New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors

Author names starting with  Xe

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More information on many of these authors, and on other books of theirs, is contained in their individual webpages, which can be found by searching on their names at the top-level of the Author and Book Info .com site.

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Iona XELASVILI (F: 1772 - 1837)

Tzaieson XENAKES (?: 1924 - 1977)

Prof, Iannis XENAKIS {GR} (M: 1922 May 29 - 2001 Feb 4)

Nieves XENES (M: 1859 Aug 5 - 1915 Jul 8)

Princess, XENIA / KSENIJA, of Montenegro {YU?} (F: J 1881 Apr 10 - 1960 Mar 10)

Tom R XENIER (M: ? - ?)
	A Motor Tour In Belgium And Germany [n|1913]

XENOCRATES, of Chalcedon (M: BC c396 - BC c314)

XENOPHANES (M: BC c560 - BC c478)

XENOPHON (M: BC c431 - BC 352)
1169	Agesilaus [AG-?] (tr H G DAKYNS) [c1895]
1170	Anabasis [AG-?] (tr H G DAKYNS) [c1895]
	Anabasis [AG-?] (tr W H D ROUSE) [1947]
	Anabasis [AG-?] (tr Rex WARNER) [1949]
22003	The First Four Books Of Xenophon's Anabasis [AG-?] (tr J S WATSON) [?]
&	The First Four Books Of Xenophon's Anabasis [AG-?] (tr ?) [1896]
	Apologia [AG-?] (tr Sarah FIELDING) [1762]
1171	Apologia [AG-?] (tr H G DAKYNS) [c1895]
1172	The Cavalry General [AG-?] (tr H G DAKYNS) [c1895]
1178	Constitution Of The Lacedaemonians [AG-?] (tr H G DAKYNS) [c1895]
	Cyropaedia [AG-?] (tr W BAKER) [c1560]
	Cyropaedia [AG-?] (tr Sir Henry SAVILE) [1613]
	Cyropaedia [AG-?] (tr Philemon HOLLAND) [1632]
2085	Cyropaedia [AG-?] (tr H G DAKYNS) [?]
&	Cyropaedia [AG-?] (tr ?) [?]
1173	Economics [AG-?] (tr H G DAKYNS) [c1895]
1174	Hellenica [AG-?] (tr H G DAKYNS) [c1895]
1175	Hiero [AG-?] (tr H G DAKYNS) [c1895]
	Memorabilia Of Socrates [AG-?] (tr Sarah FIELDING) [1762]
1177	Memorabilia Of Socrates [AG-?] (tr H G DAKYNS) [c1895]
	Memorabilia Of Socrates [AG-?] (tr ?) (ed Lloyd E SMITH) [1924]
17490	The Memorable Thoughts Of Socrates [n|AG-?] (tr Edward BYSSHE) [?]
1176	On The Art Of Horsemanship [AG-?] (tr H G DAKYNS) [c1895]
1179	On Revenues [AG-?] (tr H G DAKYNS) [c1895]
1180	The Sportsman [AG-?] (tr H G DAKYNS) [c1895]
1181	Symposium [AG-?] (tr H G DAKYNS) [c1895]
	Ways And Means [AG-?] (tr ?) [?]
	Complete Works [AG-?] (tr H G DAKYNS) [4v|1890-97]
	Complete Works [AG-?] (tr W MILLER & others) [7v|1918-25]

Alexandru Dimitrie XENOPOL (M: 1847 - 1920)

Gregorios XENOPOULOS {GR} (M: 1867 Dec 9 - 1951 Jan 14)

Stephanos (Theodoros) XENOS (M: 1821 Mar 13 - 1894 Jul 4)
	The Devil In Turkey [f|1850]

Stelios XEPHLOUDAS (M: 1902 - ?)

Francisco de (la) XEREZ (M: 1500 - ?)

Zachos XEROTYRES (M: 1906 - ?)

Fr, Accursio XERRI {MT} (M: 1915 Jun 16 - 1968 Dec 14)

Alipio XERRI (M: 1898 Jan 6 - 1960 May 12)

Gaetano XERRI (see: Paolo XERRI)

George XERRI (M: 1884 Dec 31 - 1942 Oct 30)

Giuseppe XERRI {MT} (M: 1898 - 1963 Sep 3)

Fr, Paolo XERRI {MT} (M: 1894 Apr 26 - 1965 Apr 25)
(ps: Gaetano XERRI)

Raymond C XERRI {MT} (M: 1969 Feb 2 - ?)

Tarcisio L XERRI {MT} (M: 1911 Sep 21 - ?)

Jean-François XERRI (M: 1902 - ?)