New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors

Author names starting with  Eo

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More information on many of these authors, and on other books of theirs, is contained in their individual webpages, which can be found by searching on their names at the top-level of the Author and Book Info .com site.

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Joseph Marie EON (M: ? - ?)
	The Battle Of Flanders [n|Fr-?] (tr D BOLTON) [1943]
	From The Battle Of Flanders To The Battle Of Africa [n|1944]

Istvan EORSI {HU} (M: 1931 Jun 16 - 2005 Oct 13)
	Utni Az Ordogot! [p|Hu-1956]

Baron, József EÖTVÖS (De VÁSÁROSNAMÉNY) (M: 1813 Sep 3 (or 13 or 23) - 1871 Feb 2)
	A Megfagyott Gyermek [p|Hu-1840]
	A Karthauzi [f|Hu-1842]
	A Falu Jegyzoje [f|Hu-1846]
34819	  The Village Notary [f|Hu-1846] (tr O WENCKSTERN) [3v|1850]
	Magyarország 1814-ben [f|Hu-1847]
	Über Die Gleichberechtigung Der Nationalitäten In Österreich [n|Ge-1850]
	Der Einfluß Der Herrschenden Ideen..Auf Den Staat [n|Ge-1851-54]
	A Növérek [f|Hu-1858]
	Die Garantien Der Macht Und Einheit Österreichs [n|Ge-1859]
	A Nemzetiségi Kérdés [n|Hu-1865]