New General Catalog of Old Books and AuthorsAuthor names starting with Xu |
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XU Daolin {CN} (M: 1907 Dec 4 - 1975 Dec 24) Introduction To T'ang Law [n|1945] [Introduction To Semantics] [n|Ch-1957] The Life Of General Hsu Shu-tseng [n|1962] XU Ling (?: 597 - 583) 25324 [Yu Tai Xin Yong] (ed) [p|Ch-?] XU Zhenya (?: 1889 - 1937) 25521 [Yu Li Hun] [f|Ch-?] XUAN Ding (?: 1832 - c1880) 25130 [Ye Yu Qiu Deng Lu] [Ch-?] Dong XUAN KHU {VN} (M: 1908 - 1988 Sep 30) (ps: Truong CHINH) Gaspar XUAREZ (M: 1731 - 1804) Givi Rasdenis ze XUC'ISVILI (?: 1921 - 1979) Joan XUCLĂ€ {ES} (M: 1892 - ?) Quinze Anys I Un Dia [Ca-1952] Prof, XUE Muqiao {CN} (M: 1904 Oct 25 - 2005 Jul 22) XUE/HSUEH Tao (F: c768 - c831) Fr, Alfred XUEREB {MT} (M: 1958 Oct 14 - ?) Charles XUEREB {MT} (M: 1948 May 4 - ?) Fr, Joseph Benedict XUEREB {MT} (M: 1935 Jul 1 - 2007 Oct 11) Paul XUEREB {MT} (M: 1923 Jul 21 - 1994 Sep 6) Paul XUEREB {MT} (M: 1936 Feb 22 - ?) Prof, Peter B XUEREB {MT} (M: 1954 Oct 14 - ?) Fr(SJ), Victor XUEREB {MT} (M: 1930 Oct 4 - ?) Cecilia (Mrs)XUEREB GOUDER {MT} (F: 1939 Dec 25 - ?) Joan Baptista XURIGUERA {ES?} (M: 1908 - ?)