; replaced by FM then PTM then MAL {Left}
- Tuvalu {Left}
- V - Vatican City, 1931-date (the SCV part of the registration plate stands for Stato Città Vaticano) {Right, since 1924}
- VN - Vietnam, 1953-date {Right}
- WAC - Gold Coast (now Ghana) (West Africa: Coast ?), 1932-1959; replaced by GH
- WAG - Gambia (West Africa: Gambia), 1932-date {Right, since 1965}
- WAL - Sierra Leone (West Africa: Leone ?), 1932-date {Right, since 1971}
- WAN - Nigeria (West Africa: Nigeria), 1937-1992; unofficially replaced by NGR
- WD - Dominica (Windward Islands: Dominica), 1954-date {Left}
- WG - Grenada (Windward Islands: Grenada), 1932-date {Left}
- WL - St Lucia (Windward Islands: St Lucia), 1932-date {Left}
- WS - Samoa (formerly Western Samoa), 1962-date {Right till 2009 Sep 2; now Left}
- WV - St Vincent (Windward Islands: St Vincent), 1932-date {Left}
- Y - Yugoslavia, 1936-1952; replaced by YU then SCG, SLO, HR, BIH & MK
- YAR - North Yemen (Yemeni Arab Republic), 1970s-c1990; replaced by YEM for united Yemen
- YEM - Yemen, c1990-date {Right}
- YMN - North Yemen, 1960s?; replaced by YAR
- YU - Yugoslavia, 1952-c2003; replaced by SCG, SLO, HR, BIH & MK
- YV - Venezuela, 1955-date {Right}
- Z - Zambia, 1966-date (officially still RNR) {Left}
- ZA - South Africa (Zuid Afrika), 1936-date {Left}
- ZR - Zaire, 1973-1980; replaced by ZRE then CGO
- ZRE - Zaire, 1980-c1998; replaced by CGO
- ZW - Zimbabwe, c1980-date {Left}