New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors

Author names starting with  Eu

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Chris EUBANK (see: Christopher Livingstone EUBANKS)

Prof, Earle Edward EUBANK {US} (M: 1887 Mar 20 - 1945 Dec 17)
	A Study Of Family Desertion [n|1916]
	Lockstep And Corridor (w Charles L CLARK) [b|1927]
	The Concepts Of Sociology [n|1928/1931]
	Introduction To Western Civilization (w others) [n|1933]
	Social Problems And Social Processes (w others) [n|1933]
	The Consequences Of Unemployment In Cincinnati [n|1933]
	Fields And Methods Of Sociology (w others) [n|1934]
	Contemporary Social Theory (w others) [n|1940]

Prof, (Weaver) Keith EUBANK (Jr) {US} (M: 1920 Dec 8 - 2011 Aug 3)
	Paul Cambon [b|1960]
	Munich [n|1962]

Reuben Blakey EUBANK {US} (M: 1858 - ?)
	Twenty Years In Hell (anon) [a|1903]

Rice S EUBANK {US} (M: ? - ?)
28239	The Story Of Kentucky [n|1913]

Bob(=Robert) (Leland) EUBANKS {US} (M: 1938 Jan 8 - living 2022)

Christopher Livingstone EUBANKS {UK} (M: 1966 Aug 8 - living 2022)
(ps: Chris EUBANK)

William EUBANKS {US} (M: 1841 - ?)

EUBULUS (M: fl BC 4th cent)

St, EUCHERIUS, of Lyons (M: ? - c449)
C	De Contemptu Mundi [n|La-?] (tr Henry VAUGHAN) [?]
C	The Formulae.. [n|La?-?] (tr Karen Rae KECK) [?]

Prof, Rudolf (Christoph) EUCKEN {DE} (M: 1846 Jan 5 - 1926 Sep 15 (or 14 or 19))
	Die Methode Der Aristotelischen Forschung [n|Ge-1872]
	Geschichte Und Kritik Der Grundbegriffe Der Gegenwart [n|Ge-1878/93]
	Geschichte Der Philosophischen Terminologie [n|Ge-1879]
	Die Einheit Des Geisteslebens [n|Ge-1888/1925]
	Die Lebensanschauungen Der Großen Denker [n|Ge-1890]
	Der Kampf Um Einen Geistigen Lebensinhalt [n|Ge-1896/?/?/?/1925]
	Der Wahrheitsgehalt Der Religion [n|Ge-1901/?/?/20]
	Grundlinien Einer Neuen Lebensanschauung [n|Ge-1907/13]
	Hauptprobleme Der Religionsphilosophie Der Gegenwart [n|Ge-1907]
	Der Sinn Und Wert Des Lebens [n|Ge-1908]
	Geistige Strömungen Der Gegenwart [n|Ge-1908]
	Einführung In Die Hauptfragen Der Philosophie [n|Ge-1908/?/?/1925]
	Können Wir Noch Christen Sein? [n|Ge-1911]
	Erkennen Und Leben [n|Ge-1911/1923]
	Zur Sammlung Der Geister [n|Ge-1913]
	Present Day Ethics In Their Relation To The Spiritual Life [e|1913]
	Die Träger Des Deutschen Idealismus [n|Ge-1915]
	Die Geistesgeschichtliche Bedeutung Der Bibel [n|Ge-1917]
	Mensch Und Welt [n|Ge-1918/?/1923]
	Deutsche Freiheit [n|Ge-1919]
	Der Sozialismus Und Seine Lebensgestaltung [n|Ge-1920/1926]
	Lebenserinnerungen [a|Ge-1920/22]
	Das Lebensproblem In China Und In Europa [n|Ge-1921]
	Der Kampf Um Die Religion In Der Gegenwart [n|Ge-1923]
	Ethik Als Grundlage Des Staatsbürglichen Lebens [n|Ge-1924]

EUCLID (M: BC c330 - BC c275)
	Euclid's Elements [AG-?] (tr Isaac BARROW) [1660]
	The Elements Of Euclid [AG-?] (ed Isaac TODHUNTER) [1862]
P	Elements [AG-?] (tr ?) [?]
38640	Book On Divisions Of Figures (w others) (ed ARCHIBALD) [n|1915]

	The Image Of Governance [?-?] (tr Sir Thomas ELYOT) [1540]

Bella EUDACOLT {UK} (F: ? - ?)
	An Impossible Pair [f|1923]

EUGENE (see: (Samuel) Douglas Smith HUYGHUE)

EUGÈNE (see: (Augustin) Eugène SCRIBE)

Grégoire EUGENE {HT} (M: 1925 Mar 12 - ?)

Maurice EUGENE (M: ? - ?)
R	The Oak Shade; or, Records Of A Village Literary Assoc'n (ed) [f|1855]

Sister, Maria EUGENIA (F: ? - ?)
(ps: A RELIGIOUS of the Congregation of St Charles Borromeo)
	Jesus (anon) [n|Ge-1918] (tr A SISTER of Notre Dame) [2v|1925]

Valentine EUGÉNIE, Mrs CORBIN {FR} (F: 1891 Oct 8 - 1961 Oct 16)

Charles EUGSTER (M: 1919 - ?)

Joe EULA {US} (M: 1925 Jan 16 - 2004 Oct 27)

Joaquim EULÁLIO Do NASCIMENTO e SILVA {BR} (M: 1883 Apr 1 - 1965 Jan)
	Brasil No Século XX [n|Pt-?]

Carmen EULATE SANJURJO {PR} (F: 1871 Aug 30 - 1961)
(&ps: Dórida MESENIA)

Gräfin, Heilwig EULENBERG {DE} (F: 1939 Sep 10 - 1975 Mar 12)

(Max) Herbert EULENBERG {DE} (M: 1876 Jan 25 - 1949 Sep 4)
	Anna Walewska [d|Ge-1899]
	Münchhausen [d|Ge-1900]
	Leidenschaft [d|Ge-1901]
	Ein Halber Held [d|Ge-1903]
	Kassandra [d|Ge-1903]
	Du Darfst Ehebrechen! [d|Ge-1909]
	Alles Um Liebe [d|Ge-1910]
	Deutsche Sonette [p|Ge-1910]
	Schattenbilder [Ge-1910]
	Sonderbare Geschichten [s|Ge-1910]
	Die Kunst In Unserer Zeit [n|Ge-1911]
	Alles Um Geld [d|Ge-1911]
	Katinka Die Fliege [f|Ge-1911]
	Ikarus Und Daedalus [Ge-1912]
	Neue Bilder [Ge-1912]
	Belinde [d|Ge-1913]
	Der Frauentausch [d|Ge-1914]
	Zeitwende [d|Ge-1914]
	Der Morgen Nach Kunersdorf [d|Ge-1914]
	Letzte Bilder [Ge-1915]
	Das Ende Der Marienburg [d|Ge-1918]
	Der Bankrott Europas [s|Ge-1919]
	Mein Leben Für Die Bühne [a|Ge-1919]
	Anna Boleyn [Ge-1920]
	Der Übergang [d|Ge-1920]
	Das Grüne Haus [d|Ge-1921]
	Der Mückentanz [d|Ge-1922]
	Liebesgeschichten [s|Ge-1922]
	Mückentanz [d|Ge-1922]
	Wir Zugvögel [f|Ge-1923]
	Erscheinungen [Ge-1923]
	Die Familie Feuerbach [Ge-1924]
	Bühnenbilder [Ge-1924]
	Ausgewählte Werke [5v|Ge-1925]
	Mensch Und Meteor Dresden [Ge-1925]
	Schattenbilder Und Lichtbilder [Ge-1926]
	Ein Rheinisches Dichterleben [Ge-1927]
	Um Den Rhein [Ge-1927]
	Glückliche Frauen Hellerau [Ge-1929]
	Die Letzten Wittelsbacher [Ge-1929]
	Die Windmühle [Ge-1929]
	Das Buch Vom Rheinland [Ge-1931]
	Glaube, Liebe, Hoffnung [Ge-1942]
	Nachsommer [Ge-1942]
	Die Prä-Raphaeliten [n|Ge-1946]
	Heinrich Heine [n|Ge-1947]
	Meister Der Frühe [Ge-1947]
	So War Mein Leben [a|Ge-1948]
	Europa Ein Hirtenstück Aus Der Griechischen Sagenwelt [Ge-1949]

Gräfin, Sophie Stry zu EULENBERG, nee MOSHAMMER {DE} (F: 1891 Apr 9 - 1944 May 8)

Leonhard (Paul) EULER (M: 1707 Apr 15 - 1783 Sep 18)
	Methodus Inveniendi Lineas Curvas Maximi Minimive.. [n|La-1744]
	Introductio In Analysin Infinitorum [n|La-1748]
	Theoriae Motuum Lunae [n|La-1753]
	Institutiones Calculi Differentialis [n|La-1755]
	Institutionum Calculi Integralis [n|La-1768-70]

Prof, Ulf (Svante) von EULER {SE} (M: 1905 Feb 7 - 1983 Mar 9 (or 10))

Margaret (Frances) (nee)Sally EULICH, 2:Mrs ROBERTS, 3:Mrs KEACH {US} (F: 1903 Apr 16 - 1996 Dec 6)
	White Mother In Africa [a|1939]

Hans (Karl August Simon) von EULER-CHELPIN {DE} (M: 1873 Feb 15 - 1964 Nov 6)
	Allgemeine Chemie Der Enzyme [n|Ge-1910]
	Chemie Der Hefe Und Der Alkoholischen Gärung [n|Ge-1915]
	Biokatalysatoren [n|Ge-1930]
	Entstehung, Wachstum Und Rückbildung Von Tumoren [n|Ge-1944]
	Enzymhemmungen [n|Ge-1944]
	Die Reduktone (w HASSELQUIST) [n|Ge-1950]
	Chemie Und Biochemie Der Reduktone.. (w EISTERT) [n|Ge-1957]
	Chemotherapie Und Prophylaxe Des Krebses [n|Ge-1962]

John Elmer EULLER {US} (M: 1926 Jan 7 - 2014 Feb 11)
	Arctic World [n|1958]
	Antarctic World [n|1960]

EUMENIUS (M: c250 - c312)

EUNAPIUS (M: 347 - ?)
	Lives Of The Philosophers.. [b|AG?-405] (tr W C WRIGHT) [1961]

(John) Dale EUNSON {US} (M: 1904 Aug 15 - 2002 Feb 20)
	Homestead [f|1935]
	Guest In The House (w Hagar WILDE) [d|pro:1942]
	The Day They Gave Babies Away [f|?/1947]

George EUNSON (M: c1756 - 1796 Dec 31)
	The Ancient And Present State Of Orkney [n|1788]

Robert Charles Romaine EUNSON {US} (M: 1912 Jul 23 - 1975 May 22)
	The Pearl King [1955]
	Mig Alley [1958]
	Trial At Odawara [1963]

EUPHEMERUS (M: BC 311 - BC 298)
	Sacred History [n|AG-?]

EUPHAN (see: Barbara Euphan TODD)

EUREKA (see: William Muir DICK)


Gustaf Erik EURÉN (M: 1818 - 1872)
15967	Suomen Maan Meripedot: Maalikuvilla Selitetyt [Fi-?]

Henry F EUREN {US?} (M: ? - ?)
	The Heredity Of Dual Purpose Cattle (anon) [n|1918]

Prof, Alvin Christian EURICH {US} (M: 1902 Jun 14 - 1987 May 27)

Richard EURINGER {DE} (M: 1891 Apr 4 - 1953 Aug 29)

EURIPIDES (M: BC c484 - BC 406)
	Rhesus [d|AG-BC450] (tr ?) [?]
P	Rhesus [d|AG-BC450] (tr E P COLERIDGE) [?]
35170,k	The Rhesus Of Euripides [d|AG-BC450] (tr Gilbert MURRAY) [1913]
&	Alcestis [d|AG-BC438] (tr Richard ALDINGTON) [?]
15081	Alcestis [d|AG-BC438] (tr T A BUCKLEY) [1892]
10523	The Alcestis Of Euripides [d|AG-BC438] (tr Gilbert MURRAY) [pub:1915]
P	Alcestis [d|AG-BC438] (tr David KOVACS) [?]
	Medea [d|AG-BC431] (tr E P COLERIDGE) [?]
P	Medea [d|AG-BC431] (tr David KOVACS) [?]
15081	Medea [d|AG-BC431] (tr T A BUCKLEY) [1892]
35451,k	The Medea Of Euripides [d|AG-BC431] (tr Gilbert MURRAY) [1906]
	Medea [d|AG-BC431] (tr Philip VELLACOTT) [1963]
	Heracleidae [d|AG-BC430] (tr E P COLERIDGE) [?]
P	Heracleidae [d|AG-BC430] (tr David KOVACS) [?]
	Hippolytus [d|AG-BC428] (tr E P COLERIDGE) [?]
P	Hippolytus [d|AG-BC428] (tr David KOVACS) [?]
15081	Hippolytus [d|AG-BC428] (tr T A BUCKLEY) [1892]
8418,B	Hippolytus [d|AG-BC428] (tr Gilbert MURRAY) [pro:1904]
	Hecuba [d|AG-BC425] (tr E P COLERIDGE) [?]
15081	Hecuba [d|AG-BC425] (tr T A BUCKLEY) [1892]
	Hecuba [d|AG-BC425] (tr Philip VELLACOTT) [1963]
27592	[Andromache] [d|AG-BC424]
	  Andromache [d|AG-BC424] (tr E P COLERIDGE) [?]
P	  Andromache [d|AG-BC424] (tr David KOVACS) [?]
+	  Andromache [d|AG-BC424] (tr Gilbert MURRAY) [?]
	Cyclops [d|AG-BC423] (tr E P COLERIDGE) [?]
P	Cyclops [d|AG-BC423] (tr David KOVACS) [?]
	Heracles [d|AG-BC423] (tr E P COLERIDGE) [?]
15081	The Heraclidæ [d|AG-BC423] (tr T A BUCKLEY) [1892]
	Heracles [d|AG-BC423] (tr Philip VELLACOTT) [1963]
	Suppliants [d|AG-BC421] (tr E P COLERIDGE) [?]
	Trojan Women [d|AG-BC415] (tr ?) [?]
10096,k	The Trojan Women [d|AG-BC415] (tr Gilbert MURRAY) [pro:1905/pub:?]
	Electra [d|AG-BC413] (tr E P COLERIDGE) [?]
14322	The Electra Of Euripides [d|AG-BC413] (tr Gilbert MURRAY) [pub:1908]
	Electra [d|AG-BC413] (tr Alexander HARVEY) [1924]
	Electra [d|AG-BC413] (tr Philip VELLACOTT) [1963]
	Helen [d|AG-BC412] (tr E P COLERIDGE) [?]
	Iphigenia In Tauris [d|AG-BC412] (tr Robert POTTER) [?]
15081	Iphigenia In Tauris [d|AG-BC412] (tr T A BUCKLEY) [1892]
5063	Iphigenia In Tauris [d|AG-BC412] (tr Gilbert MURRAY) [pub:1910]
27389	[Ion] [d|AG-BC412]
	  Ion [d|AG-BC412] (tr Robert POTTER) [?]
	  Ion [d|AG-BC412] (tr H D) [1937]
k	  Ion [d|AG-BC412] (tr Gilbert MURRAY) [1954]
	Phoenician Women [d|AG-BC410] (tr E P COLERIDGE) [?]
P	Phoenician Women [d|AG-BC410] (tr ?) [?]
15081	Pho=enissæ [d|AG-BC410] (tr T A BUCKLEY) [1892]
	Orestes [d|AG-BC408] (tr E P COLERIDGE) [?]
15081	Orestes [d|AG-BC408] (tr T A BUCKLEY) [1892]
	Bacchantes [d|AG-BC406] (tr anon) [?]
15081,P	The Bacchae [d|AG-BC406] (tr T A BUCKLEY) [1892]
35173,B	The Bacchae Of Euripides [d|AG-BC406] (tr Gilbert MURRAY) [pub:1906]
	Iphigenia At Aulis [d|AG-BC405] (tr anon) [?]
15081	Iphigenia In Aulis [d|AG-BC405] (tr T A BUCKLEY) [1892]
	Chrysippus [d|AG-?] (tr ?) [?]
&	Jocasta [AG-?] (tr George GASCOIGNE & Frances KINWELMERSH) [?]

Charles Ernest EURIT {US} (M: 1890 Jun 5 - 1968 Apr 25)
	The Eurit Dental Card Filing System [n|1923]

Wilhelm EUKEN (see: Ernst RUNSCHKE)

EURYTHMIC (see: (John Henry Patrick) Frank(=Francis) O'LOGHLEN)

EUSEBIA (see: Mary HAYS)


Rev, Laurence EUSDEN (M: baptised 1688 Sep 6 - 1730 Sep 27)

Bp, EUSEBIUS, of Caesarea, aka EUSEBIUS Pamphili (M: c265 - 340)
C	History Of The Christian Church [n|La?-325]
	Chronicle [n|La?-?]
C	The Life Of The Blessed Emperor Constantine [b|La-?] (tr ?) [?]

Alice EUSTACE (see: Mary Ann THOMAS)

Cecil John EUSTACE {CA} (M: 1903 Jun 5 - ?)
	The Scarlet Gentleman [f|1927]
	Damaged Lives [f|1934]

George Wallace EUSTACE {UK} (M: 1870 Apr 25 - 1945 Jun 18)
	Arundel Borough And Castle [n|1921]

May EUSTACE, nee CORCORAN {IE} (F: 1904 Apr 4 - ?)
	Cats In Clover [1962]
	The Royal Cat Of Siam [1962]

Robert EUSTACE (see: Eustace Robert BARTON)

Bartolomeo EUSTACHI, aka Bartolommeo EUSTACHIO, aka EUSTACHIUS (M: c1514 - 1574 Aug 27)

Prof, Alvin (Allen) EUSTIS {US} (M: 1917 Jun 17 - 1994 Jun 11)
	Hippolyte Taine And The Classical Genius [n|1951]
	Trois Critiques De La 'Nouvelle Revue Française' [n|1961]

Edith (Livingston) EUSTIS, nee MORTON {US} (F: 1874 Jun 26 - 1964 Nov 12 (or 11))
	Marion Manning [f|1902]

Helen White EUSTIS, 1:Mrs FISHER, 2:Mrs HARRIS {US} (F: 1916 Dec 31 - 2015 Jan 11)
	The Horizontal Man [f|1946]
	The Captains And The Kings Depart [f|1949]
	The Fool Killer [f|1954]

John E EUSTIS (M: ? - ?)
	Addresses Of Hon John E Eustis.. (w William T HORNADAY) [e|1903]

Mayor, William Henry EUSTIS {US} (M: 1845 Jul 17 - 1928 Nov 29)
	Autobiography.. [a|1936]

Max(=Machgielis) EUWE {NL} (M: 1901 May 20 - 1981 Nov 26)