United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
British vehicle registration plates (number plates) usually indicate both the vehicle's
place of origin and age.
Vehicles are not re-registered when the owner moves about the country,
so the registration town is where it was sold when new.
Plates can be swapped between vehicles, so the age guide is not completely reliable,
but it is illegal to use a plate that is newer than the vehicle.
A definitive exposition of UK vehicle registration plates can be found in the book
A History of Motor Vehicle Registration in the United Kingdom [1999/2001] by L H Newall,
the revised edition of which has now sold out, too.
Further information on British registration plates, including the history of their issue,
and their use as personalised plates, can be found at Number Plates Club.
Plates with six digits split by an X or D (eg, 123 X 456) belong to foreign
diplomats based in the UK.
If you want to try communicating with the owner of a particular vehicle,
or want an email address based on your vehicle's registration, look at the
MotorMail website.
Place of Origin
Since 2001 September, there has been a new system, consisting of two letters, two digits and three letters:
the first group gives the place of origin (some of the ones marked unused are available as Select marks),
and the second group gives the age.
- AA - Anglia: Peterborough
- AB - Anglia: Peterborough
- AC - Anglia: Peterborough
- AD - Anglia: Peterborough
- AE - Anglia: Peterborough
- AF - Anglia: Peterborough
- AG - Anglia: Peterborough
- AH - Anglia: Peterborough
- AI - unused
- AJ - Anglia: Peterborough
- AK - Anglia: Peterborough
- AL - Anglia: Peterborough, but reserved for Select marks
- AM - Anglia: Peterborough
- AN - Anglia: Peterborough
- AO - Anglia: Norwich
- AP - Anglia: Norwich
- AQ - unused
- AR - Anglia: Norwich
- AS - Anglia: Norwich
- AT - Anglia: Norwich
- AU - Anglia: Ipswich
- AV - Anglia: Ipswich
- AW - Anglia: Ipswich
- AX - Anglia: Ipswich
- AY - Anglia: Ipswich
- AZ - unused
- BA - Birmingham
- BB - Birmingham
- BC - Birmingham
- BD - Birmingham
- BE - Birmingham
- BF - Birmingham
- BG - Birmingham
- BH - Birmingham
- BI - unused
- BJ - Birmingham
- BK - Birmingham
- BL - Birmingham
- BM - Birmingham
- BN - Birmingham
- BO - Birmingham
- BP - Birmingham
- BQ - unused
- BR - Birmingham
- BS - Birmingham
- BT - Birmingham
- BU - Birmingham
- BV - Birmingham
- BW - Birmingham
- BX - Birmingham
- BY - Birmingham
- BZ - unused
- CA - Cymru: Cardiff
- CB - Cymru: Cardiff
- CC - Cymru: Cardiff
- CD - Cymru: Cardiff
- CE - Cymru: Cardiff
- CF - Cymru: Cardiff
- CG - Cymru: Cardiff
- CH - Cymru: Cardiff
- CI - unused
- CJ - Cymru: Cardiff
- CK - Cymru: Cardiff
- CL - Cymru: Cardiff
- CM - Cymru: Cardiff
- CN - Cymru: Cardiff
- CO - Cymru: Cardiff
- CP - Cymru: Swansea
- CQ - unused
- CR - Cymru: Swansea
- CS - Cymru: Swansea
- CT - Cymru: Swansea
- CU - Cymru: Swansea
- CV - Cymru: Swansea
- CW - Cymru: Bangor
- CX - Cymru: Bangor
- CY - Cymru: Bangor, but reserved for Select marks
- CZ - unused
- DA - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Chester
- DB - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Chester
- DC - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Chester
- DD - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Chester
- DE - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Chester
- DF - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Chester
- DG - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Chester
- DH - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Chester
- DI - unused
- DJ - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Chester
- DK - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Chester
- DL - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Shrewsbury
- DM - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Shrewsbury
- DN - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Shrewsbury
- DO - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Shrewsbury
- DP - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Shrewsbury
- DQ - unused
- DR - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Shrewsbury, but reserved for Select marks
- DS - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Shrewsbury
- DT - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Shrewsbury
- DU - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Shrewsbury
- DV - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Shrewsbury
- DW - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Shrewsbury
- DX - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Shrewsbury
- DY - Deeside-Shrewsbury: Shrewsbury
- DZ - unused
- EA - Essex: Chelmsford
- EB - Essex: Chelmsford
- EC - Essex: Chelmsford
- ED - Essex: Chelmsford, but reserved for Select marks
- EE - Essex: Chelmsford
- EF - Essex: Chelmsford
- EG - Essex: Chelmsford
- EH - Essex: Chelmsford
- EI - unused
- EJ - Essex: Chelmsford
- EK - Essex: Chelmsford
- EL - Essex: Chelmsford
- EM - Essex: Chelmsford
- EN - Essex: Chelmsford
- EO - Essex: Chelmsford
- EP - Essex: Chelmsford
- EQ - unused
- ER - Essex: Chelmsford
- ES - Essex: Chelmsford
- ET - Essex: Chelmsford
- EU - Essex: Chelmsford
- EV - Essex: Chelmsford
- EW - Essex: Chelmsford
- EX - Essex: Chelmsford
- EY - Essex: Chelmsford
- EZ - unused
- FA - Forest & Fens: Nottingham
- FB - Forest & Fens: Nottingham
- FC - Forest & Fens: Nottingham
- FD - Forest & Fens: Nottingham
- FE - Forest & Fens: Nottingham
- FF - Forest & Fens: Nottingham
- FG - Forest & Fens: Nottingham
- FH - Forest & Fens: Nottingham
- FI - unused
- FJ - Forest & Fens: Nottingham
- FK - Forest & Fens: Nottingham
- FL - Forest & Fens: Nottingham
- FM - Forest & Fens: Nottingham
- FN - Forest & Fens: Nottingham
- FO - Forest & Fens: Nottingham, but withheld for reasons of taste
- FP - Forest & Fens: Nottingham
- FQ - unused
- FR - Forest & Fens: Lincoln
- FS - Forest & Fens: Lincoln
- FT - Forest & Fens: Lincoln
- FU - Forest & Fens: Lincoln, but withheld for reasons of taste
- FV - Forest & Fens: Lincoln
- FW - Forest & Fens: Lincoln
- FX - Forest & Fens: Lincoln
- FY - Forest & Fens: Lincoln
- FZ - unused
- GA - Garden of England: Maidstone
- GB - Garden of England: Maidstone
- GC - Garden of England: Maidstone
- GD - Garden of England: Maidstone
- GE - Garden of England: Maidstone
- GF - Garden of England: Maidstone
- GG - Garden of England: Maidstone
- GH - Garden of England: Maidstone
- GI - unused
- GJ - Garden of England: Maidstone
- GK - Garden of England: Maidstone
- GL - Garden of England: Maidstone
- GM - Garden of England: Maidstone
- GN - Garden of England: Maidstone
- GO - Garden of England: Maidstone
- GP - Garden of England: Brighton
- GQ - unused
- GR - Garden of England: Brighton
- GS - Garden of England: Brighton
- GT - Garden of England: Brighton
- GU - Garden of England: Brighton
- GV - Garden of England: Brighton
- GW - Garden of England: Brighton
- GX - Garden of England: Brighton
- GY - Garden of England: Brighton
- GZ - unused
- HA - Hampshire & Dorset: Bournemouth
- HB - Hampshire & Dorset: Bournemouth
- HC - Hampshire & Dorset: Bournemouth
- HD - Hampshire & Dorset: Bournemouth
- HE - Hampshire & Dorset: Bournemouth
- HF - Hampshire & Dorset: Bournemouth
- HG - Hampshire & Dorset: Bournemouth
- HH - Hampshire & Dorset: Bournemouth
- HI - unused
- HJ - Hampshire & Dorset: Bournemouth
- HK - Hampshire & Dorset: Portsmouth
- HL - Hampshire & Dorset: Portsmouth
- HM - Hampshire & Dorset: Portsmouth
- HN - Hampshire & Dorset: Portsmouth
- HO - Hampshire & Dorset: Portsmouth
- HP - Hampshire & Dorset: Portsmouth
- HQ - unused
- HR - Hampshire & Dorset: Portsmouth
- HS - Hampshire & Dorset: Portsmouth
- HT - Hampshire & Dorset: Portsmouth
- HU - Hampshire & Dorset: Portsmouth
- HV - Hampshire & Dorset: Portsmouth
- HW - Hampshire & Dorset: Portsmouth (Isle of Wight only)
- HX - Hampshire & Dorset: Portsmouth
- HY - Hampshire & Dorset: Portsmouth
- HZ - unused
- IA - unused (see old system below)
- IB - unused (see old system below)
- IC - unused (see old system below)
- ID - unused (see old system below)
- IE - unused (see old system below)
- IF - unused (see old system below)
- IG - unused (see old system below)
- IH - unused (see old system below)
- II - unused (see old system below)
- IJ - unused (see old system below)
- IK - unused (see old system below)
- IL - unused (see old system below)
- IM - unused (see old system below)
- IN - unused (see old system below)
- IO - unused (see old system below)
- IP - unused (see old system below)
- IQ - unused (see old system below)
- IR - unused (see old system below)
- IS - unused (see old system below)
- IT - unused (see old system below)
- IU - unused (see old system below)
- IV - unused (see old system below)
- IW - unused (see old system below)
- IX - unused (see old system below)
- IY - unused (see old system below)
- IZ - unused (see old system below)
- JA - unused
- JB - unused
- JC - unused
- JD - unused
- JE - unused
- JF - unused
- JG - unused
- JH - unused
- JI - unused
- JJ - unused
- JK - unused
- JL - unused
- JM - unused
- JN - unused
- JO - unused
- JP - unused
- JQ - unused
- JR - unused
- JS - unused
- JT - unused
- JU - unused
- JV - unused
- JW - unused
- JX - unused
- JY - unused
- JZ - unused
- KA - Luton
- KB - Luton
- KC - Luton
- KD - Luton
- KE - Luton
- KF - Luton
- KG - Luton
- KH - Luton
- KI - unused
- KJ - Luton
- KK - Luton
- KL - Luton
- KM - Northampton
- KN - Northampton
- KO - Northampton
- KP - Northampton
- KQ - unused
- KR - Northampton
- KS - Northampton
- KT - Northampton
- KU - Northampton
- KV - Northampton
- KW - Northampton
- KX - Northampton
- KY - Northampton
- KZ - unused
- LA - London: Wimbledon
- LB - London: Wimbledon
- LC - London: Wimbledon
- LD - London: Wimbledon
- LE - London: Wimbledon
- LF - London: Wimbledon
- LG - London: Wimbledon
- LH - London: Wimbledon
- LI - unused
- LJ - London: Wimbledon
- LK - London: Stanmore
- LL - London: Stanmore
- LM - London: Stanmore
- LN - London: Stanmore
- LO - London: Stanmore
- LP - London: Stanmore
- LQ - unused
- LR - London: Stanmore
- LS - London: Stanmore
- LT - London: Stanmore
- LU - London: Sidcup
- LV - London: Sidcup
- LW - London: Sidcup
- LX - London: Sidcup
- LY - London: Sidcup
- LZ - unused
- MA - Manchester & Merseyside
- MB - Manchester & Merseyside
- MC - Manchester & Merseyside
- MD - Manchester & Merseyside
- ME - Manchester & Merseyside
- MF - Manchester & Merseyside
- MG - Manchester & Merseyside
- MH - Manchester & Merseyside
- MI - unused
- MJ - Manchester & Merseyside
- MK - Manchester & Merseyside
- ML - Manchester & Merseyside
- MM - Manchester & Merseyside
- MN - Manchester & Merseyside
- MO - Manchester & Merseyside
- MP - Manchester & Merseyside
- MQ - unused
- MR - Manchester & Merseyside
- MS - Manchester & Merseyside
- MT - Manchester & Merseyside
- MU - Manchester & Merseyside
- MV - Manchester & Merseyside
- MW - Manchester & Merseyside
- MX - Manchester & Merseyside
- MY - Manchester & Merseyside
- MZ - unused
- NA - North: Newcastle
- NB - North: Newcastle
- NC - North: Newcastle
- ND - North: Newcastle
- NE - North: Newcastle
- NF - North: Newcastle
- NG - North: Newcastle
- NH - North: Newcastle
- NI - unused
- NJ - North: Newcastle
- NK - North: Newcastle
- NL - North: Newcastle
- NM - North: Newcastle
- NN - North: Newcastle
- NO - North: Newcastle
- NP - North: Stockton
- NQ - unused
- NR - North: Stockton
- NS - North: Stockton
- NT - North: Stockton
- NU - North: Stockton
- NV - North: Stockton
- NW - North: Stockton
- NX - North: Stockton
- NY - North: Stockton
- NZ - unused
- OA - Oxford
- OB - Oxford
- OC - Oxford
- OD - Oxford
- OE - Oxford
- OF - Oxford
- OG - Oxford
- OH - Oxford
- OI - unused
- OJ - Oxford
- OK - Oxford
- OL - Oxford
- OM - Oxford
- ON - Oxford
- OO - Oxford
- OP - Oxford
- OQ - unused
- OR - Oxford
- OS - Oxford
- OT - Oxford
- OU - Oxford
- OV - Oxford
- OW - Oxford
- OX - Oxford
- OY - Oxford
- OZ - unused
- PA - Preston: Preston
- PB - Preston: Preston
- PC - Preston: Preston
- PD - Preston: Preston
- PE - Preston: Preston
- PF - Preston: Preston
- PG - Preston: Preston
- PH - Preston: Preston
- PI - unused
- PJ - Preston: Preston
- PK - Preston: Preston
- PL - Preston: Preston
- PM - Preston: Preston
- PN - Preston: Preston
- PO - Preston: Preston
- PP - Preston: Preston
- PQ - unused
- PR - Preston: Preston
- PS - Preston: Preston
- PT - Preston: Preston
- PU - Preston: Carlisle
- PV - Preston: Carlisle
- PW - Preston: Carlisle
- PX - Preston: Carlisle
- PY - Preston: Carlisle
- PZ - unused
- QA - unused
- QB - unused
- QC - unused
- QD - unused
- QE - unused
- QF - unused
- QG - unused
- QH - unused
- QI - unused
- QJ - unused
- QK - unused
- QL - unused
- QM - unused
- QN - unused
- QO - unused
- QP - unused
- QQ - unused
- QR - unused
- QS - unused
- QT - unused
- QU - unused
- QV - unused
- QW - unused
- QX - unused
- QY - unused
- QZ - unused
- RA - Reading
- RB - Reading
- RC - Reading
- RD - Reading
- RE - Reading
- RF - Reading
- RG - Reading
- RH - Reading
- RI - unused
- RJ - Reading
- RK - Reading
- RL - Reading
- RM - Reading
- RN - Reading
- RO - Reading
- RP - Reading
- RQ - unused
- RR - Reading
- RS - Reading
- RT - Reading
- RU - Reading
- RV - Reading
- RW - Reading
- RX - Reading
- RY - Reading
- RZ - unused
- SA - Scotland: Glasgow
- SB - Scotland: Glasgow
- SC - Scotland: Glasgow
- SD - Scotland: Glasgow
- SE - Scotland: Glasgow
- SF - Scotland: Glasgow
- SG - Scotland: Glasgow
- SH - Scotland: Glasgow
- SI - unused
- SJ - Scotland: Glasgow
- SK - Scotland: Edinburgh
- SL - Scotland: Edinburgh
- SM - Scotland: Edinburgh
- SN - Scotland: Edinburgh
- SO - Scotland: Edinburgh
- SP - Scotland: Dundee
- SQ - unused
- SR - Scotland: Dundee
- SS - Scotland: Dundee
- ST - Scotland: Dundee
- SU - Scotland: Aberdeen
- SV - Scotland: Aberdeen
- SW - Scotland: Aberdeen
- SX - Scotland: Inverness
- SY - Scotland: Inverness
- SZ - unused
- TA - unused
- TB - unused
- TC - unused
- TD - unused
- TE - unused
- TF - unused (though a few issued, probably by Scotland: Glasgow)
- TG - unused
- TH - unused
- TI - unused
- TJ - unused (though a few issued, probably by Scotland: Glasgow)
- TK - unused (though a few issued, probably by Scotland: Edinburgh)
- TL - unused (though a few issued, probably by Scotland: Edinburgh)
- TM - unused
- TN - unused (TN 07 issued by Scotland: Edinburgh, instead of SN 07)
- TO - unused
- TP - unused (though a few issued, probably by Scotland: Edinburgh)
- TQ - unused
- TR - unused
- TS - unused
- TT - unused
- TU - unused
- TV - unused
- TW - unused
- TX - unused
- TY - unused (though a few issued, probably by Scotland: Inverness)
- TZ - unused
- UA - unused
- UB - unused
- UC - unused
- UD - unused
- UE - unused
- UF - unused
- UG - unused
- UH - unused
- UI - unused
- UJ - unused
- UK - unused
- UL - unused
- UM - unused
- UN - unused
- UO - unused
- UP - unused
- UQ - unused
- UR - unused
- US - unused
- UT - unused
- UU - unused
- UV - unused
- UW - unused
- UX - unused
- UY - unused
- UZ - unused
- VA - Severn Valley: Worcester
- VB - Severn Valley: Worcester
- VC - Severn Valley: Worcester
- VD - Severn Valley: Worcester, but withheld for reasons of taste ?
- VE - Severn Valley: Worcester
- VF - Severn Valley: Worcester
- VG - Severn Valley: Worcester
- VH - Severn Valley: Worcester
- VI - unused
- VJ - Severn Valley: Worcester
- VK - Severn Valley: Worcester
- VL - Severn Valley: Worcester
- VM - Severn Valley: Worcester
- VN - Severn Valley: Worcester
- VO - Severn Valley: Worcester
- VP - Severn Valley: Worcester
- VQ - unused
- VR - Severn Valley: Worcester
- VS - Severn Valley: Worcester
- VT - Severn Valley: Worcester
- VU - Severn Valley: Worcester
- VV - Severn Valley: Worcester
- VW - Severn Valley: Worcester
- VX - Severn Valley: Worcester
- VY - Severn Valley: Worcester
- VZ - unused
- WA - West: Exeter
- WB - West: Exeter
- WC - West: Exeter
- WD - West: Exeter
- WE - West: Exeter
- WF - West: Exeter
- WG - West: Exeter
- WH - West: Exeter
- WI - unused
- WJ - West: Exeter
- WK - West: Truro
- WL - West: Truro
- WM - West: Bristol
- WN - West: Bristol
- WO - West: Bristol
- WP - West: Bristol
- WQ - unused
- WR - West: Bristol
- WS - West: Bristol
- WT - West: Bristol
- WU - West: Bristol
- WV - West: Bristol
- WW - West: Bristol
- WX - West: Bristol
- WY - West: Bristol
- WZ - unused
- XA - temporary export plates
- XB - temporary export plates
- XC - temporary export plates
- XD - temporary export plates
- XE - temporary export plates
- XF - temporary export plates
- XG - unused
- XH - unused
- XI - unused
- XJ - unused
- XK - unused
- XL - unused
- XM - unused
- XN - unused
- XO - unused
- XP - unused
- XQ - unused
- XR - unused
- XS - unused
- XT - unused
- XU - unused
- XV - unused
- XW - unused
- XX - unused
- XY - unused
- XZ - unused
- YA - Yorkshire: Leeds, but possibly some reserved for Select marks ?
- YB - Yorkshire: Leeds
- YC - Yorkshire: Leeds
- YD - Yorkshire: Leeds
- YE - Yorkshire: Leeds
- YF - Yorkshire: Leeds
- YG - Yorkshire: Leeds
- YH - Yorkshire: Leeds
- YI - unused
- YJ - Yorkshire: Leeds
- YK - Yorkshire: Leeds
- YL - Yorkshire: Sheffield
- YM - Yorkshire: Sheffield
- YN - Yorkshire: Sheffield
- YO - Yorkshire: Sheffield, but possibly some reserved for Select marks ?
- YP - Yorkshire: Sheffield
- YQ - unused
- YR - Yorkshire: Sheffield
- YS - Yorkshire: Sheffield
- YT - Yorkshire: Sheffield
- YU - Yorkshire: Sheffield
- YV - Yorkshire: Beverley
- YW - Yorkshire: Beverley
- YX - Yorkshire: Beverley
- YY - Yorkshire: Beverley
- YZ - unused
- ZA - unused
- ZB - unused
- ZC - unused
- ZD - unused
- ZE - unused
- ZF - unused
- ZG - unused
- ZH - unused
- ZI - unused
- ZJ - unused
- ZK - unused
- ZL - unused
- ZM - unused
- ZN - unused
- ZO - unused
- ZP - unused
- ZQ - unused
- ZR - unused
- ZS - unused
- ZT - unused
- ZU - unused
- ZV - unused
- ZW - unused
- ZX - unused
- ZY - unused
- ZZ - unused
Under the previous system, the registration plate usually contains a group of two or three letters
(if three, ignore the first, and use the second & third); very old ones use only one letter;
these indicate the place of first registration.
Some of the ones marked unused, and some special combinations,
e.g. N 1 GEL, were issued centrally as vanity plates
by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency).
Originally the letter group was placed first, followed by the number group, but from 1952, this order began to be reversed.
From 1904 to 1974 they were issued by County Councils and County Borough Councils, and after 1974 by
the Department of Transport's Vehicle Registration Offices, which are listed below:
- A - London
- AA - Bournemouth (may originally have covered at least part of Wiltshire)
- AB - Worcester
- AC - Coventry
- AD - Gloucester
- AE - Bristol
- AF - Truro
- AG - Hull
- AH - Norwich
- AI - County Meath
- AJ - Middlesbrough
- AK - Sheffield
- AL - Nottingham
- AM - Swindon
- AN - Reading (MAN used in Isle of Man)
- AO - Carlisle
- AP - Brighton
- AQ - unused
- AR - Chelmsford
- AS - Inverness
- AT - Hull
- AU - Nottingham
- AV - Peterborough
- AW - Shrewsbury
- AX - Cardiff
- AY - Leicester
- AZ - Belfast
- B - Lancashire
- BA - Manchester
- BB - Newcastle-upon-Tyne
- BC - Leicester
- BD - Northampton
- BE - Lincoln
- BF - Stoke-on-Trent
- BG - Liverpool
- BH - Luton
- BI - County Monaghan
- BJ - Ipswich
- BK - Portsmouth
- BL - Reading
- BM - Luton
- BN - Manchester or Bolton
- BO - Cardiff
- BP - Portsmouth
- BQ - unused
- BR - Newcastle-upon-Tyne
- BS - Aberdeen
- BT - Leeds
- BU - Manchester
- BV - Preston
- BW - Oxford
- BX - Haverfordwest
- BY - London (North-West)
- BZ - County Down
- C - West Yorkshire
- CA - Chester
- CB - Manchester
- CC - Bangor
- CD - Brighton
- CE - Peterborough
- CF - Reading
- CG - Bournemouth
- CH - Nottingham
- CI - Queens County (now County Laois)
- CJ - Gloucester
- CK - Preston
- CL - Norwich
- CM - Liverpool
- CN - Newcastle-upon-Tyne
- CO - Exeter
- CP - Huddersfield
- CQ - unused
- CR - Southampton
- CS - Glasgow
- CT - Lincoln
- CU - Newcastle-upon-Tyne
- CV - Truro
- CW - Preston
- CX - Huddersfield
- CY - Swansea (SCY used for Isles of Scilly)
- CZ - Belfast
- D - Kent
- DA - Birmingham
- DB - Manchester
- DC - Middlesbrough
- DD - Gloucester
- DE - Haverfordwest
- DF - Gloucester
- DG - Gloucester
- DH - Dudley
- DI - County Roscommon
- DJ - Liverpool
- DK - Rochdale, later Manchester
- DL - Portsmouth
- DM - Chester
- DN - Leeds
- DO - Lincoln
- DP - Reading
- DQ - unused
- DR - Exeter
- DS - Glasgow
- DT - Sheffield
- DU - Coventry
- DV - Exeter
- DW - Cardiff
- DX - Ipswich
- DY - Brighton
- DZ - County Antrim
- E - Staffordshire
- EA - Dudley
- EB - Peterborough
- EC - Preston
- ED - Liverpool
- EE - Lincoln
- EF - Middlesbrough
- EG - Peterborough
- EH - Stoke-on-Trent
- EI - County Sligo
- EJ - Haverfordwest
- EK - Liverpool
- EL - Bournemouth
- EM - Liverpool
- EN - Bury, later Manchester
- EO - Preston
- EP - Swansea
- EQ - unused
- ER - Peterborough
- ES - Dundee
- ET - Sheffield (previously used for Rotherham?)
- EU - Bristol
- EV - Chelmsford
- EW - Peterborough
- EX - Norwich
- EY - Bangor
- EZ - Belfast
- F - Essex
- FA - Stoke-on-Trent
- FB - Bristol
- FC - Oxford
- FD - Dudley
- FE - Lincoln
- FF - Bangor
- FG - Brighton
- FH - Gloucester
- FI - County Tipperary, North Riding
- FJ - Exeter
- FK - Dudley
- FL - Peterborough
- FM - Chester
- FN - Maidstone
- FO - Gloucester
- FP - Leicester
- FQ - unused
- FR - Preston
- FS - Edinburgh
- FT - Newcastle-upon-Tyne
- FU - Lincoln
- FV - Preston
- FW - Lincoln
- FX - Bournemouth
- FY - Liverpool
- FZ - Belfast
- G - Glasgow
- GA - Glasgow
- GB - Glasgow
- GC - London (South-West)
- GD - Glasgow
- GE - Glasgow
- GF - London (South-West)
- GG - Glasgow
- GH - London (South-West)
- GI - County Tipperary, South Riding
- GJ - London (South-West)
- GK - London (South-West)
- GL - Truro
- GM - Reading
- GN - London (South-West)
- GO - London (South-West)
- GP - London (South-West)
- GQ - unused
- GR - Newcastle-upon-Tyne
- GS - Luton
- GT - London (South-West)
- GU - London (South-East)
- GV - Ipswich
- GW - London (South-East)
- GX - London (South-East)
- GY - London (South-East)
- GZ - Belfast
- H - London
- HA - Dudley
- HB - Cardiff
- HC - Brighton
- HD - Huddersfield
- HE - Sheffield
- HF - Liverpool
- HG - Preston
- HH - Carlisle
- HI - County Tipperary, South Riding
- HJ - Chelmsford (used for Southend-on-Sea before 1965)
- HK - Chelmsford
- HL - Sheffield
- HM - London (Central)
- HN - Middlesbrough
- HO - Bournemouth
- HP - Coventry
- HQ - unused
- HR - Swindon
- HS - Glasgow
- HT - Bristol
- HU - Bristol
- HV - London (Central)
- HW - Bristol
- HX - London (Central)
- HY - Bristol
- HZ - County Tyrone
- IA - County Antrim
- IB - County Armagh
- IC - County Carlow
- ID - County Cavan
- IE - County Clare
- IF - County Cork
- IG - Enniskillen
- IH - County Donegal
- II - unused
- IJ - County Down
- IK - County Dublin
- IL - County Fermanagh
- IM - County Galway
- IN - County Kerry
- IO - County Kildare
- IP - County Kilkenny
- IQ - unused
- IR - Kings County (now County Offaly)
- IS - County Mayo
- IT - County Leitrim
- IU - County Limerick
- IV - County Limerick
- IW - County Londonderry/Derry
- IX - County Longford
- IY - County Louth
- IZ - County Mayo
- J - Durham
- JA - Manchester
- JB - Reading
- JC - Bangor
- JD - London (Central)
- JE - Peterborough
- JF - Leicester
- JG - Maidstone
- JH - Reading
- JI - County Tyrone
- JJ - Maidstone
- JK - Brighton
- JL - Lincoln
- JM - Reading
- JN - Chelmsford (used for Southend-on-Sea before 1965)
- JO - Oxford
- JP - Liverpool
- JQ - unused
- JR - Newcastle-upon-Tyne
- JS - Inverness (possibly used for Bristol after 1974?)
- JT - Bournemouth
- JU - Leicester
- JV - Lincoln
- JW - Birmingham
- JX - Huddersfield
- JY - Exeter
- JZ - County Down
- K - Liverpool
- KA - Liverpool
- KB - Liverpool
- KC - Liverpool
- KD - Liverpool
- KE - Maidstone
- KF - Liverpool
- KG - Cardiff
- KH - Hull
- KI - County Waterford
- KJ - Maidstone
- KK - Maidstone
- KL - Maidstone
- KM - Maidstone
- KN - Maidstone
- KO - Maidstone
- KP - Maidstone
- KQ - unused
- KR - Maidstone
- KS - Edinburgh
- KT - Maidstone
- KU - Sheffield
- KV - Coventry
- KW - Sheffield
- KX - Luton
- KY - Sheffield
- KZ - County Antrim
- L - Glamorganshire
- LA - London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965)
- LB - London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965)
- LC - London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965)
- LD - London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965)
- LE - London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965)
- LF - London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965)
- LG - Chester
- LH - London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965)
- LI - County Westmeath
- LJ - Bournemouth
- LK - London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965)
- LL - London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965)
- LM - London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965)
- LN - London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965)
- LO - London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965)
- LP - London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965)
- LQ - unused
- LR - London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965)
- LS - Edinburgh
- LT - London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965)
- LU - London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965)
- LV - Liverpool
- LW - London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965)
- LX - London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965)
- LY - London (North-West) (used for London County Council before 1965)
- LZ - County Armagh
- M - Cheshire
- MA - Chester
- MB - Chester
- MC - London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965)
- MD - London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965)
- ME - London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965)
- MF - London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965)
- MG - London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965)
- MH - London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965)
- MI - County Wexford
- MJ - Luton
- MK - London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965)
- ML - London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965)
- MM - London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965)
- MN - used in the Isle of Man
- MO - Reading
- MP - London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965)
- MQ - unused
- MR - Swindon
- MS - Edinburgh
- MT - London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965)
- MU - London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965)
- MV - London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965)
- MW - Swindon
- MX - London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965)
- MY - London (North-East) (used for Middlesex before 1965)
- MZ - Belfast
- N - Manchester
- NA - Manchester
- NB - Manchester
- NC - Manchester
- ND - Manchester
- NE - Manchester
- NF - Manchester
- NG - Norwich
- NH - Northampton
- NI - County Wicklow
- NJ - Brighton
- NK - Luton
- NL - Newcastle-upon-Tyne
- NM - Luton
- NN - Nottingham
- NO - Chelmsford
- NP - Worcester
- NQ - unused
- NR - Leicester
- NS - Glasgow
- NT - Shrewsbury
- NU - Nottingham
- NV - Northampton
- NW - Leeds
- NX - Dudley
- NY - Cardiff
- NZ - County Londonderry/Derry
- O - Birmingham
- OA - Birmingham
- OB - Birmingham
- OC - Birmingham
- OD - Exeter
- OE - Birmingham
- OF - Birmingham
- OG - Birmingham
- OH - Birmingham
- OI - Belfast
- OJ - Birmingham
- OK - Birmingham
- OL - Birmingham
- OM - Birmingham
- ON - Birmingham
- OO - Chelmsford
- OP - Birmingham
- OQ - unused
- OR - Portsmouth
- OS - Glasgow
- OT - Portsmouth
- OU - Bristol
- OV - Birmingham
- OW - Southampton
- OX - Birmingham
- OY - London (North-West)
- OZ - Belfast
- P - Surrey
- PA - Guildford
- PB - Guildford
- PC - Guildford
- PD - Guildford
- PE - Guildford
- PF - Guildford
- PG - Guildford
- PH - Guildford
- PI - Cork
- PJ - Guildford
- PK - Guildford
- PL - Guildford
- PM - Guildford
- PN - Brighton
- PO - Portsmouth (GPO formerly used for General Post Office vehicles)
- PP - Luton
- PQ - unused
- PR - Bournemouth
- PS - Aberdeen
- PT - Newcastle-upon-Tyne
- PU - Chelmsford
- PV - Ipswich
- PW - Norwich
- PX - Portsmouth
- PY - Middlesbrough
- PZ - Belfast
- R - Derbyshire
- RA - Nottingham
- RB - Nottingham
- RC - Nottingham
- RD - Reading
- RE - Stoke-on-Trent
- RF - Stoke-on-Trent
- RG - Newcastle-upon-Tyne
- RH - Hull
- RI - County Dublin
- RJ - Manchester
- RK - London (North-West)
- RL - Truro
- RM - Carlisle
- RN - Preston
- RO - Luton
- RP - Northampton
- RQ - unused
- RR - Nottingham
- RS - Aberdeen
- RT - Ipswich
- RU - Bournemouth
- RV - Portsmouth
- RW - Coventry
- RX - Reading
- RY - Leicester
- RZ - County Antrim
- S - Edinburgh
- SA - Aberdeen
- SB - Glasgow
- SC - Edinburgh
- SD - Glasgow
- SE - Aberdeen
- SF - Edinburgh
- SG - Edinburgh
- SH - Edinburgh
- SI - County
- SJ - Glasgow
- SK - Inverness
- SL - Dundee
- SM - Carlisle
- SN - Dundee
- SO - Aberdeen
- SP - Dundee
- SQ - unused
- SR - Dundee
- SS - Aberdeen
- ST - Inverness
- SU - Glasgow
- SV - unused
- SW - Carlisle
- SX - Edinburgh
- SY - unused
- SZ - County Down
- T - Devon
- TA - Exeter
- TB - Liverpool
- TC - Bristol
- TD - Manchester
- TE - Manchester
- TF - Reading
- TG - Cardiff
- TH - Swansea
- TI - Limerick
- TJ - Liverpool
- TK - Exeter
- TL - Lincoln
- TM - Luton
- TN - Newcastle-upon-Tyne
- TO - Nottingham
- TP - Portsmouth
- TQ - unused
- TR - Southampton
- TS - Dundee
- TT - Exeter
- TU - Chester
- TV - Nottingham
- TW - Chelmsford
- TX - Cardiff
- TY - Newcastle-upon-Tyne
- TZ - Belfast
- U - Leeds
- UA - Leeds
- UB - Leeds
- UC - London (Central)
- UD - Oxford
- UE - Dudley
- UF - Brighton
- UG - Leeds
- UH - Cardiff
- UI - County Londonderry/Derry
- UJ - Shrewsbury
- UK - Birmingham
- UL - London (Central)
- UM - Leeds
- UN - Exeter
- UO - Exeter
- UP - Newcastle-upon-Tyne
- UQ - unused
- UR - Luton
- US - Glasgow
- UT - Leicester
- UU - London (Central)
- UV - London (Central)
- UW - London (Central)
- UX - Shrewsbury
- UY - Worcester
- UZ - Belfast
- V - Lanarkshire
- VA - Peterborough
- VB - Maidstone
- VC - Coventry
- VD - Lanarkshire, later Luton in 1970's, then later withdrawn from use
- VE - Peterborough
- VF - Norwich
- VG - Norwich
- VH - Huddersfield
- VI - unused
- VJ - Gloucester
- VK - Newcastle-upon-Tyne
- VL - Lincoln
- VM - Manchester
- VN - Middlesbrough
- VO - Nottingham
- VP - Birmingham
- VQ - unused
- VR - Manchester
- VS - Luton (not Glasgow?)
- VT - Stoke-on-Trent
- VU - Manchester
- VV - Northampton
- VW - Chelmsford
- VX - Chelmsford
- VY - Leeds
- VZ - County Tyrone
- W - Sheffield
- WA - Sheffield
- WB - Sheffield
- WC - Chelmsford
- WD - Dudley
- WE - Sheffield
- WF - Sheffield
- WG - Sheffield
- WH - Manchester or Bolton
- WI - Waterford
- WJ - Sheffield
- WK - Coventry
- WL - Oxford
- WM - Liverpool
- WN - Swansea
- WO - Cardiff
- WP - Worcester
- WQ - unused
- WR - Leeds
- WS - Bristol
- WT - Leeds
- WU - Leeds
- WV - Brighton
- WW - Leeds
- WX - Leeds
- WY - Leeds
- WZ - Belfast
- X - Northumberland
- XA - unused since 1974
- XB - unused since 1974
- XC - unused since 1974
- XD - unused since 1974
- XE - unused since 1974
- XF - unused since 1974
- XG - Middlesbrough, but unused since 1974
- XH - unused since 1974
- XI - Belfast
- XJ - unused since 1974
- XK - unused since 1974
- XL - unused since 1974
- XM - unused since 1974
- XN - unused since 1974
- XO - unused since 1974
- XP - temporary plates for vehicles being exported to Europe the first letter of the triplet indicates the month, with 1 = Jan
- XQ - unused since 1974
- XR - unused since 1974
- XS - unused since 1974
- XT - unused since 1974
- XU - unused since 1974
- XV - unused since 1974
- XW - unused since 1974
- XX - unused since 1974
- XY - unused since 1974
- XZ - County Armagh
- Y - Somerset
- YA - Taunton
- YB - Taunton
- YC - Taunton
- YD - Taunton
- YE - London (Central)
- YF - London (Central)
- YG - Leeds
- YH - London (Central)
- YI - County Dublin
- YJ - Brighton
- YK - London (Central)
- YL - London (Central)
- YM - London (Central)
- YN - London (Central)
- YO - London (Central)
- YP - London (Central)
- YQ - unused
- YR - London (Central)
- YS - Glasgow
- YT - London (Central)
- YU - London (Central)
- YV - London (Central)
- YW - London (Central)
- YX - London (Central)
- YY - London (Central)
- YZ - County Londonderry
- Z - County Dublin
- ZA - Dublin
- ZB - County Cork
- ZC - Dublin
- ZD - Dublin
- ZE - County Dublin
- ZF - Cork
- ZG - County Dublin
- ZH - Dublin
- ZI - unused
- ZJ - Dublin
- ZK - County Cork
- ZL - County Dublin
- ZM - County Galway
- ZN - County Meath
- ZO - County Dublin
- ZP - County Donegal
- ZQ - unused
- ZR - County Wexford
- ZS - County Dublin
- ZT - County Cork
- ZU - County Dublin
- ZV - County Dublin
- ZW - County Kildare
- ZX - County Kerry
- ZY - County Louth
- ZZ - unused
Since 2001 September, there has been a new system, consisting of two letters, two digits and three letters:
the first group gives the place of origin, and the second group gives the age:
- 51 - 2001 September to 2002 February
- 02 - 2002 March to 2002 August
- 52 - 2002 September to 2003 February
- 03 - 2003 March to 2003 August
- 53 - 2003 September to 2004 February
- 04 - 2004 March to 2004 August
- 54 - 2004 September to 2005 February
- 05 - 2005 March to 2005 August
- 55 - 2005 September to 2006 February
- 06 - 2006 March to 2006 August
- 56 - 2006 September to 2007 February
- 07 - 2007 March to 2007 August
- 57 - 2007 September to 2008 February
- 08 - 2008 March to 2008 August
- 58 - 2008 September to 2009 February
- 09 - 2009 March to 2009 August
- 59 - 2009 September to 2010 February
- 10 - 2010 March to 2010 August
- 60 - 2010 September to 2011 February
- 11 - 2011 March to 2011 August
- 61 - 2011 September to 2012 February
- 12 - 2012 March to 2012 August
- 62 - 2012 September to 2013 February
- 13 - 2013 March to 2013 August
- 63 - 2013 September to 2014 February
- 14 - 2014 March to 2014 August
- 64 - 2014 September to 2015 February
- 15 - 2015 March to 2015 August
- 65 - 2015 September to 2016 February
- 16 - 2016 March to 2016 August
- 66 - 2016 September to 2017 February
- 17 - 2017 March to 2017 August
- 67 - 2017 September to 2018 February
- 18 - 2018 March to 2018 August
- 68 - 2018 September to 2019 February
- 19 - 2019 March to 2019 August
- 69 - 2019 September to 2020 February
- 20 - 2020 March to 2020 August
- 70 - 2020 September to 2021 February
- 21 - 2021 March to 2021 August
- 71 - 2021 September to 2022 February
- 22 - 2022 March to 2022 August
- 72 - 2022 September to 2023 February
- 23 - 2023 March to 2023 August
- 73 - 2023 September to 2024 February
- 24 - 2024 March to 2024 August
- 74 - 2024 September to 2025 February
- 25 - 2025 March to 2025 August
- 75 - 2025 September to 2026 February
- 26 - 2026 March to 2026 August
- 76 - 2026 September to 2027 February
- 27 - 2027 March to 2027 August
- 77 - 2027 September to 2028 February
- 28 - 2028 March to 2028 August
- 78 - 2028 September to 2029 February
- 29 - 2029 March to 2029 August
- 79 - 2029 September to 2030 February
- 30 - 2030 March to 2030 August
- 80 - 2030 September to 2031 February
Under the previous system, the registration plate usually contains one letter at the start or the end;
this indicates the date of first registration:
- No single start or end letter - before 1963 (or Northern Ireland)
- End letter (suffix):
- A - 1963 February to December
- B - 1964 January to December
- C - 1965 January to December
- D - 1966 January to December
- E - 1967 January to July
- F - 1967 August to 1968 July
- G - 1968 August to 1969 July
- H - 1969 August to 1970 July
- J - 1970 August to 1971 July
- K - 1971 August to 1972 July
- L - 1972 August to 1973 July
- M - 1973 August to 1974 July
- N - 1974 August to 1975 July
- P - 1975 August to 1976 July
- Q - special registration (kitcar, import, etc)
- R - 1976 August to 1977 July
- S - 1977 August to 1978 July
- T - 1978 August to 1979 July
- V - 1979 August to 1980 July
- W - 1980 August to 1981 July
- X - 1981 August to 1982 July
- Y - 1982 August to 1983 July
- Start letter (prefix):
- A - 1983 August to 1984 July
- B - 1984 August to 1985 July
- C - 1985 August to 1986 July
- D - 1986 August to 1987 July
- E - 1987 August to 1988 July
- F - 1988 August to 1989 July
- G - 1989 August to 1990 July
- H - 1990 August to 1991 July
- J - 1991 August to 1992 July
- K - 1992 August to 1993 July
- L - 1993 August to 1994 July
- M - 1994 August to 1995 July
- N - 1995 August to 1996 July
- P - 1996 August to 1997 July
- Q - special registration (kitcar, import, etc)
- R - 1997 August to 1998 July
- S - 1998 August to 1999 February
- T - 1999 March to 1999 August
- V - 1999 September to 2000 February
- W - 2000 March to 2000 August
- X - 2000 September to 2001 February
- Y - 2001 March to 2001 August
There are also 3-digit Local Vehicle Licensing Office codes,
which can be seen as the fifth, sixth & seventh digits of those new car tax discs
that have a twelve-digit number printed at the bottom:
- 300 -
- 301 - Aberdeen
- 302 - Ayr
- 303 - Dumfries
- 304 - Dundee
- 305 - Edinburgh
- 306 - Glasgow
- 307 - Inverness
- 308 - Keith
- 309 - Kirkwall
- 310 - Lerwick
- 311 - Oban
- 312 - Selkirk
- 313 - Stirling
- 314 - Stornoway
- 315 - Stanraer
- 316 - Wick
- 317 -
- 318 -
- 319 -
- 320 - Durham
- 321 - Middlesbrough
- 322 - Newcastle upon Tyne
- 323 -
- 324 - Barrow in Furness
- 325 - Bolton
- 326 - Carlisle
- 327 - Kendal
- 328 - Liverpool
- 329 - Manchester
- 330 - Preston
- 331 - Warrington
- 332 -
- 333 - Grimsby
- 334 - Huddersfield
- 335 - Hull
- 336 - Leeds
- 337 - Sheffield
- 338 - York
- 339 -
- 340 - Boston
- 341 - Leicester
- 342 - Lincoln
- 343 - Nottingham
- 344 -
- 345 - Cambridge
- 346 - Ipswich
- 347 - Norwich
- 348 - Peterborough
- 349 -
- 350 - London Central
- 351 - London North East
- 352 - London North West
- 353 - London South West
- 354 - London South East
- 355 -
- 356 -
- 357 - Brighton
- 358 - Canterbury
- 359 - Chelmsford
- 360 - Guildford
- 361 - Hastings
- 362 - Luton
- 363 - Maidstone
- 364 - Newport (IoW)
- 365 - Northamptom
- 366 - Oxford
- 367 - Portsmouth
- 368 - Reading
- 369 -
- 370 - Barnstaple
- 371 - Bournemouth
- 372 - Bristol
- 373 - Exeter
- 374 - Gloucester
- 375 - Plymouth
- 376 - Salisbury
- 377 - Swindon
- 378 - Taunton
- 379 - Truro
- 380 -
- 381 - Birmingham
- 382 - Coventry
- 383 - Dudley
- 384 - Stoke on Trent
- 385 - Worcester
- 386 -
- 387 -
- 388 -
- 389 -
- 390 - Aberystwyth
- 391 - Bangor
- 392 - Cardiff
- 393 - Chester
- 394 - Haverfordwest
- 395 - Hereford
- 396 - Shrewsbury
- 397 - Swansea
- 398 -
- 399 - DVLA (Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency)