New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors

Authors with significant names of  Z

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More information on many of these authors, and on other books of theirs, is contained in their individual webpages, which can be found by searching on their names at the top-level of the Author and Book Info .com site.

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A Z (see: Alice ZIMMERN)

A Z (ps) (?: ? - ?)
	Copye Van Een Brief, Geschrreven Aan De Heer N N [Du-1720]
	Copye Van De Derde Brief, Geschrreven Aan De Heer N N [Du-1720]
	Copye Van De Vierde Brief, Geschrreven Aan De Heer N N [Du-1720]
	Copye Van Twee Brieven (w N N) [Du-1720]

J Z (see: Juliusz ZULAWSKI)

Tommy Z (see: Rainer Friedhelm ZUBEIL)

X Y Z (see: Frank TILSLEY)

X Y Z (ps) (?: ? - ?)
	Le Combat Des Deux Armées [Fr-1879]

X Y Z (ps) (?: ? - ?)
	The Vril Staff [f|1891]

Z Z (see: Louis ZANGWILL)